Sentences with phrase «reform community»

I feel like we've been a lone voice on this in an education reform community where most people care about reading and math scores.
The school reform community is a bipartisan movement and has been since its origins.
But it is rare to come across material dealing with the practical tasks of reforming communities.
It is rare to come across teachings in the church dealing with the practical tasks of reforming communities.
She routinely interacts with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, whose districts overlaps largely with CB1, and with Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, who has sought to reform the community boards in Manhattan.
We have just celebrated our first birthday but in that short year have proven leaders in the legal innovation space (18 active legal tech startups working in our incubator) and in the Access to Justice space (we led a four month Family Reform Community Collaboration which has been well received by experts across the board — , so this was truly a natural partnership that made sense.
Ryerson University's Legal Innovation Zone (LIZ) released a February 2016 report following a lengthy Family Reform Community Collaboration that I participated in, which envisioned a better approach to family law disputes through the use of early screening and triage to appropriate resources.
I love the idea of swapping out «grace» or «wiggle room» for «flexibility,» a word which has become truly toxic in the school food reform community.
And the mayor has faced criticism from onetime supporters in the police reform community for his hiring of Police Commissioner Bill Bratton and his strong support of the «broken windows» theory of policing, which holds that paying attention to smaller crimes will help stop larger ones from occurring.
We are a team of communicators and pollsters from three separate companies who have worked with the education reform community often over the past decade.
The Orthodox, whose longing for Zion kept the idea alive even when early Reform communities were declaring Germany (I) to be their fatherland, produced ultra-Orthodox splinters that reject the modern state of Israel as an imposter.
The records of the Augustinian Order show that the request to be allowed to appeal to the Pope against the Bull amalgamating other Saxon friaries to Erfurt and the other reformed communities was not allowed by the Procurator General of the Order.
Despite heated rhetoric on both sides of the aisle — critics said an IG would hamper and hamstring the NYPD's work and advocates promised it would bring about the wholesale reform community activists were crying for — the apparent impact of the new office, at least so far, has been minimal.
Stringer, who is running for comptroller, has made reforming community boards a chief focus of his time as borough president.
While Steve's at the conference of the World Federation of Science Journalists in London, we look ahead to some of the programming coming your way in the coming weeks, and we replay our 2007 interview with surgeon Atul Gawande, whose recent research in The New England Journal of Medicine and writing in The New Yorker have caused a big stir in the medical and health care reform communities.
The Fordham Institute hosted a discussion on Monday, June 20, 2016 about what the education reform community agrees on.
Of course, all of us in the education - reform community want to figure out how systems can attract, support, and reward the Eleanor Palms of the world.
In a city where school reform has become a cottage industry, her insistence that African - American children be taught to take standardized tests made her an outcast from the established reform community.
Once a certain degree of policy adequacy is in place (reasonably smart laws around autonomy and authorizing, decent - enough funding), the difference between good sectors and great sectors boils down to the «ecosystem» built by the local reform community.
What the education reform community too often misses is that families hire schools to do many other services, including a custodial job — to care for children and keep them safe while parents are at work or otherwise unavailable.
The education reform community lost a champion in August when John E. Brandl died of cancer on the eve of his 71st birthday.
For years, people of color have been relegated to sitting at the proverbial back of the bus in the education reform community although we have been the ones trusted by the communities we serve.
The collective education and education policy reform community have been talking about and using the words «teacher leadership» for years, but when I ask different stakeholders what teacher leadership is and how it is formally recognized and understood in the context o...
Mondo credit is due to Mike and the entire Colorado reform community.
Strengthen and reform the community college experience to promote gains in student enrollment, persistence, completion or transfer with subsequent completion at a four - year institution, and employment.
To that end, the Center's research products are designed to inform policymakers, practicing leaders and the educational reform community, along with scholars.
According to the notice on the Broad Academy website, Hite has been moving up with the help of the corporate school reform community for years:
The Associated Press» story blaming charter schools for re-segregating schools has the ed reform community in a tizzy.
-LSB-...] Yesterday's post showing an elementary school «kitchen» the size of closet garnered favorable feedback from some in the school food reform community, who were grateful for the discussion of school kitchen infrastructure.
When de Blasio appointed Bill Bratton, an architect of the broken windows policing model, to again serve as police commissioner, Gangi wanted to «give him a chance,» against the wishes of his compatriots in the police reform community.
Upper East Side Councilman Ben Kallos introduced a controversial process to reform Community Board 8.
Two years ago the LIZ launched the Family Reform Community Collaboration to see if the community could come together to outline an approach that would provide the families that wanted it with a faster, simpler and more affordable approach to resolving their family separation issues.
On Saturday, Feb. 4, we hope that you and your school community will join local families, elected officials and the greater education reform community from across Los Angeles for: «Schools We Can Believe In» Citywide Rally for Excellent Schools.
ACEs Connection is a social network that accelerates the global movement toward recognizing the impact of adverse childhood experiences in shaping adult behavior and health, and reforming all communities and institutions — from schools to prisons to hospitals and churches — to help heal and develop resilience rather than to continue to traumatize already traumatized people.
I was drawn to her vision of politics as tumultuous and inaugural in nature — always forming and reforming communities and re-establishing the importance of public life.
«For too long, Frank Padavan has blocked many of the bills and reforms our communities and our state need,» Avella told his supporters.
Hynes is from a well - known and well - connected Democratic family in Chicago while Quinn's political roots are in the reform community.
That doesn't seem to come naturally for a reform community populated by impassioned people who are distractedly eyeballing our e-mail while half - reading our iPads and hustling to hop on the next conference call.
He's a prized possession of the ed - reform community.
Education Next's Paul Peterson and Chester E. Finn, Jr. talk this week (October 22) about wishful thinking in the education reform community.
It's an article of faith in the school reform community that we should be striving to prepare all students for success in college — if not a four - year degree, then some other recognized and reputable post-secondary credential.
It's a lesson for all of us in the reform community.
It argues that while members of the reform community continue to advance district and charter efforts, they should also support initiatives that make high - quality private schools accessible to low - income families.
The members of the education - reform community — the people who are running organizations such as Teach for America, New Leaders for New Schools, KIPP, and Achievement First — are essential.
So much of the education - reform community was so desirous of Duncan's success — one of our own!
It is striking how seldom the reform community discusses preservation.
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