Sentences with phrase «religious grounds»

The main problem I've seen with people accepting evolution (aside from plain old religious grounds) is a lack of concept of the vast amounts of time over which these things happened.
For example, those who oppose war on moral or religious grounds pay taxes that are applied to military programs.
You don't get to violate an otherwise legal contract on religious grounds after you have already signed it.
The church has the right to say we think this is wrong based on religious grounds.
You siad «Most of those decrying this «sacrifice» probably have no idea the reasons or traditions at work here» If this is true than you must be in support of those who oppose abortion and contraception on religious grounds as well correct?
State funded faith schools may only select pupils on religious grounds because their admission arrangements are exempt from the prohibition on religious discrimination in the 2010 Equality Act.
Education secretary Michael Gove plans to increase the quota of staff hired on religious grounds at the new academies from 20 % to 100 %.
However, public employees would not be permitted to request accommodation on religious grounds with respect to the duties and obligations regarding religious neutrality and having one's face uncovered.
In his ruling (March for Life v. Burwell), Leon said that it is legally permissible to object to artificial contraception on moral, not just religious grounds.
'' allow people to justify their views on explicitly religious grounds if they want» Even if this involves inciting hatred /
In 2014, when Obamacare came before the Supreme Court via the Hobby Lobby case, the court ruled 5 — 4 that employers who objected to the contraceptive mandate on religious grounds didn't have to offer birth control directly to female employees.
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency: German court ruling on circumcision riles Jewish community Germany's top Jewish leader called on the federal Parliament «to ensure religious freedom» following a Cologne court ruling that said circumcising young boys on religious grounds amounts to grievous bodily harm.
«Every reception policy that discriminates the persecuted and suffering on religious grounds ultimately harms the Christians of the East,» said Sako.
Does that mean we're increasingly following a vocal minority in the US who deny the science on fringe religious grounds?
Instead of the limit on places allocate don religious grounds, Timothy posits that the rule should be replaced by a «legal duty on faith schools to ensure that their pupils mix», which he suggests could be encouraged through sport, performing arts, or school visits with children from different backgrounds.
Press Reports on Miss Mba's case refer to the 2003 case of Copsey v WWB Devon Clays Ltd, where, they state, Mr Copsey, lost a claim of constructive dismissal on religious grounds for being required to regularly work on Sunday.
If an accommodation request on religious grounds concerns a student attending an educational institution established by a school board, the school board must take into account the objectives set out in the Education Act, in particular to make sure that the request is consistent with and does not compromise:
Regarding employment, when a request for an accommodation on religious grounds by an employee of a public body involves a leave of absence from work, the following factors must be considered:
When an accommodation request on religious grounds involves an absence from work, a public body must specifically consider:
DO listen to your own voice or the Church on social, political and economic issues, and allow people to justify their views on explicitly religious grounds if they want, as long as it's your religion with a monotheistic male deity.
The assertion that «outside the Church there is no salvation» must be rejected on religious grounds as well as on the clear evidence of history and of everyday life.
But at least these mormons feel better knowing that after I'm dead they can defile what I leave behind on religious grounds because I can't do anything to stop them once I'm dead....
However, the BHA has warned that 100 per cent religiously selective Christian schools are «less diverse» and admit a far higher proportion of children classified as «of white origin'than schools which operate under the 50 per cent cap on religious selection or do not select on religious grounds at all.
«The judges have never, so far as I know, sought to equate the condemnation by some Christians of homosexuality on religious grounds with homophobia, or to regard that position as «disreputable»,» he said.
Both businesses say they object on religious grounds to new federal health care requirements that they offer fertility and contraceptive services in employee plans.
Social conservatives say that the law would stop the government from compelling people to do things they object to on religious grounds, like catering or providing flowers for a gay wedding.
Hobby Lobby and Conestoga are companies that want to be allowed to opt out, on religious grounds, of the U.S. Affordable Care Act's requirement that employer health plans pay for contraception.
Trump denied on Sunday that his policy was based on religious grounds.
That ruling says businesses may object on religious grounds to offering health services stipulated by the ACA, such as abortion services and fertility drugs.
As the Supreme Court gets ready in June to rule on the issue for the second time in two years, conservative states have rushed to enact so - called Religious Freedom Reformation Act (RFRA) laws that would allow businesses to object on religious grounds to serving LGBT people and same - sex couples.
Refusing Treatment: The Trump administration is making it easier for medical workers to object to procedures on religious grounds.
The Catholic Church (and whoever else is objecting to this on religious grounds) is simply saying that «We shouldn't have to follow a law if we don't believe in it.»
Let's see... if a group of druids formed a corporation and stated that it was against their religious beliefs to eat meat, could they refuse to pay for their employees by - pass surgery on religious grounds based on the theory that their employees» needs for by pass might have been caused by the intake of too much cholesterol?
The fact listed in the first part of that sentence is inarguable, but you sense in that qualifier, «not just because,» a turn away from the religious grounds of church - going.
Jeffs - who is representing himself - repeatedly and loudly objected to the playing of the recordings on religious grounds.
He quoted the Qur» an and the Hadith in support of his contention that Islam never tampers with the rights of individual property in land or industry and therefore the state was not allowed, on religious grounds, to appropriate the lands of the big landholders.
could you imagine what would happen if they ran a hospital and refused to provide a much needed transfusion to a patient being treated there on religious grounds?
I don't oppose this on religious grounds.
Students are taught to take spiritual histories and are free to refrain from engaging in any activity if they object to it on religious grounds.
Last week the Senate approved the bill and rejected all proposed amendments that would have increased legal protections for those who would discriminate against gay couples on religious grounds.
Under the order, organizations fighting the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate on religious grounds, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, would be granted accommodations.
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