Sentences with phrase «religious folks»

The phrase "religious folks" refers to people who have strong beliefs and actively practice a particular religion or faith. Full definition
This proves that you are only willing to believe what you feel comfortable with, just like many religious folks who fear that which challenges their faith.
Disaster hits the personal lives of religious folks all the time too.
And indeed that is what many religious folks do.
That's right, they would react in exactly the same way as religious folk today who are told that their religions are false.
Atheists are no more or less tolerant, aside from the fact we do not use religion to foster intolerance as most religious folks do.
Really, and did you verify this by speaking with a lot of spiritual but not religious folk?
We (I) don't have a problem with religious folks.
I like this idea much better than most posed by religious folks.
In fact, I agree with some of the things Atheists say about religious folks.
Religious folk seem to think it's just a quick choice we make in anger or when we aren't in a good mood.
If religious folk would keep their nonsense to themselves then we wouldn't feel compelled to reply.
This is a problem for religious folk who look back to religions founded 1000's of years ago for an understanding of life.
The right wing - nut religious folk started their attempted takeover 20 years ago.
And like most good religious folks throughout history are quite capable of killing others who reject their religious fantasy.
Religious folk tend to make friends with others who believe in a higher power.
Looks to me that religious folks talk a good game but aren't more moral than anybody else.
Its required since religious folks are deluded and constantly pointing to lies as a source of truth.
We cause problems because our society is not religious, but religious folk try to make it so.
So one thing we know is that religious folks love to ignore evidence.
Only religious folks argue that the other guy's gods are fake while theirs is real.
This time period is, of course, unknown, since such a pairing of species never occurred, except in the minds of certain religious folks and cartoons.
It is up there with the worst you can think of regarding religious folk.
Religious folk claim to know things about the origins of the universe and mankind that these people do not.
These aren't supposed to be targeting religious folks so I don't see anything wrong with the language.
Most of us just want to be left alone and will happily leave religious folks alone.
Religious folks advertise their beliefs as if everyone believes in a god.
Religious folk very often state that life can not come from non life, but they can not prove this viewpoint or even explain it.
Many religious folks accept evolutionary theory because they know they can't argue against factual evidence.
I know religious folk play on faith as their trump card, but I grew up in church.
Atheists can't even hold a candle to how hateful religious folks have been.
Life is so much more, without the artificial restrictions that religious folk continually push onto others.
We all must admit, scientists and religious folks alike, that there is much more in our religions and sciences that we do not understand than we do.
In real life, temples are normally quiet places of worship, tended to by peaceful religious folk.
I don't have a problem with the message itself, and I don't have any problem with religious folks being religious.
Since most atheists seem to be strive to be good, as much as religious folk do, that doesn't seem like much of a problem.
I am probably as atheist as they come and I can assure you my morals are better than the majority of religious folk I have met in my life.
Its fine for religious folks to enjoy this time.
While many religious folks may be the same, what you're saying is not true across the board.
Just as religious folk ought not be afraid of science, science ought not be afraid of religion.
As time progresses, the funny looks will eventually all be given to christians and most religious folks who believe in all the strange make believe that religion / man has created.
Religious folks love to play the «respect me» ticket — but it won't fly with me for obvious reasons.
the other curious thing is when theists go after the atheists over our knowledge of scripture, most atheists were once theists so we would have some idea of scripture like you all however with the onslaught of attacks from religious folks in the real world when they discover we're not «one of them» has the same effect as the villian in the comics unwittingly creating the superhero.
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