Sentences with phrase «reform measures»

The phrase "reform measures" means making changes or improvements to a specific system or situation in order to solve problems or make it better. Full definition
It includes an enormous list of reform measures, affecting everything from debit cards to mortgage loans.
Now consider current reform measures in your own district.
The move suggested a larger push to reach a deal on ethics reform measures before the budget is due to pass next week.
Numerous important school choice and education reform measures were introduced this year.
Several of the most closely watched tort reform measures would make it more costly for plaintiffs to bring cases against large corporate defendants.
With the passage of the tax reform measures late last year, many taxpayers are looking forward to seeing some savings when they file their 2018 tax returns early next year.
The governor has been unsuccessful in the past getting major reform measures passed in the legislature.
The tax would not be imposed until 2018, giving health plans more time to benefit from possible cost savings from other reform measures.
All school reform measures include opportunities for all students in all grades to become engaged in education.
Nonetheless, neither could provide any kind of timeframe in which the police reform measures might receive another hearing or a vote.
There is no row between the Government and the churches over the welfare reform measures that came into effect yesterday.
Despite the overwhelming evidence that school choice works, opponents of parental choice have increasingly stepped up their efforts to defeat these common - sense educational reform measures.
A rising rate cycle and uncertainty about reform measures pose risks to economic growth and financial markets.
Regardless of how the tax reform measures work out, a slowdown in construction activity is inevitable because of the high vacancy rates at this point in the real estate cycle.
Despite a debt reform measure in 2000, the state's debt burden continues in part due to economic conditions.
The most likely reform measure to become law is a proposal to cancel the pensions of elected officials convicted of a felony.
Indeed, because all academic reform measures have to be self - financing, if new positions are created, others have to be lost.
The unions show no genuine evidence of endorsing reform measures, however much their leaders may pose as agents of change.
We believe global stocks have greater performance potential than global bonds, over the next five to 10 years, in an environment of reform measures, improving global growth and moderate inflation.
His spokesman has denied any connection, and says his opposition to tort reform measures is based on principle.
protect campaign finance reform measures adopted by initiative from being gutted by the sitting Legislature, as has happened in Massachusetts, Missouri, and South Dakota.
Cuomo signed the executive order last week after state lawmakers could not agree on a package of criminal justice reform measures such as changes to the grand jury process as well as a special monitor for certain police brutality cases.
Republicans on Tuesday in Albany continued to protest the release of convicted cop killer Herman Bell, backing a package of reform measures for the state Parole Board.
Topping the list: Families for Excellent Schools, a group that backs education reform measures as well as strengthening charter schools.
But there was also a sense among lawmakers that the education reform measures approved in the budget will not just have wide - reaching effects for schools and politics, but will likely be before them again next year.
At the same time, the ethics watchdogs criticized Cuomo, who proposed the initial measure in June, for not going far enough on reform measures in Albany in the wake of a series of corruption scandals and arrests that have plagued the Legislature.
The mailer in the Nassau County Senate district touts Cronin's proposals, including term limits for state lawmakers, campaign finance reform measures such as closing the LLC loophole, boosting penalties for corruption and support for stripping public officials of their pensions if they are convicted of corruption — the latter of which is now up for second passage in the Legislature next year as a constitutional amendment.
On December 22, 2017, Congress passed a new tax reform measure which resulted in an expansion of the 529 college savings plans to save for future education costs.
«So it is exciting that everyone in the district will have a new representative, but it speaks to the need for various reform measures so that more folks are able to get involved in the process.
Even without investigations dominating the headlines, lawmakers were likely to contend with growing calls for ethics and campaign finance reform measures following the sentencing of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to 12 years in prison.
Among other things, this tort reform measure put caps on damages (statutory limits to the amount of money one could recover in a lawsuit, even if a jury awards them more).
«If (Paladino) is truly serious about reform, I challenge him to take on incumbent Republican state Senators who did nothing to push reform measures when they had the majority under Leader Joe Bruno, are indicative of the corrupt practices of Albany and campaign to purge them from the party.»
Even China, the world's largest consumer of coal, pledged in its recent economic reform measures to reduce the amount burned.
Dr. Driver is a high - energy visionary who has initiated a series of bold reform measures designed to improve student outcomes through deeper engagement with community organizations, parents, students and staff, and by increasing opportunities for staff development and support.
The New York City PBA has been at odds with Mayor Bill de Blasio in recent months over police tactics and criminal justice reform measures sought after the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man who died after a choke hold administered by a police officer.
As the leading advocate for real estate professionals and their consumers, NAR supports regulatory reform measures that promote transparency, flexibility and certainty for the industry, striving to help qualified buyers with their real estate purchases.
If the upcoming November vote on whether the state will hold a constitutional convention is approved, Polanco said he would support trying to enshrine some voting reform measures into the updated constitution.
Proposed tax reform measures include limiting the mortgage interest deduction so that second homes and home equity loans would be excluded.
«The governor has signed 15 significant civil justice reform measures into law since being sworn in,» Joyce continued, «and the citizens of Wisconsin have benefited as a result.
«The identification and adoption of best practices in electoral framework and administration have placed countries under pressure to introduce electoral reform measures.
The Budget comes on the heels of the Drummond Report, which was released in mid-February and which recommended sweeping reform measures aimed at increasing efficiencies within the broader public service and the delivery of a variety government programs....
Cuomo then «dangled» the pay hike as enticement for a special session in December, to use Abinanti's word, that would have considered several government reform measures as well as a salary hike.
You'll see a huge amount of support for the Larson bill and other campaign finance reform measures from the freshman class and it does sort of seem like there's more than just a correlation there.
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