Sentences with phrase «religious community»

A religious community refers to a group of people who come together because of their shared religious beliefs and practices. They often gather in places like churches, temples, or mosques to worship, celebrate traditions, and support one another spiritually. Full definition
When I said earlier, for instance, that it was «as if» our methods forced us to conceive of religious communities as silent worlds, what did I mean?
Does it make sense to cooperate with other religious communities in serving the people?
Its understanding of salvation is not identical with that of other religious communities.
«Sadly, it seems to be increasingly acceptable in certain belief systems to kill as many members of the other religious community as possible,» she said.
Human beings of his wisdom and grace are rare in any circumstances, even within religious communities.
And when it comes to engaging with religious communities, what do scientists need to know?
This poses a great challenge for theological schools and a danger for religious communities.
In a human rights court, litigants from religious communities have a right to think the judges will treat them fairly and, to the extent possible, decide cases without bias.
This proposal would be accepted by religious communities and animal welfare groups alike.
Since we are a nation made up of different religious communities, we all need to take responsibility for the security of this country and our citizens together.
I will suggest that the recognition that models are not pictures of reality can contribute to tolerance between religious communities.
Response to historical events brings concrete religious communities into being; the celebration of these events is a continuing source of corporate identity and personal renewal and an occasion of worship.
Indeed, the fact that military service does not entail separation from one's own religious community probably strengthens individuals in their work.
At times, portions of the American religious community have offered inadequate, irresponsible, or even destructive responses to pressing cultural crises.
This does not mean that the widespread abandonment of traditional religious communities in favor of secular culture benefits the world.
He said he didn't have one posted because he lives in a small religious community and wants to protect his privacy.
Which means that communities, and especially religious communities, are strong — and necessary mediators between the individual and the state.
This is especially true given the historic place of women within certain religious communities.
The report claimed schools were deliberately choosing to not meet standards due to tensions between a school's legal requirements for equality, and the expectations of conservative religious communities.
Our tradition of diversity has been largely of diverse religious communities.
Pay, however, is a sound indicator of how much religious communities care about the quality of their leadership.
But the controversy was handled within their tight - knit religious community, as is customary.
Religious communities remain powerful sources for moral formation and communal renewal.
Diversity in all these areas is widely believed to create better conditions for learning and to help religious communities meet their needs for leaders of different kinds.
Just get rid of the tax breaks for religious affiliates and funding of religious community groups, and they will all go away.
It is this false claim made by so many, particularly in more fundamental religious communities, that is being challenged by this simple illustration of the logical fallacy of such a view.
I think that is a defining characteristic of functional religious community.
Women and men, living and working together in harmony and equity, can build stronger, more creative religious communities and societies.
When that question is asked with utter honesty, none of the great religious communities of our world can provide the answer.
Plans are being laid out which could see pupils who come from a single ethnic or religious community required to mix with children from other backgrounds.
While this film appears to focus on the negative aspects of religion, what good things do religious communities accomplish?
But recent years have seen the growth of religion departments in which the categories of interpretation within religious communities are taken seriously but no tradition is treated as absolute.
When scientists share vital information with religious communities that are motivated by beliefs and values to uphold the environment, the results are powerful and effective.
There are economic and political factors that affect the relationships between religious communities.
What additional features would the ideal college for me have (e.g. writing center, math center, honor code, learning support center, access to a particular religious community)?
It also led to failure to appreciate the positive contributions of other religious communities.
I've never felt so alienated from my own religious community.
Although I want to discuss the role of comprehensive systems of value and ways of life in education, my perspective is that of one formed in a traditional religious community.
This understanding can be used by outsiders as a way of removing the beliefs of religious communities from serious consideration as to their truth.
In Russia and in other totalitarian states, both left and right, the most fearless advocates of human rights are usually nurtured in minority religious communities which on the surface have no power at all.
Secondly it makes co-operation among religious communities on social problems almost impossible.
The relationship to Judaism is more important than that to other religious communities because of its central role in the self - definition of Christianity and the long history of Christian persecution of Jews.
Christianity is now but one of many religious communities in America, and its churches no longer enjoy the social status and power that society once bestowed on them.

Phrases with «religious community»

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