Sentences with phrase «religious persecution»

"Religious persecution" refers to the mistreatment, harassment, or hostility towards someone or a group of people because of their religious beliefs. It involves discriminating or persecuting individuals based on their faith, often resulting in restrictions on their religious freedom, violence, or other forms of harm. Full definition
This country was founded on many principles, including escaping religious persecution.
I'm not crying over religious persecution here as you put it.
Remember — people came to this country to avoid religious persecution.
And crying persecution every time one doesn't get one's way is an insult to the very real religious persecution happening in the world today.
But there is little evidence of direct religious persecution.
It's simply a rational preference that a religious piece not be displayed at a site that still inspires so much irrational religious persecution.
Groups that monitor religious persecution abroad are cautiously supporting a compromise.
You don't have to go to the middle east to find religious persecution.
We are currently living in an age of unprecedented religious persecution.
This is religious persecution through our american court system.
They knew collectively the effects religious persecution had upon their parents and grandparents.
Thankfully, our nations inception was due to people trying to escape religious persecution (aka, the church & the king forcing their ideals on everyone).
People came to this land to free themselves from religious persecution.
One of those freedoms is the right to be free of religious persecution.
But his plan has already evoked some of the vilest acts of religious persecution in Western history, religious scholars say.
Moving from light - hearted to heart breaking as the family faces religious persecution in pre-revolutionary Russia, the story celebrates the tenacity of the human spirit.
The Nickles bill was introduced in March (CT, May 18, 1998, p. 20) after the U.S. House had already considered passage of the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act, commonly known as the Wolf - Specter bill after its cosponsors Rep. Frank Wolf (R. - Va.)
Many are the descendants of people who fled Europe because of religious persecution by state churches.
While excavators spent Monday, April 30, tearing down the church, Communist Party officials insisted the destruction was because of city zoning, not religious persecution, reports The Telegraph.
She talks about religious persecution by state churches yet like so many evangelicals she really means that the evangelicals should be the state church in America.
«With religious persecution reaching devastating levels around the world, we urge the Senate to confirm Gov. Brownback for this crucial role as soon as possible,» said US president and CEO David Curry, whose organization produces one of the best annual analyses of how religious freedom violations have reached record levels in recent years.
He also said that America stands with the millions of people in Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and other countries that are suffering religious persecution under repressive and brutal regimes.
Tillerson «correctly observed that growing religious persecution not only poses a grave moral problem, but also implicates the national security of the United States,» he stated.
We encourage the Trump administration to seek to address the root causes of violent religious persecution throughout the world.
There are people all around the world dying because of their faith, whether Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, or etc. «Martyrdom» may remind you of Christianity's history of «violence, intolerance, and fanaticism»... but why be reminded of something that ocurred in the past when religious persecution is still happening today among people of all kinds of faiths, including Christians?
In 1996 the NAE addressed religious persecution saying that «If people are to fulfill the obligations of conscience, history teaches the urgent need to foster respect and protection for the right of all persons to practice their faith.»
Maryland for example was obviously founded as a haven for Catholics who might face religious persecution back in England.
February 2011 — Although he filled posts in the State Department, for more than two years, Obama did not fill the post of religious freedom ambassador, an official that works against religious persecution across the world; he filled it only after heavy pressure from the public and from Congress.
The three are part of a small bipartisan congressional nucleus that has actively opposed religious persecution for more than a decade.
But he acknowledges that it is doubtful that states can do much to make that happen, and trying to make it happen would likely increase religious persecution, which, in turn, might increase the importance of religion in people's lives.
If you see genecide taking place somewhere... countries should step in and stop it... if you see religious persecution such as this occuring... you should step in and stop it.
Fearing religious persecution, Copernicus waited until just before his death in 1543 to publish his heretical theory that Earth circles the sun — and so is not at the center of the universe.
Let's learn from past religious persecutions & strive for true «separation of church & state» now - before it's too late!
Karen Lord of the Helsinki Commission says, «When compared, Wolf - Specter is good for specific situations where religious persecution is most egregious.
It is perhaps the ultimate irony and hypocrisy of this nation that many of our founders fled religious persecution only to inflict the same on succeeding generations.
Rather than competing for congressional votes, sponsors of two religious persecution bills are discussing how to combine the measures (CT, May 18, 1998, p. 20).
A BROADER BILL: Critics of the Wolf - Specter Bill believe that it defines religious persecution too narrowly in focusing mostly on threats to life and limb.
During that visit, he said he saw no signs of Soviet religious persecution, a misguided attempt at diplomacy that brought scathing criticism from author Alexander Solzhenitsyn, among others.
I wonder if he was around today (at a time where the church is becoming more and more accepting of committed gay relationships), if he might have a different mission... one that includes fighting religious persecution of gays.
At the end of January, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) put out a strong and eloquent «Statement of Conscience Concerning Worldwide Religious Persecution
Do this >> > Google Religious persecution in Albania and read what wikipedia has to say, then compare what they did with what Silverman is pretending he is Not doing.

Phrases with «religious persecution»

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