Sentences with phrase «reform push»

"Reform push" refers to a concentrated effort or campaign to make changes and improvements to a particular system or organization. Full definition
Several issues have also been deferred in this budget, with higher education reform pushed back one year and little to be seen for early learning.
But an education task force report embraced by the governor last week signals his retreat from the tough reforms he pushed since taking office, and a huge victory for the state teachers union.
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone on Wednesday released a robocall urging his constituents to oppose the Republican - backed tax reform push in Congress.
Elected officials in New York — including Rep. John Faso — are walking a fine line on the tax reform push in Washington, seeking to find changes without alienating core supporters.
The president's immigration reform push comes as lawmakers look to hash a deal to pass a federal spending bill before a looming Feb. 8 deadline, while also taking up the issue of DACA before the program expires in March.
After all, when I reflect on some of the major reform pushes of the past decade or more, I fear that such attention is almost invariably absent.
«We believe the administration's pursuit of additional ICE beds, in addition to capacity constraints and / or state reforms pushing for alternative corrections, create a material external growth opportunity,» said Canaccord analyst Michael Kodesch.
(EJ McMahon is unimpressed with the pension reform push undertaken by Bloomberg and Cuomo.)
With administrators and teachers held increasingly accountable for test scores under NCLB as well as reforms pushed by the Obama administration, some education advocates have developed a new fear: that school administrators are using truancy referrals to remove low - performing students from the standardized testing pool.
The crime measure jump - started the mass incarceration of African Americans and Latinos, and welfare reform pushed hundreds of thousands of poor people from the safety net to the ranks of the desperately working poor.
But, he pointed it, it could have been worse — say, if Cohn had left during the tax reform push last year.
China will allow foreign firms to own majority stakes in banks, fund managers and insurance companies in major reform push under President Xi Jinping.
The voting reform push has substantially more support in the Democrat - led Assembly.
The measures have not been previously packaged together as part of a broader reform push for the Legislature.
The problem is, challenging the governor's ethics reform push in court would be terrible for the Legislature from an optics standpoint.
The juvenile justice reform push has been at issue for the last several years in Albany, but has stalled in the Legislature.
After several years where Cuomo's reform pushes always ended with lackluster, half - loaf settlements, nobody expects a serious effort — unless the pending federal case against his political allies demands it.
New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg will make an endorsement triple play Tuesday, backing both a Democrat and a Republican in competitive U.S. Senate contests, along with an urban Democratic mayor whose education reform pushes mirror his own.
Even as late as 2011, years into a massive reform push, D.C. still boasted the worst graduation rate in the country: 59 percent.
All of these simpleminded, corporate reforms pushed by profiteers, politicians and the business community are putting our children's right to a developmentally appropriate and enriched education at risk.
Influential House Republican Craig Horn — who chairs the House Education Committee and vice chairs the chamber's school budget committee — told Policy Watch this week that he's not aware of any strong movement in the House to approve the kind of major charter funding reforms pushed by Senate Republicans this year and last.
«Have these so - called reforms pushed by out - of - state groups attempting to reinvent education made us great?»
January 11, 2016: On being asked about government's reforms push till now, Shyamsunder Bhat, CIO Exide Life Insurance, talked about the common perception of the people whatever has been done is either not enough or not in time.
NYC Councilman - turned - Senator Tony Avella sent a letter today to his erstwhile political foe, Mayor Blooomberg, accusing him of taking an «unconscionable» stance on the so - called holiday «bonuses» he's trying to eliminate as part of his pension reform push.
Cuomo is backing an effort in his education reform push that would put a monitor in charge of a school deemed to be failing.
Those of us who held even the slimmest hope that changes in presidential administrations might stem or perhaps turn back the tide have had those hopes dashed as waves of corporate - backed reforms pushed by Republicans, Democrats, and billionaire philanthropists continue to batter kids, teachers, parents, and schools.
Conference Board vice-president for public policy David Stewart - Patterson, who wrote last spring's report on Canada Post's future, points out that New Zealand allowed its postal service to get into banking as part of a reform push in 2002.
Councilman Jumaane Williams of Brooklyn, who has also surfaced as one of the leaders of the reform push, went out of his way to say that the plan is meant to change rules and practices and is «not connected to any one speaker.»
The Democrat and Chronicle calls on former Gov. Mario Cuomo and former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani to raise «millions» for Koch's reform push.
But Patrick Dunleavy and Dominic Muir show that the reforms pushed through in 2009 - 10 by Tony Wright have already made a dramatic difference.
But Albany has had its own share of harassment scandals prior to the #MeToo movement, none of which spurred the reform push now underway.
Glenmont Democrat Charles Dawson, one of the instigators of the reform push, questioned what the long - marginalized GOP has to lose.
It is widely expected that the partisan - driven process will remain in place, despite a reform push and the fact that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has reportedly pledged to veto anything other than an independently - created plan.
He argued, though, that the reform push has gotten some big things right.
Another reform push came four years ago in a partnership with New York University and the Harlem Children's Zone, bringing a few more resources and training for the school's staff.
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