Sentences with phrase «religious conservatives»

"Religious conservatives" refers to individuals who hold traditional religious beliefs and values and tend to support maintaining traditional social and moral norms within their religious community. Full definition
A minority of religious conservatives feel that all life is precious, not just the unborn.
That message: Religious conservatives who advocate traditional marriage must shift their focus to fighting for religious freedom.
But his victory does not necessarily represent a victory for religious conservatives.
This is a last ditch attempt (or one of many), made by religious conservatives to divide our country.
Likewise, many religious conservatives are more supportive of tax credits than they are of vouchers.
I read the headline, where will religious conservatives go, and a few thoughts went through my mind.
Besides, religious conservatives never thought they would need accommodations.
Evangelical religious conservatives probably just shouldn't vote at all... that's not the kind of group i want making decisions on the running of our country.
Religious conservatives sense this conflict between the worldview of general television and their own worldview.
Black and Hispanic religious conservatives will expect their white allies to address issues too often seen as «Democratic» by their constituencies — such as racial bias in sentencing.
As a result he has earned a fair number of enemies amongst religious conservatives such as the author of the article above.
Why am I not surprise that these backward thinking people are also religious conservatives.
What does the article reveal about American religious conservatives — and about its authors?
I thing religious conservatives should go another country and stay there.
But there's also the question of whether religious conservatives even want a future.
Moreover, even at the level of pragmatic politics, such appeals leave religious conservatives cynical and the churches burned over.
Yet that has never been the case for not just religious conservatives, but for any audience member.
If these snakes rid this country from even part of the plague of religious conservatives, I say more funding for them!
My suggestion for religious conservatives is to do us all a favor and cast a «protest vote» by staying home on election day.
We're seeing the inevitable result of the unholy alliance the GOP made with religious conservatives in the 80s.
But religious conservatives did not appear to be morally mollified by this technique, and even many scientists have taken a dim view of the experiments.
Farris» reaction is a stark emblem of the disappointment among religious conservatives over Santorum's announcement, and a reminder that Romney's enthusiasm deficit among the conservative evangelicals who form the GOP's base hasn't gone away.
Liberal commentators, both religious and secular, have cheered what they take as the recent comeuppance Catholic and other religious conservatives received in the sections of Evangelii Gaudium, the Pope's recent apostolic exhortation, that touch on market economics.
They listen to the new religious conservative movement calling for «a return to the traditional family,» which seems to include the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment and the banning of abortion.
There is no such tenet in conservative political philosophy, of course, nor is this opinion shared even among most religious conservatives.
Religious conservatives need to start listening to a new voice, one which seems to have been ignored: Jesus» message, the «Word».
Trump, speaking in Iowa at a conference of religious conservatives on Saturday, said McCain «is a war hero because he was captured.
(CNN)- For all the attention paid to the clout of fiscally focused tea party conservatives and of the primacy of jobs in the 2012 election, Rick Santorum's trifecta victories Tuesday night are a good reminder of the powerful role religious conservatives play in the GOP.
Posner offers religious conservatives a backhanded compliment, although most readers are likely to miss it.
Many groups, including religious conservatives, view oral contraceptives as anti-life.
Shortly after Foer's article appeared, Norman Podhoretz, whom Foer had cited in support of his argument, published an essay in National Review on Jewish attitudes toward religious conservatives.
I think that most right wings religious conservatives would hate Romney and consider him the antichrist if they only had someone other than Obama to vote for.
The Democrats have figured out that liking religious conservatives brings more political benefits than disliking them.
What really animates Hedges» anger at religious conservatives, however, is their recent political power and success on the state level at banning same - sex marriage ¯ an issue that has been central to Hedges since his father made him start a gay - rights group at college.
As he announced Wednesday that he'll seek the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, it's clear that Gingrich is aware of the huge role religious conservatives play in the GOP primaries.
I wonder how all the «small government» religious conservatives feel about using Big Government to round up undesirables?
eHarmony was founded by evangelical Christian Dr. Neil Clark Warren and had ties with the influential religious conservative group Focus on the Family.
Sixty - three percent of political and religious conservatives support allowing women and couples in the developing nations to determine the timing and spacing of pregnancies in a manner that includes the voluntary use of methods of preventing pregnancy — not including abortion — that are harmonious with their religious values and beliefs.
The Iranian leadership has its own internal life - and - death skirmishes, with the Iranian president Ahmadinejad in a nasty ongoing power struggle with others, most notably religious conservatives and his own military.
Despite the demonstrable negative consequences in states that have passed laws that undermine LGBTQ equality, the coming months will indicate whether the ascent of Donald Trump to the White House is emboldening religious conservatives to press for more such bills after a series of gains for gay and transgender people at the federal level under the Obama administration.
They've spent much time and effort courting religious conservatives, knowing full well that what some of these people want is so extreme that it would scare off centrist voters.
Even at ostensibly church «affiliated law schools, religious conservatives usually make up a minority of the faculty.
Robber Baron Romney and the founders of the Tea Party (Koch brothers & other billionaires) are using religious conservatives.
In today's «On the Square» article, Too Often Prophetic, I suggest why they shouldn't use it nearly so much, and why religious conservatives should avoid their own equivalent terms.
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