Sentences with phrase «regular version»

I want to share a few low calorie treats that taste and look like regular versions of your favorite treats.
Then it averages out all the visually similar patches and uses the averages to construct a new, highly regular version of the image.
The R8 V10 Plus is also available for those who want a power bump, but for most drivers, the less expensive regular version will be more than enough.
The moderate group was more price sensitive and likely to balance between healthy and regular versions of products — about half of the buyers in this group chose the healthy options.
Cave Story + boasts several new features that were not available in regular versions of the game.
Easy, delicious and much better for you than regular versions out there.
To make regular version for truffles use 1 cup butter instead of oil and 2 cups white sugar instead of Splenda.
Regular versions come with a 2.5 - liter four - cylinder gasoline engine, with hybrid models adopting a nigh - on identical engine backed up with electric motor assistance.
It will instead start selling regular versions of Windows 10 that have an optional «S» mode.
If not, then regular version it is and I'll get Kingsglaive separately.
@LtSkittles I believe they said LE on E3, nothing about regular version as far as I can remember.
A number of Android Go applications are already available in the Play Store for you to check out, though do keep in mind that they won't be visible if your phone is powerful enough to run regular versions of those applications.
/ Bracelet: Kate Spade (Sold out), regular version here and pave version here / Necklace: Paradise, similar here / Bag: Tory Burch, also available in mini version / Necklace: Paradise, similar here / Sunnies: Kate Spade / Earrings: J.Crew / Lipstick: Clinique (In «Pudgy Peony»)
Shoefie circle with all of the gals Custom Watermelon Mojito's they created in both virgin and regular versions Alyssa looking like a goddess — dying over her shoes!
Mechanically, the Special Editions are identical to the sufficiently quick regular versions.
The processor for the Pro version is the Kirin 960, while the 10.8 - inch regular version features the 960s, which is «optimized for tablets» according to Huawei, and we have no idea what that means, so we can not tell what the difference is.
You want to avoid aflotoxin, which is a potent carcinogen present in regular versions of peanut butter.
A carbohydrate that has much more fiber than regular versions of rice.
To make regular version for truffles use 1 cup butter instead of oil and 2 cups white sugar -LSB-...]
Both the long and regular versions come with a new 3.5 - liter V - 6 engine paired with a 10 - speed automatic transmission that gets 70 more horsepower and about 40 more pounds - feet of torque than the outgoing model.
As it currently does on the regular version of Alexa, it will direct someone who expresses suicidal thoughts to resources where they can get help.
These brownies are almost identical to the regular version but so much healthier for you, and they contain no strange ingredients whatsoever.
The Instant Pot doesn't always meant that dinner happens in an «instant» — Some recipes can take just as long as the regular version when it comes down to it.
(I always make the regular version, with butter, in the microwave)
Margarita, I am going to assume that you are making the regular version, right?
The other 3 people in the house eat the regular version while Alex and I eat the gluten free version (both below).
I've made the regular version of these pancakes a couple times, with the optional butter and I add a little vanilla, and they come out great everytime!
I saw a video going around Facebook recently of a regular version of Almond Joy Cookies.
Low - fat milk, light sour cream, and cheese made with 2 % milk make this Light & Creamy Potato Soup a healthier alternative to regular versions.
And there's no ketchup on the regular version, just mayo, mustard, and relish.
The tortillas came out just as awesome as the regular version.
Yum Here's another vegan recipe that tastes just as good as the regular version.
They probably have about the same nutrition facts as the regular version, but twice as much money.
It's a super tasty alternative to classic mascarpone and much more healthier, as it has half the fat of the regular version.
No worries... The regular version is really good too.
I have found that the regular versions are kind of dry and bland!
I've finally found a soft, chewy and delicious gluten free pizza crust that can stand up to the regular version.
That looks gorgeous and that dough actually even looks healthier then the regular version too!
Loved the regular version.
As you can see, I can eat TWO of these S'mores for the same calories as just one regular version!
Not only it is easy but it is much better for you than the regular versions out there.
The texture was a little softer - maybe not quite as «meaty» as the regular version, but good in its own right.
This lighter, gluten - free take has half the calories and fat of the regular version, so you can munch happy without indulging too much.
Peppermaster does sell a regular version of Chocolate Chili that is much spicier (be sure to note the «Junior» on the label of this one I'm reviewing, as the hotter one lacks that description).
Getting the regular version of these cupcakes / cake right was easy.

Phrases with «regular version»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z