Sentences with phrase «reform goals»

Likewise in education, a more strategic compensation structure would tie teacher pay to education reform goals and strategies.
A new strain of thinking within the teacher unions holds that collective bargaining can advance reform goals.
So lets see reform goals that don't attack teachers.
The school board has frequently held retreats for personnel to renew their commitment to Beliefs and Visions, the board's early statement of reform goals and strategies.
If Congress really wants to help the inventors, business owners, and entrepreneurs in this country, it will make comprehensive patent reform the goal.
In the wake of the electoral reform referendum defeat Lib Dems were faced with the bitter reality of a complete failure to achieve one of their biggest constitutional reform goals.
He says Cuomo listed three major reform goals during his campaign for governor, ethics reform, redistricting reform and campaign finance reform.
Indeed, we share the same reform goals — and I look forward following the election of Andrew Cuomo as Governor to implementing the necessary reform measures our state so clearly needs.
Updegrove said he saw the meeting as an important step in achieving reform goals, and praised the two state lawmakers for attending Tuesday's meeting.
He and other key stakeholders — including union leaders, the Board of Regents chancellor, and state legislators — came together to hammer out reform goals for the round - two grant submission.
For example, the content knowledge and problem - solving skills measured by the PARCC and MCAS tests are not identical, and the tests might differ in the extent to which they align with specific high - school curricular reform goals or teaching standards.
With the help of teachers and principals, Ward and Steele - Pierce led the district to identify two core reform goals: fostering a vigorous academic setting and ensuring that every student is known well by at least one adult.
Much of the credit, of course, goes to RTTT itself, which set broad but rigorous reform goals, then dangled a nice prize in front of cash - strapped states ($ 700 million in New York's case) that proved they were serious about attaining them.
In the heavily unionized public system, will we find a way to align teacher pay with reform goals?
Through these efforts, the consortium will share, validate, and refine its RADD II recommendations to improve postsecondary data in support of broader financial aid reform goals and to offer additional policy opportunities.
A larger corporate reform goal, in addition to changing the way schools and classrooms function, is reflected in the attacks on collective bargaining and teacher unions and in the permanent crisis of school funding across the country.
Understanding the overarching law and policy reform goals of the human rights organization and understanding what other work it is doing to achieve its objectives will also shape the relationship among members of the legal team.
As strategic allies in the SJC, APA and NLADA are committed to supporting jurisdictions in fulfilling their criminal justice reform goals.
In an article in RealClearPolitics, «Daniels Closes in on Education Reform Goal» on April 27, 2011, Indiana is lauded for having passed sweeping education reform, following in the spirit of Governor Jeb Bush and Florida.
They discuss the agency, its reform goals, and its services.
Any successful redesign will require a clear - eyed assessment of what has and has not worked in the effort to achieve the last generation's reform goals, and must open itself to new aims.
McQuillan — along with several superintendents and principals from around the state — said the state's new in - school suspension law — scheduled to go into effect July 1 — is also critical to the state's education reform goals and the RTTT application.
These grants will focus on four reform goals — using data to drive instruction, raising standards, turning around historically low - performing schools, and improving teacher and principal quality — as described in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
But «reforms» that start with «teachers are paid too much,» only serve to undermine your reform goals.
Cuomo, who vowed to «save charter schools» at that 2014 rally, sidelined his education reform goals this year after a bitter fight with teachers» unions during the last session.
Aligning a high - quality PreK experience with its overall education reform goals has helped MCPS achieve significant results: almost 90 percent of Kindergarteners enter first grade with essential early literacy skills; nearly 88 percent of third graders read proficiently; achievement gaps between different racial and ethnic groups across all grade levels have declined by double digits; 90 percent of seniors graduate from high school and about 77 percent of them enroll in college.
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