Sentences with phrase «religious tolerance»

"Religious tolerance" means accepting and respecting people's different beliefs and practices in religion, without discriminating or disrespecting them because of their faith or religion. Full definition
The truth is that we live in a country founded for religious tolerance.
Ask a Muslim about religious tolerance in their countries.
Not to mention the fact that our country was founded on religious tolerance.
To those who claim we must show religious tolerance and allow this mosque to be built.
«Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation,» she said.
It will not increase religious tolerance, but it will make voters less able to vote wisely.
Religious tolerance emerged as a pragmatic attempt to stop people from killing one another over matters of doctrine and faith.
Most people in country recognize that in fact the nation itself was founded on the principle of religious tolerance and freedom.
I'm amazed that a nation that prides itself on religious tolerance (and freedom) would even consider telling a group «don't build that».
Other pieces included are footage from John Lennon and Yoko Ono's «Bed Peace,» photographs and banners from the 1913 Women's Suffrage Parade, a full rickshaw promoting religious tolerance in India, and a wall wallpapered with Jenny Holzer's «Inflammatory Essays».
They codified religious tolerance and social equality, which helped promote peace between the diverse peoples who made up the Mongol Empire *.
He advocated religious tolerance and was critical of the oppressive character of the French church.
Are we so sure this isn't a religiously ran nation while upholding laws that preach religious tolerance and separation from state.
Thus while the herd of independent minds was having a field day condemning Benedict XVI for his 2006 Regensburg Lecture, Fouad understood that the Bavarian pope had correctly identified the two critical challenges that contemporary history posed to 21st - century Islam: the challenges of finding, within authoritative Islamic sources, Islamic warrants underwriting religious tolerance and distinguishing religious and political authority in public life.
Christian Post: Vanderbilt Says It Respects Religious Tolerance With «All - Comers» Policy Vanderbilt University, which stirred controversy over deciding to adopt an «all - comers» policy to membership and leadership in campus student organizations, maintains that it shows tolerance for religious organizations.
Supporters, like CNN Belief Blog contributor Stephen Prothero, said accepting the mosque would demonstrate religious tolerance and send a message that the U.S. is not at war with Islam.
He allowed religious tolerance for the different religious groups
The present document does not reject religious tolerance.
The reason its called Religious Tolerance is because we sometimes have to tolerate it when religions do things we don't like, or that offend our religious sense of right and wrong.
I take pride in Islam's centuries - long eminence as a global civilization, upholding religious tolerance at a time when it was little known and less practiced elsewhere and fashioning arabesques of unity in diversity out of the races and major denominations of Eurasia and Africa.
What Benedict outlined in 2006 remains true eleven years later: In order to live in peace with «the rest,» Islam must find within its own religious and intellectual resources a way to affirm religious tolerance.
this is the same religion that in this country is demanding religious tolerance.
To complete our series on Jean Bethke Elshtain's First Things articles before tonight's Erasmus Lecture, we'd like to highlight this two - part discussion of proselytization and religious tolerance from our November 2002 issue.
Where does the bible or Jesus for that matter teach religious tolerance and where does the bible say that being a Christian means you are to be poor?
Interesting that the right has tried to destroy the Obama presidency by calling him a Muslim, which is a lie, but now want religious tolerance about the Mormon church, which truly is frightening.
The protests only show the world that we don't abide by religious tolerance, but mypopic and hateful religious intolerance.
Backers cite, among other things, First Amendment rights and the need to express religious tolerance.
Extremist Muslims don't like religious tolerance so they want to oust Assad.
«It does suggest that the path towards greater religious tolerance has continued.»
and see religious tolerance as a defining (and shining) social value of this country (despite recent efforts to narrow this view).
The new ads tout religious tolerance and offer support to the Muslim community.
Cable said Harris» proposal risked «really serious harm» and dismissed the idea that not having faith schools encouraged religious tolerance.
«He is an icon of justice and we will continue to be a role model to all those human beings who believe in human justice, morality and inter religious tolerance
Even Mayor Bloomberg, a man who can remorselessly murder 170,000 Canada geese without a second thought, has remained stalwartly in favor of basic religious tolerance, saying, of the opposition to the mosque: «Democracy is stronger than this.»
The Upper East New Patriotic Party (NPP) regional Chairman, Alhaji Adam Mahama, has called for the need to deepen religious tolerance in the nation's zongo communities.
This was the only one of the 13 colonies founded by Roman Catholics - the Calvert family - and its embrace of religious tolerance came less from high - minded ideals than from the Calverts» desire to protect their property from religious attacks.
The multi-cultural nature of its major city led to religious tolerance among the island's residents.
In the Middle Ages Toledo became the symbol of religious tolerance where followers of the three main religions - Judaism, Islam and Christianity all coexisted peacefully.
Re-framing and centering diasporas who are continuously being placed outside history is reflected in his previous collaboration with cultural - studies academic Ella Shohat, entitled Dar Al Sahl («Domain of Conciliation»)(2014), whose name refers to a period of religious tolerance within the Ottoman Empire.
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