Sentences with phrase «reform leaders»

If you were selecting an education reform leader for any country, what attributes and skills would you be looking for in him / her?
Some school administrators have been innovators and reform leaders in these areas.
A noted attorney, author, and national school reform leader.
In addition, educational reform leaders and funding agencies do not currently have easy and efficient ways of monitoring if teaching changes are happening in real - world courses.
A candid discussion between three prominent education reform leaders on what they see as problems within the movement, and what needs to change to sustain it.
What contemporary education reform leaders, organizations, or ideas most encourage and excite you?
The news puts Moskowitz in the company of other education reform leaders like former D.C. public schools chief Michelle Rhee and Center for Education Reform director Jeanne Allen, among others.
Groups like StudentsFirstNY, New Teacher Project and Families for Excellent Schools, along with reform leaders like Success Academy C.E.O. Eva Moskowitz, are all in support of the Vergara ruling and some are already identifying elements of New York's tenure laws they'd want changed, though concrete legal action remains hypothetical.
McAdams and Lynn Jenkins have written, «Philanthropic dollars are especially valuable because they can be invested in activities that have no political constituency but are high priorities for reform leaders
A Democrat who took office in 2014 after a contentious 2013 primary and landslide general election, de Blasio is consolidating organized party support ahead of this September's primary, for which his main opposition is former City Council Member Sal Albanese and police reform leader Robert Gangi.
ICYMI: Education reform leaders respond to the attack on families and education reform advocates by AFT President Randi Weingarten.
on Connecticut Ed Reform Leader urges business leaders to say something when poor have too many children
When reform leaders point to New York now, it serves as a cautionary tale about how sweeping reforms can dissipate seemingly overnight.
«With so many new specialty drugs in the pipeline and few well - known brand - name drugs going off - patent in the near future, the drug cost problem will certainly get worse before it gets better,» Mercer's U.S. health reform leader Tracy Watts said.
The Republican tax reform leader in the Senate, Orrin Hatch of Utah, said it would be «miraculous» if President Trump could achieve his lower tax brackets for Americans.
Two government reform leaders, Susan Lerner of Common Cause, and Barbara Bartoletti of the League of Women Voters, say they have plenty of suggestions.
Unions have argued that New York's laws are significantly more stringent than California's, while reform leaders say the two sets of laws are the same in essence if not in content.
There will be a press conference by Graham's family and police reform leaders during the trial lunch break, outside of 1 Police Plaza.
Ed - reform leaders rarely comment on the need to protect our social fabric by insulating some longstanding institution, practice, or relationships from change (though Fordham's own Robert Pondiscio has shared some worthy thoughts on the subject).
Reform leaders don't need unanimous support from local influentials, but losing all local elite support can be fatal.
It must've been painful for Duncan to tell strong - willed reform leaders like Colorado state senator Mike Johnston and state chief Dwight Jones, or Louisiana's state chief Paul Pastorek or New Schools for New Orleans honcho Sarah Usdin, «Sorry about that, but go check out Hawaii's reform agenda.»
Education Reform Leader Touts Springfield Empowerment Zone as Model Program for Struggling Schools (MassLive) Adjunct Lecturer Chris Gabrieli discusses efforts to improve nine struggling schools in Springfield, Mass..
As Connecticut nears the 20th anniversary of its charter school law, parents, students and educators came to the Capitol today to celebrate the diversity of its schools and welcome a nationally recognized Hispanic education reform leader who spoke on the importance of school choice for families.
There are up - front costs to consider that inevitably redirect resources from other purposes, and reform leaders risk losing political capital if the innovative policies they institute fall flat.
State Charter Association Congratulates Four New Charter Schools Slated to Open in 2017 - 4/13/2016 National education reform leader joins charter school community at Capitol for Charter Awareness Day this Thursday - 4/18/2016
Participants in this 15 - member group are researchers, methodologists, practitioners, and comprehensive school reform leaders representing a strong, diverse set of knowledge and expertise.
As the debate about the value of charters is heating up to new levels since the news that billionaire school reform leader Eli Broad and several other powerful players are planning a massive expansion of charter schools in LA Unified, these numbers are likely to be spun in both directions by the opposing sides of the charter debate.
Reform leaders dedicated themselves to developing better and more precise instruments for inspecting performance quality.
The start of the 2015 - 16 school year is an exciting time for Catholic schools — perhaps even a «renaissance of inner - city Catholic schooling,» according to education reform leader Andy Smarick.
Join us at this year's Reform Leaders Summit.
Excel in Ed Conference & School Visits (Nashville, TN) Sonia and Elsa attended the Excel In Ed conference, a convening of school reform leaders from across the nation and around the world to -LSB-...]
OTM school reform leaders saw in their schools a continuum of leadership, beginning with new classroom leaders and extending all the way to the school and district level leadership.
While Moskowitz has found herself on the defensive at home, Success is still seen as a national charter model by many influential reform leaders.
Also featured: interviews with school reform leaders Theodore R. Sizer, New York City Public Schools» Chief Academic Officer for New Schools Eric Nadelstern, and Warren Simmons, Executive Director of the Annenberg Institute for School Reform.
CLA will work in collaboration with arts and justice reform leaders to produce Art for Justice Forums, which will include videotaped symposia, facilitated networking dialogues and art exhibitions in Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Michigan, New York and California.
For the first time, it was possible for reform leaders to publicly reference relevant data and gain a broad constituency for proposed reforms.
These Councils included representation from four Aboriginal communities, four State Government Directors Generals, a senior representative of the community services sector, a senior Commonwealth Government representative, and the State Reform Leader, Regional Services Reform Unit, Mr Grahame Searle.
NYCAN executive director Derrell Bradford put it this way at a meeting of education reform leaders in January:
Good Morning ICYMI: Education reform leaders respond to the attack on families and education reform advocates by AFT President Randi Weingarten.
As advocates, parents, ed reform leaders and citizens across the state are lobbying and advocating for the passing of various bills to help with school improvement, the biggest question on the table...
Education reform leaders like Bill Gates have disrupted our public schools without considering how their plans disturb the education of children and upset the lives of families.
Take a look at Curtis Black's excellent tribute to the late Don Moore, the leader of Designs for Change and a true school reform leader.
As education reform leaders and unions fight over policies that mandate rigorous teacher evaluations and encourage the growth of charter schools, poor kids are losing out in the most basic of ways — a situation that embeds them deeper in the cycle of poverty.
One former minister was reported at the weekend as saying that Miliband had once been thought of as a reforming leader in the mould of Kinnock but that «people are increasingly thinking he is Iain Duncan Smith».
In defending their spending and high - profile backers, education reform leaders have often portrayed teachers» unions as deep - pocketed behemoths representing special interests.
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