Sentences with phrase «regular meals»

Eat regular meals with whole grains, fruit, vegetables and lean protein, get more exercise and keep a food journal.
Will be adding this to the list of regular meals in my household.
They were all thin but once provided with regular meals and sufficient food began gaining weight.
Actually 1 of the cats doesn't even seem to be interested in food except for regular meal time.
Eat regular meals for three weeks — breakfast, lunch, and dinner — and see what happens.
Depending on the dog's personality, interactive play and lots of affection can be just as important as regular meals.
The rates include room, regular meal plan, professional care from our experienced management staff and daily veterinary supervision.
If you want to feed him leftovers, put them in his food bowl and incorporate them into regular meals.
However, most adults get a larger share from regular meals.
Feeding regular meals will help establish a generally regular poop schedule.
However, I like to eat smaller regular meals as eating regularly prevents me from getting hungry and over eating.
Eating regular meals throughout the day and during your evening will ensure that you're fueling your brain.
It's a pretty regular meal because everyone eats it.
This means making regular meals a priority and ensuring that you stay hydrated.
As we were overwhelmed with caring for our small children, there was never time to cook regular meals for the adults.
Offer regular meal and snack times, taking into account the nap times.
If you are too mindful about your weight and healthy foods, try a variety of fruits and vegetable salads instead of skipping regular meals with the hope of achieving your goals fast.
When you set regular meal times you make sure your dog gets the proper amount of nutrition each day.
Dogs should be fed twice a day with puppies under the age of six months being fed more regular meals.
If you want to start making good results, you need to eat regular meals consisting of high - quality protein, carbs, healthy fats and adequate doses of fiber.
The recipes are not super involved and won't take any more time then regular meal preparation.
Have regular meals together as a family, without TV or other screens.
I've gotten out of the habit of regular meal prepping but that is one of my goals this year.
While the caffeine may make you feel better for a couple of hours, it can't offer the nutritional value of breakfast or any other regular meal.
All dogs like to be fed on schedule, but diabetic dogs need regular meals to maintain optimum blood sugar levels.
But does this mean that all people should eat at least three regular meals per day?
First is that I also tested regular meals and foods with a mix of protein, carbs and fat, not just individual carbohydrates.
In a few communities, some teens even viewed going to jail as a viable option to ensure regular meals.
It also makes sense that regular meals encourage healthier patterns.
Let your child know food will be available at the next regular meal or snack time.
You know exactly what you're getting which makes it easier to enjoy regular meals, as your calorie intake will likely be much lower.
On the other hand, eating regular meals all the time — especially processed foods — can get in the way of cellular cleansing.
Try to eat regular meals spaced apart equally throughout the day.
Remember that irregular work patterns will throw regular meal times out of sync.
Please note that this recipe is healthy, but does not contain sufficient salt and minerals for dogs for regular meal use.
I don't think my dogs have ever turned their noses up at a bit of chicken, despite regular meals being provided!
Plus — it is better to give oranges between regular meal courses.
Puppies should be fed small regular meals gradually reducing this to 1 - 2 meals a day when fully grown.
Establish regular meal times and amounts for your cat — ideally every 12 hours.
Your body is working hard to make your milk and you need to replace those calories with regular meals.
They are a large dog so eat a lot, between 4 - 8 cups of good quality kibble divided into small regular meals throughout the day.
Regular meals throughout the day is usually how I operate.
And if you haven't already, set regular meal and snack times.
Coming next will be new standards for foods sold in schools that aren't part of regular meals — in other words, snacks.
Keep you animals well hydrated and feed regular meals.
Beyond this, regular meal prep and cooking will take place each week.
Depending on your puppy's eating habits, it may also be helpful to leave dry food down at all times and give canned food at regular meal times.

Phrases with «regular meals»

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