Sentences with phrase «reform ideas»

At first blush, one might conclude that these programs and approaches all belong on the trash heap of education reform ideas.
The groups are asking the governor to essentially put his money where his mouth is when it comes to campaign donation reform ideas like public financing and a new agency to police violations.
What do you think are some good ed reform ideas for the federal government to fund at the local level?
There is a strong likelihood that Price will entertain medical reform ideas from conservative think tanks.
The best reform ideas begin at the state and local level.
He notes that none of the current high - profile reform ideas would explain or enhance her expertise.
It is better to listen to less vested groups when thinking about reform ideas.
With this in mind I'd like to share a tort reform idea for the better which recently crossed my mind.
And most of all: What she does post is pretty much unrelentingly critical of reform ideas like charter schools and test - based accountability.
In «Two Minutes with Mitch» local radio personality Mitch Henck gives his two cents on school reform ideas pushed by Lowell Holtz, a candidate for Wisconsin superintendent of public instruction.
Uncertainty about several proposed tax reform ideas in Congress concerns farmers, ranchers, and land owners in general, writes Max Hansen.
One interpretation of the emphasis on developing the common core curriculum is that these debates provide a convenient diversion from potentially more intractable fights over bigger reform ideas like using improved teacher evaluations for personnel decisions, expanded school choice, or enhanced accountability systems.
As reform ideas expand from school choice to educational choice — not just where a child learns but how they learn — more research is needed on the accounts to determine how a menu of educational choices affects student achievement and parent satisfaction over a longer time horizon.
Wrapping both recent and long - held education reform ideas into one package, Gov. Tim Pawlenty on Monday proposed a bill that he hopes positions Minnesota for a second shot at millions of dollars as part of President Barack Obama's Race to the Top initiative...
Education reform ideas pushed by both political parties have put a strong focus on teacher performance and curbing union power like never before.
A House bill to revamp the Higher Education Act has moved out of committee for debate, while the Senate is still discussing reform ideas in committee.
Mark Pudlow, spokesperson for the Florida Education Association, the teachers union that has fought pitched battles against many of Florida's recent initiatives, acknowledges the result of Florida Virtual School's approach: «[It] never developed the kind of mistrust that tends to be associated with other reform ideas
Posted by president Todd Schulte, the statement doesn't name Trump specifically but calls out the «voices yelling for mass deportation,» an immigration reform idea Trump has supported.
Dick Dadey, executive director of government reform group Citizens Union, complimented Cuomo's efforts, praising «a novel and innovative campaign finance reform idea is a welcomed salve to the growing number of independent committees through which a select number of large donors control much of the political dialogue and activity.»
We urge the Speaker Candidates to commit to reforming and modernizing our institution, and we seek your input on the following reform ideas.
Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed tighter campaign finance limits, term limits and restrictions on how much lawmakers can make from outside jobs, but none of those government reform ideas made it into the budget.
Yet two other big - picture tendencies are also visible in these data, and it strikes me that they matter more over the long run than any one year's blips around particular reform ideas.
Charter and merit - pay supporters outnumbered opponents by 2:1, but a near plurality of the public refused to take a position on either issue, revealing just how much further into the public consciousness reform ideas need to penetrate.
B) What do you think are some good ed reform ideas for the federal government to fund at the local level?
«Like most reform ideas, I think it depends how you do it.
Charter schools aren't the only reform idea promoted as a way to spread innovative ideas throughout public education.
Norton said the changes in state funding have sparked other possible reform ideas specific to San Francisco.
However, school reformers in the United States need to be careful when considering equity - based reform ideas to be imported from Finland.
-LSB-...] High Schools on a Human Scale shows the huge power of small schools, perhaps the nation's fastest - growing reform idea.
Going through the event's website, one sees the typical «progressive» reform ideas including pleas for «more money for education» and «smaller class sizes,» but one thing did jump out at me — the obsessive hatred of standardized testing.
Finn takes the mayor - elect to task for his wrong - headed and meaningless reform ideas, such as his intention to «fix» but not close failing schools and his call for useless and expensive «across - the - board class - size reduction.»
Sitting in an ivory palace pulling school reform ideas off the top of your head is -LSB-...]
In blog language, it's IFTK, or «It's for the kids» — a phrase that some use to defend their own reform ideas.
Teachers» beliefs regarding science reform ideas are important elements of educational change, as there is a relationship between what teachers believe and what they do in the classroom (Haney, Lumpe, Czerniak, & Egan, 2002).
Yet while the fear may not be spreading around the school district as much as the status quo defenders would like, some of the Board's bold reform ideas soon may be spreading to other parts of Colorado... and the nation.
Even strong educational reform ideas, such as the small schools movement, have foundered not because they were weak proposals, but because they were scaled nationally before practitioners had the body of knowledge required to implement them well.
They're in a tough spot and I think, while this precise move might not be that significant, it shows a general increasing awareness that their public positions of hostility to a lot of the current reform ideas are hurting them more than helping them.»
WASHINGTON — Just as promised, Republican lawmakers went to work Wednesday considering regulatory reform ideas that would go further than the Senate's tweaks of the Dodd - Frank Act.
During the last legislative session (from 2015 - 2016), the Michigan legislature considered a number of no - fault reform ideas.
Cuomo's suggestion was the latest addition to what's turning into a menu of reform ideas that Cuomo has brought up in recent months.
Bush was in Michigan in June to testify for Governor Rick Snyder's suite of education reform ideas, which include uncapped expansion of virtual schools, and he was back in the state in July to continue to press for reforms.

Phrases with «reform ideas»

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