Sentences with phrase «regular exercise»

"Regular exercise" refers to a routine or habit of physical activity that you do consistently. It means engaging in physical movements like walking, running, or playing sports on a regular basis, such as a few times a week or every day. It is good for your health and helps keep your body strong and fit. Full definition
Not only does getting regular exercise help boost a pregnant mom's immune system, but it improves overall self - esteem, improves blood circulation, and keeps mom fit and flexible.
Reduce your risk for dementia with regular exercise for your brain and body, and follow a mind - friendly diet.
For instance, toys are essential for regular exercising routine for your dog.
Well it's quite obvious that in order to get back in shape and lose the baby weight, there will need to be some form of regular exercise in your life.
Your dog needs regular exercise in the form of walks, hikes, and playing with people or other dogs.
When I think about things that make me feel good, I really do feel my best when I'm reading a ton and getting in regular exercise.
These dogs do well as family dogs but require regular exercise as well as regular grooming.
Besides the benefits of regular exercise for your health, this will also help offset the drop in resting metabolic rate and movement that occurs after or during weight loss.
By developing a new positive habit, such as regular exercise, a meditation practice or making your bed in the morning, you will immediately reap the direct benefits of the new habit.
By doing regular exercises like cycling, swimming and stretching....
Including regular exercise into your dog's day will make the weight loss program more effective.
Taking part in regular exercise helps you to focus your mind on the task at hand.
In addition to the physical benefits, regular exercise also provides profound benefits to an individual's mental health.
Just like regular exercise, which prepares your body for physical challenges, meditation strengthens your mental agility, your concentration, and your ability to cope.
Through regular exercise with them, you can expose your pooch to new people, settings, and experiences which is crucial for his growth.
As the thermometer drops, many people head indoors, giving up on regular exercise routines.
All of these benefits from regular exercise become even more important in our 40's, 50's and beyond.
Since lack of exercise contributes to inflammation, maintaining regular exercise routine is a — excuse the pun — no - brainer when it comes to controlling inflammation.
In fact, regular exercise makes people healthier and live longer.
Providing regular exercise for your dog, and for yourself at the same time, is a good bonding experience as well as a healthy one.
Dogs that are not given regular exercise can become overweight even when they eat an appropriate amount of food.
The reason I like to have it is because I lead an active lifestyle and enjoy regular exercise that incorporates lifting weights several times a week.
They found that even for people taking regular exercise, there is still a health risk associated with many hours of sitting.
This can lead to boredom and separation anxiety, so regular exercise is required.
I think the cause is the muscle imbalances and stress from sitting at a desk all week for 24 years without regular exercise.
Sure, I've made a few resolutions at the start of this new year, like getting more regular exercise and trying to be more organized.
Your doctor would likely be the first to tell you that by incorporating regular exercise into your routine, you can prevent several chronic illnesses and lessen the effects of several others.
Adding regular exercise into your day is a great way to give you some structure and routine.
Regular exercise improves blood flow to your scalp, keeping your hair stronger and healthier.
Iron depletion can occur in athletes because regular exercise increases the body's need for iron.
You will increase your awareness of the importance of developing regular exercise habits.
Studies show that regular exercise increases T3 and T4 levels in the body.
Regular exercise keeps my body in an optimal state, gives me awesome energy and boosts cell turnover.
We all know how important it is to give pets regular exercise.
One study found that six weeks of regular exercise reduced feelings of fatigue for 36 healthy people who had reported persistent fatigue (19).
Make sure your horse receives regular exercise and a proper diet.
For ages 9 and under, encourage regular exercise, which can include organized running for fun.
Get Your Heart Rate Going One of the great things about regular exercise is not only the effect it has on your physical health but also on your mental health too.
Read how regular exercise can help treat your depression and get you back on track to feeling fabulous and ready for love!
Regular exercise offers incredible benefits for your body and mind.
Thank you for directing people away from the wolf crosses and promoting regular exercise for these breeds.
This is a great age to reinforce healthy habits like good sleep routines and regular exercise too as they also help us to stay emotionally well and contribute to our resilience and happiness.
She came to me for weight loss help, frustrated that despite regular exercising and healthy eating, she was struggling to shed weight.
You can perform regular exercise about three times a week for at least 20 minutes every day.
He claims that his only regular exercise comes from running up the stairs to his seventh - floor office.
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