Sentences with phrase «recovery methods»

Try to incorporate rest days and recovery methods in training sessions.
This is one of the best warm ups, cool downs and active recovery methods available.
Another common recovery method for water polo players is the use of an ice bath.
Companies approach this more or less aggressively, using the interest and cost recovery methods, each of which present their own risks / issues.
When comparing active recovery to both passive recovery and stretching, active recovery was the most effective recovery method after exercise [4].
Typical work activities completed by these employees include encouraging residents to socialize, organizing group meetings, implementing recovery methods, and handling troubled residents.
Unfortunately, though, this only works if you used the custom recovery method.
Click here if you're interested in learning more about Steps, a gospel - centered approach to the traditional 12 - step recovery method.
Read up on how yoga changes the structure of your brain, and give this chill recovery method a try.
Design to work in conjunction with proven successful recovery methods.
Although youth athletes are naturally efficient at recovering quickly, there are multiple recovery methods to ensure their bodies get the rest and energy they need.
You also have to be sure to use whatever recovery methods you can to accelerate your progress.
With more evidence emerging for heat as a viable recovery method, it's worth a shot if you're an athlete looking to get back in action faster between sessions.
Another interesting design choice is the decision to drop the now widely adopted recovery method of restoring health.
So, you should start embracing active recovery methods.
Regardless of which method you choose, both incorporate aspects of more well - known recovery methods like yoga, tai chi, and swimming.
After an intense game, players should re-fuel their body and incorporate a variety of recovery methods to prepare for the next game, especially during long tournaments.
If your debt is sent to the Treasury Department, you should be aware that they can collect using intrusive recovery methods, which include garnishing your wages, Social Security benefits or other retirement benefits, offsetting your bank accounts, and withholding any federal income tax refunds.
The boom in natural gas production, due largely to new recovery methods such as hydraulic fracturing, has provided the United States a domestic energy abundance that seemed far - fetched a decade ago.
Founded in 1942 by Romanian ballet dancer and swimmer Juliu Horvath, the gyrotonic recovery method isn't as buzzy as cryotherapy or stretching.
Marshall said as things stand, 51 percent of all oil production in the state is through «tertiary» mechanisms, or enhanced recovery methods targeted in the proposed ban as opposed to conventional forms of extraction.
«Using recovery methods, oil production in Mexico would increase by nearly 800 thousand barrels per day.»
The $ 1M dollar question is of course if the company can succeed in proving up a commercial recovery method, as this is new territory.
The project was previously mined in the late 1980s, and produced 34,000 ounces of gold, averaging 1.8 g / t gold via heap leach recovery methods.
The experience radically changed him, and he's since become an advocate for what's known as the 12 - step program, an addiction recovery method based largely on Christian principles that is centered on a reliance on a higher power, self - reflection and forgiveness.
Some have focused on the jobs potential in recovering a particular product, such as tires or electronics; some have considered the jobs impacts of recovering a particular material, such as plastics or precious metals; and still others have looked at the jobs benefits of a particular recovery method, such as curbside recycling or composting.
It will be great to see how they prepare the team, what sort of sports science they are using, including recovery methods, so we can bring that knowledge back here.»
But the fossil finders seldom know or follow proper recovery methods.
Given this, advanced and improved recovery methods should be implemented to increase reserves and production of supplies in the country, comments Edgar René Rangel Germán commissioner in the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) of Mexico.
the problems with too much exercise, inadequate calorie intake, and not enough emphasis on recovery methods like meditation and adequate sleep
Intense college training demands more specific recovery methods.
Another common recovery method for collegiate athletes is the use of an ice bath.
Your habit can become a «band - aid» solution, masking the underlying problem of insufficient sleep and perhaps poor recovery methods.
Other than these simple sleep hacks you can look into different recovery methods like active stretching, yoga, float therapy, cryotherapy, self - myofascial release, acupuncture, and more.
Infiniti introduces the first variable compression engine, Audi unveils new energy recovery method, Nissan improves warranty on Titan pickup and more.
The different absorbents created from trash all had far higher recover rates that traditional recovery methods, in addition to having a lighter environmental footprint.
Typical recovery methods for precious metals include using activated carbon or polymeric resin absorbent are not always effective and the better they are, the more expensive they are.
2 May 3, 2017)(unpublished), a trial judge in a class action case awarded $ 29,409 in attorney's fees to class counsel under the private attorney general statute based on the percentage - of - recovery method rather than the lodestar method.
Click «Advanced Recovery Methods» in the window that appears and then click the «Use a system image you created earlier to recover your computer» link.
With Windows 8.1, it's more important than ever to configure your Microsoft account's security settings and recovery methods so you'll be able to recover your files if you ever get locked out of your Microsoft account.
In March, June and September 2016, we will be offering an 8 - week Grief Recovery Method Group for adults.
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