Sentences with phrase «reform recommendations»

The Vancouver Board of Trade released reform recommendations in its report, The Joint Pursuit of Value, joined the Smart Tax Alliance in support of retaining the HST, and hosted its inaugural Aboriginal Opportunities Forum.
It's a near certainty with the island likely to record its first default on August 1st (the commonwealth failed to make the necessary deposit to cover debt of its Public Finance Corporation due August 1st), and with the governor's Economic Recovery Working Group expected to make reform recommendations by August 30th.
They noted that the governor has already formed a task force to make post-Newtown reform recommendations by mid-March.
In effect, this proposal presages the Government's response to the financing reform recommendations that will be in the report from the National Health and Hospitals Commission (NHHRC), due next month, but currently still being written.
SEPTEMBER Treasurer Costello announced his phase one response to the Ralph reform recommendations and the Property Council scored its biggest tax win of the year — the retention of flow - through tax treatment for property trusts.
Though AIBA voted down several reform recommendations made by the IOC in 1997, including a suggestion that judges» scores be posted on a scoreboard after each round, it will for the first time use what it calls «spy cameras» to monitor Olympic judges.
The Senate Republican reform recommendations also reflect a number of tax reform priorities identified by Business Council members.
She previously gave lawmakers contract reform recommendations and draft legislation, supported by legislative Democrats, that would create the new inspector general's office with subpoena powers.
Below is the full details: DECISIONS TAKEN AT INTER-PARTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (IPAC) MEETING OF 22ND DECEMBER, 2015 At the IPAC meeting held on Tuesday 22nd December, 2015 the following outstanding issues from the electoral reforms recommendations were concluded.
Jeffrey Deskovic, who was wrongfully imprisoned for 16 years, for a murder and rape he did not commit, has some criminal justice reform recommendations for Cuomo.
What's ahead: The governor wants to see the commission's initial reform recommendations addressed in the legislative session, but the panel's legal fight with the Legislature continues to simmer.
Several foundations were pushing for reform; African American and Latino leaders were engaged; and a 27 - member Commission on Secondary School Reform, appointed by the school board, had submitted reform recommendations.
The schedule adopted by the board marked a quick shift of gears from its preliminary discussions in November, when the panel had mapped out a plan to phase in and evaluate the various reform recommendations more slowly.
Requiring law professors (like me) to retool or move on is hardly a good reason to resist reform recommendations — if they're good ones.
Professor Steeves highlighted the privacy challenges posed by new technologies and offered some specific reform recommendations.
Family Health Law Blog How to Reduce Abuse & Conflict Involving Powers Of Attorney (Reflections on Law Reform Recommendations)
President Obama's patent reform recommendations highlight a growing consensus for action against patent assertion entities, or patent trolls, which have expanded their burdensome activities against America's most innovative industries.
Mahoney also spoke about the tremendous pressure — from both inside and outside the commission — to include public campaign financing among the reform recommendations in the report released yesterday, though she shied away from saying the administration itself pushed for that outcome.
That left officials to sift through the reform recommendations the two governors put forth as they quashed the bill, some of which drew praise for reducing the governors» political influence at the agency and others of which have already attracted withering criticism.
In addition to the curriculum - reform recommendations, the Elementary Grades Task Force suggested more aggressive efforts to consider ethnic background in hiring teachers, expanded social services within schools, and performance - based assessments that, in the case of limited - English - proficient students, would be given in their native language.
Plenty of law professors today are eager for reform recommendations.
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