Sentences with phrase «regular checkups»

"Regular checkups" refers to routine visits to a doctor, dentist, or other healthcare professional to make sure you are healthy and catch any potential problems early. Full definition
So, feed your dog truly high - quality kibble, make sure he gets regular exercise and take him for regular checkups with the vet.
Your vehicle will also get regular checkups with automatic diagnostics; 14 critical systems in total are tested regularly.
You can stay healthy by getting regular checkups from your doctor and paying attention to any changes in your testicles.
«At Planned Parenthood, we know firsthand the importance of regular checkups in protecting women's health and preventing serious health issues,» said Deborah Nucatola, MD, PPFA Senior Director of Medical Services.
If you have a pint - sized furry friend, make sure that you take her in for regular checkups at your veterinarian Staten Island to catch any health problems early.
The health and well - being of exotic pets benefits greatly from regular checkups and wellness visits.
If you live in an area with mosquitoes, it is important that you consider heartworm prevention medication for your dog along with regular checkups by your veterinarian.
It's also a good idea to schedule regular checkups with your local vet a few times a year — even if there is nothing wrong with your Schnauzer.
Offer plaque fighting dental chews a few times a week, and inquire about your dog's dental health during regular checkups with the veterinarian.
Luckily, there are quite a few things you can do to relieve the aches that are an everyday occurrence for dogs with arthritis: Take your dog in for regular checkups so that your veterinarian can monitor your pet's -LSB-...]
Good parenting involves performing regular checkups for your baby with doctor and giving all the necessary shots.
That's why it pays to have a relationship with a dependable, reassuring veterinarian (to ensure good treatment and quick treatment in an emergency), and to follow wise guidelines for dog - owners, which include regular checkups for your pooch and building your own store of knowledge about canine maladies, to catch treatable diseases early.
Even though you clean your dog's teeth frequently, he will still need regular checkups with his veterinarian.
It's also a good idea to consult your veterinarian before making drastic changes to your dog's diet and get regular checkups if you feed your dog an unconventional diet to ensure she's receiving proper nutrition.
If you've been assiduous about regular checkups with a trusted vet when your cat was young, you'll be in good hands if you have to face a serious illness.
Yes I do regular checkups on my investment funds and allocations.
These are silent killers and the only way to deal with them is to remain aware of the issues through regular checkups and taking preventive care.
Do owners feel comfortable bringing their pet into the office for regular checkups even if their animal is healthy?
To investigate this idea, Krogsboll's team pooled data from 14 previous studies involving nearly 183,000 people, comparing participants who were offered regular checkups with those who saw their doctors only when they had a complaint.
She went going through physical therapy and received regular checkups with our shelter medicine team.
Consult your doctor during your next regular checkup for which cancers screening tests you should go for.
For some patients without signs or symptoms, doctors recommend regular checkups instead of surgery.
This means regular checkups at the vet to stay on top of health, spay / neutering and medical insurance for those potential emergencies.
Getting regular checkups throughout childhood can help your baby's provider spot health conditions that may cause problems as your baby grows older.
In addition to providing regular checkups, diagnostics, surgery, dentals and emergency care, our office offers specialized treatments, including:
Heart murmur is another problem to watch for in Boston Terriers, so be sure that you give your dog regular checkups at your local veterinarian.
A pregnancy calculator can be used to determine the due date of the baby and armed with that information, you can visit your doctor at the appropriate time to begin regular checkups.
Therefore, at regular checkups many children may go unnoticed as the signs for SM are not recognized.
Osteopathic obstetricians can also use OSE on expectant mothers at regular checkups where an abnormal pregnancy may be suspected and identify an ectopic before it ruptures and becomes an emergency.
Get regular checkups Set up a schedule of regular visits to your doctor.
However, like any other organ of the body, the skin deserves regular checkup to ensure that it remains free of any conditions that may lead to sun damage or skin cancer.
It is important for a guinea pig to have regular checkups because it could develop bladder stones or large ovarian cysts, for example.
The idea is that they bring in their water sample only when they have a problem, not just to get a free regular checkup.
Our pets age faster than we do, making regular checkups that much more important.
This will require regular checkups by our vet in order for them to receive vaccinations and to determine when they can be spayed / neutered.
Our report is not intended to replace regular checkups by a veterinarian or as a medical diagnosis.
Preanesthetic Testing — Blood work before surgery can save your pet's life Regular checkups and blood work for your pet is important.
It is, however, important to take your dog in for regular checkups due to the prevalence of cancerous lesions in the breed, and to monitor for other health problems.
Cadence returned to Cornell for regular checkups over the next four years.
A coalition of organized veterinary medicine and pet industry representatives formed Partners for Healthy Pets in 2011 to increase the health of pets by simply encouraging regular checkups.
House Call Vet NYC Dr. Jeff Levy, whose practice specializes in holistic pet care, says regular checkups combined with a reasonable vaccination protocol can prevent unforeseen and costly medical problems throughout your pet's life.
Regular checkups allow us to establish a baseline in your pet's health and make us aware of any changes that may indicate future problems.
By maintaining regular checkups and vet visits and giving your dog preventative medication — as a monthly pill or topical — you can help keep him heartworm - free and your wallet full to buy treats and toys for him.
If patients are avoiding preventive care like regular checkups, that could lead to more serious, costly conditions down the line.
Seek regular checkups from the doctor to catch it before it becomes serious.
During the job search, you may have forced yourself to forego regular checkups, avoided costly procedures, and ignored health issues for budgetary issues.

Phrases with «regular checkups»

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