Sentences with phrase «recovery time»

"Recovery time" refers to the amount of time it takes for someone or something to get back to a normal or healthy state after experiencing an illness, injury, or difficult situation. Full definition
In theory, a database of recovery times for bacterial and antibiotic combinations could allow first - line antibiotics to clear many resistant infections.
This is not the usual common occurrence thank goodness, but sometimes if complications arise there could be a longer recovery time for a woman who has an assisted birth.
Conventional muscle building wisdom holds that you should allow at least 48 hours of recovery time between exercise sessions for a given muscle group.
In addition to increased energy bee pollen will boost your athletic performance and reduce recovery time after you workout.
This is one reason why many people report the need for increased recovery time after they exercise.
It is a challenging form of cardio and requires recovery time in between sessions.
Very importantly for people who train, they markedly shorten recovery time from fatigue.
This is where the shorter recovery times come in.
Take as little recovery time as possible — you've only got 10 minutes, after all.
This helps to increase recovery time from illness, injury and muscle strain.
At the very least, your muscles need more recovery time when you work them that hard.
Omega - 3 fish oil helps improve recovery time by reducing soreness and stiffness after a workout.
Add a little of the powder to your smoothies every day for a faster recovery time after workouts.
The typical bursts of power last from 20 - 30 seconds up to a couple of minutes with recovery times between ranging from 10 seconds again up to a couple of minutes.
If you work out regularly, the potassium found in banana will help to shorten recovery time after exercising.
Additionally, creatine can helps decrease recovery time after heavy weight lifting.
My body needs recovery time in order for optimal performance and in order to avoid injury and build strength, my muscles need to rest.
It is a benefit to the pet by reducing pain, reducing the amount of drugs needed, making joints function better, and it helps with quicker recovery time after surgery.
The delayed diagnosis of any illness can cause worse symptoms and prolonged recovery times.
This nutrient has been shown to improve blood vessel function, improve recovery time by reducing inflammation, increase exercise duration and support cardiovascular health.
It can help speed recovery time between training sessions due to an increase in nitrogen levels in the muscle cells which assists in protein synthesis.
After a valid run the watch automatically generates a report that advises on recovery time and training effects.
Are you giving your muscles enough recovery time between sessions?
How much recovery time do I have on this move?
Training is still intense, but generally there is adequate recovery time for the body to receive many of it's nutrients from food.
This has seriously cut my muscle recovery times down by at least 2 days from heavy sets.
It has a little less recovery time, is not quite as invasive.
In addition to enhanced performance, you can expect a better recovery time with this hormone supplement.
There is very little recovery time from this procedure and your resume will be networking in no time.
This prevents the onset of disease and speeds up recovery time when illness does occur.
This can be a life - altering injury that may result in permanent disability, extended recovery time and loss of work, and even death.
We can't tell you to rest for a specific amount of time because recovery time varies greatly from person to person.
These amino acids reduce recovery times following intense workouts and alleviate muscle fatigue and muscle damage 6.
All of these can require lengthy recovery times, serious operations like hip replacement surgery, and even nursing home stays.
With this useful information, you should allow at least 48 hours of recovery time before hitting a given muscle group again.
But when you believe it was unnecessary, then it's really hard to look beyond the extra recovery time and impact on future pregnancies.
Natural remedies can safely reduce your dog's uncomfortable symptoms during an upper respiratory tract infection and possibly cut recovery time.
Many of these procedures are now done with laser treatments, making recovery time around 10 to 14 days.
First, your injury recovery time may be prolonged, and second, it sends the message to the insurance adjuster that your injuries and pain are not as bad as you claim.
The average recovery time for a relatively fit fellow is 24 hours.
The solution lies in combining volume training with strength building exercises, and allowing sufficient recovery time before blasting up your muscles during the next session.
We provide advanced procedures that effectively treat disease while preserving organ function and minimizing recovery time.
The discoveries of the study were made by first examining the drought recovery times of various regions around the world.
PC sales have declined in 2012 for the first time in years, and not expected to mount a significant recovery any time soon.
I found that the typical recovery time between training periods is 48 hours to allow the muscle to adequately heal.
There are different recovery times for people for this type of injury.
In some of these cases, the injuries sustained by hotel guests may be long - term, particularly painful or require extensive recovery time in a hospital.
If you don't provide your body with the proper recovery time in between workouts, your muscles will never have a chance to grow.
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