Sentences with phrase «requirement change»

"Requirement change" refers to a modification or alteration in the needs, specifications, or expectations for a certain task, project, or goal. It occurs when the original requirements or criteria are adjusted or updated to better suit the situation or achieve the desired outcome. Full definition
Keep in mind that a pet's nutritional requirements change as they grow and age.
Insurance requirements change over time, and you could have too much or too little insurance.
A cat's nutritional requirements change through different stages of life.
Different payday lenders have different requirements, even payday loan requirements change from lender to lender and state to state as every state has their own rules and regulations.
Our daily nutrient requirements change with different life stages and the food choices we make at every stage of our life are important in determining our nutrient intake.
When you need your first policy, I'll be here for you and will be there if your insurance requirements change.
A dog's dietary requirements change over time, and a professional medical care provider will help you make appropriate adjustments as your dog ages.
An animal's water requirements change depending on environmental temperature, humidity, and activity level, among other factors.
While loans are readily available, loan requirements changed a lot in the last few years.
Resume requirements change from job to job and from year to year — the skills and features that were useful in, say, 1997 may not apply today.
When you need to compare rates, I'll be here for you & will be there if your coverage requirements change.
Not all required citation information is available for every article, and citation requirements change over time.
You are free to upgrade and change your membership at any time as your business grows and your office requirements change.
Have toddler sleep requirements changed since the 20th century?
By doing this, they could then study how insulin requirements changed on a low - fat diet, independent of weight loss.
The calculation takes into account your age, height, weight, and daily activity level, so keep in mind that as these variables change, your calorie requirements change.
How will managerial skill requirements change as a result of major structural changes that are likely, including human replacement by machines and growth of the on - demand economy?
If those reserve requirements change then the potential capital returned to shareholders will be reduced.
With changes in time, investors requirements changed and insurance companies made sure they offered what was in demand.
The exact size requirements change based on your needs, but in general you start with swap.
As education requirements change to hire more college graduates, businesses are seeing the benefits of additional education and training in their bottom line.
If your space requirements change, the building you buy may no longer be suitable, forcing you to sell or become a landlord.
We all want to keep our families as safe as possible, but home safety requirements change as your family grows and evolves.
Once puppies become adult dogs, their nutritional requirements change, meaning you should only feed them food created specifically for puppies (or later, adults).
When you need insurance rates, I'll be here for you and will be there if your insurance requirements change.
Not all required citation information is available for every article, and citation requirements change over time.
When you need to compare insurance quotes, I'll be here for you and will be there if your coverage requirements change.
We all love a good rage quit from time to time, but not when it's someone else doing it to us while we're trying to earn a trophy so «Smoke Me a Kipper, I'll Be Back for Breakfast» has had its unlock requirement changed.
Primary contact for clients for business requirement changes and escalated technical issues
In order to prevent any confusion, NSFX Ltd., will always, on a best endeavors basis, make its best attempt to inform traders about any projected Margin Requirements Changes via email or phone.
These FHA Loan requirement changes mean millions more can now qualify for an FHA Loan, one of the best choices for prospective home buyers in today's market.
Recreation Coordinator Resume requirements change so often that one has no choice but to... Read More»
Directed and delegated tasks to team members, and ensured a successful on - budget completion of the project, which reduced development time for future requirement changes and increased application efficiency, scalability, interoperability, and usability.
As dogs age, their calorie and nutrient requirements change much like ours do and with the wide variety of healthful seniors diets on the market, it only makes sense to give your beloved canine every feasible advantage you can, allowing them to live the longest, healthiest and happiest life possible.
Participated in weekly meetings with SMEs and developers to discuss ongoing requirement changes like iteration plan and validation of documentation.
When requirements change, we have the scalability to change with you and match your needs step for step.
According to David Yonkof, vice president of sales and marketing at global trade management software provider Precision Software, «future proofing» means seeking solutions that can be adapted to support innovation even as regulatory requirements change.
«No one can qualify as a CEO for life — business requirements change quickly and an executive who was fully adequate to run a business a few years ago may become obsolete if the situation changes and he or she does not develop.
Mission requirements change, people come and go, homes move across oceans, and in most cases family and support systems are located hundreds if not thousands of miles away.
Heating requirements change throughout the day so it is important that the heating system's operating hours match the times in which it is required.
Until the visa requirement changes, the MIBF is not for the casually curious.
Investment returns and payments made to Darius to meet minimum drawdown requirements change the value of the superannuation interest supporting his pension.
«Senioritis» As our cats age, their nutrient requirements change too.
Protein requirements change with age — often an increased amount of high quality protein is required to combat muscle wasting and other changes in the skin, hair coat and internal organs.
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