Sentences with phrase «reform platform»

Over the past few weeks, we have asked several incoming Democratic senators — all of whom ran on reform platforms — if they would be supporting Sampson for leader, and some wouldn't commit 100 percent to backing him.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris King laid claim Tuesday to the the Democrats» most far - ranging criminal justice reform platform by vowing to seek to end the death penalty, legalize marijuana, restore felons» voter rights, and close Florida's private prisons.
But by the late 1990s, at least a dozen state governors had built their education reform platforms around the idea, and it had become a federal priority under the Clinton administration.
Kaminsky, meanwhile, released a five - point ethics reform platform that include bans on lawmakers earning outside income, expanding penalties for corruption, campaign finance law changes and enhancing the powers of local district attorneys.
Remember: The relationship between Soares (who was originally elected on a drug law reform platform with assistance from the lefty WFP, which is very supportive of the Occupy Wall Street movement) and Cuomo have had a rocky relationship in the past.
The labor - backed party caved to Democratic gubernatorial front - runner Andrew Cuomo's demands and agreed to back his entire reform platform in exchange for his agreement to run on their WFP line.
Gov. Cuomo included public campaign financing in his 2010 gubernatorial campaign reform platform, and also highlighted it as a priority in his 2012 State of the State address.
Just because they cheered Cuomo's reform platform at the convention doesn't necessarily mean Democrats are ready to whole - heartedly endorse it.
«We've seen that Hillary Clinton has made common sense gun law reform a platform issue,» Kavanagh said.
He would not comment on his colleagues» absence from the rally but said it was a «sad day» for an administration and a Council that had run on police reform platforms.
At 10:30 a.m., NYC independent mayoral candidate Bo Dietl holds a press conference with the Reform Party's Curtis Sliwa and Frank Morano to discuss the campaign's focus and real reform platform, outside City Hall, Manhattan.
Obama was elected, and re-elected by solid MAJORITIES after running on a health care reform platform.
In his most recent article (which caught my eye), names were omitted, however I'm willing to bet the farm he was referring to State Assemblyman Ed Braunstein (and other candidates too) who rode into office touting reform platforms and two years later have failed to deliver on any of their promises.
There was a general sense of disappointment at the event in Mr. de Blasio, whom some claimed had lost touch with the liberal, pro-police reform platform he ran on in 2013.
Democrats who have been working on their own to advance many of Rhee's ideas complain they're finding it harder to win over party members because Rhee has made the entire reform platform look like a far - right agenda.
He went on to blame the city's Democratic leadership for this abysmal performance, failing to mention that the poor ratings and graduation results follow nearly three decades in which the city has embraced his central education reform platform: vouchers.
GPNY is calling on the state legislature to act now, but is also calling on voters to make a choice in November between Governor Cuomo's corruption and a Green candidate running on an aggressive ethics reform platform.
The City and State are both very comfortable with the current leaders, and fear any reform platform candidate challengers.
While Avella ran on a reform platform and the state has taken steps to be more transparent in the areas of ethics reform, he said more should be done, including limiting legislators» outside income.
His first experience with local politics came in 2007 when he won a seat on the Mattituck Park District board of commissioners, running on a reform platform.
Brooklyn, NY — Brooklyn political club New Kings Democrats (NKD) has adopted a reform platform for the Kings County Democratic Committee (AKA Brooklyn Democratic Party) aimed at improving the transparency, ethics, and accessibility of the local Democratic Committee.
AG Andrew Cuomo is campaigning on a reform platform, but accepted $ 320,540 worth of campaign cash from lobbyists in 2009.
A number of black elected officials» names had been circulating as potential No. 2s for Cuomo, including Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, whose local troubles were deemed too toxic for the AG's reform platform; and Sen. Andrea Stewart - Cousins, who is well - regarded but lacks executive experience and isn't considered a heavy hitter.
Basically, it's a codification of AG Andrew Cuomo's reform platform, which includes restructuring of the campaign finance system, nonpartisan redistricting and an independent oversight body for the state Legislature.
Lynne Dixon was first elected to the Erie County Legislature in November 2009 on a reform platform that included reducing the size of the Legislature and eliminating district offices.
10:30 AM New York City Reform Party mayoral candidate Sal Albanese holds a press conference with the party's Curtis Sliwa and Frank Morano to discuss the campaign's focus and reform platform, outside City Hall, NYC.
Actually, I have been cross-endorsed by the Conservative Party, as well, and I am proud to have been one of the first candidates to sign on to the reform platform of New York Uprising.
Jindal, elected in 2007 on a reform platform, is almost certain to become one of the fresh young faces (he is 37 years old and Indian American) a Republican party that finds itself deep in the wilderness will turn to in the coming months.
During an announcement that was attended by dozens of friends, family, supporters and local officials, Killian, a Republican, laid out a reform platform that included enacting term limits, providing tax and mandate relief, improving public schools, promoting substance abuse prevention and helping small businesses.
(New York City)-- Howie Hawkins and the Green Party are calling for clemency for nonviolent drug offenders and the legalization of drugs starting with marijuana, as part of the gubernatorial campaign's criminal justice reform platform.
Sen. Gustavo Rivera, who has championed the Senate Democrats» criminal justice reform platform, which includes «Raise the Age,» said it was particularly stunning to see the issue fail when there is so much focus nationally on reforming the justice system.
First, Skandera did eventually take steps to build support for reform at the ground level, having recognized — to a degree — that criticisms of the speed and fervor of her reform platform had some merit.
He writes that money does not play a pivotal role in education quality and achievement, perhaps a harbinger that Romney's education - reform platform wouldn't include new money, as Obama's plan did.
In this video, David Feith of the Wall Street Journal discusses Mitt Romney's education reform platform.
The NJEA is not against every plank of the reform platform, and it was a key player in the final tenure law, but it has found itself more in battle with Christie over his plans than in concert with them.
Still his candidacy is anathema to the unions because of his reform platform.
The Democrat who runs on a criminal justice reform platform that included changing the rules around qualified immunity would probably get my vote.
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