Sentences with phrase «requirement in place»

There are no such requirements in place for congressional districts.
It is illegal in almost every state to drive without minimum insurance requirements in place that provide you with the minimum amount of liability coverage so that you can drive legally.
We also have annual reporting requirements in place from fund holders to report on the advances or progress made as a result of grants.
That doesn't mean that law suits never happen in no fault states, but there are strict requirements in place about when a driver can sue another driver.
This means that there are no government guide lines or education requirements in place to determine who may or may not call themselves a sleep trainer.
Without enhanced due diligence requirements in place Canadian companies face a high risk of causing or contributing to human rights abuses.
Now that we have the stock plot requirements in place, lets get back to blasting endless waves of zombies!
There are certain structural property requirements in place to protect you both physically and financially.
The court had also put some stringent requirements in place for potential adopters.
We have very strict health and proof of vaccinations requirements in place to protect puppies coming to us.
Insurance is an important piece to any strategy but taking charge and putting your own driving requirements in place will reduce insurance claims that lead to higher insurance rates.
There are time - bound purchase requirements in place that can affect eligibility for coverage.
We have strict certification requirements in place, which are also required for advancement within the department.
The only limiting factor in finding work will be having the proper educational requirements in place.
Even though there are no specific requirements in place today, there could be tomorrow, and taking action now could put you ahead of the game.
In most states, it's the law, and soon, there may be a federal baseline requirement in place.
While most states only require you to be covered for injuries or damage you cause to another person, not many states have requirements in place for damages you incur.
Farmers» markets usually require a seller to have the appropriate business licensing, insurance and / or other legal requirements in place before they are given permission to sell at a farmers» markets.
The independent Advisory Group, chaired by the Superintendent of Real Estate, brings together experts from across a range of public and private organizations to review the conduct requirements in place for real estate licensees in BC, and to examine whether those requirements are adequate and whether they are being effectively enforced.
However, the regulations aren't much different from the underwriting requirements in place for traditional mortgages, says Peter Bell, president of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association.
«The California DMV has many requirements in place for testing permit holders and requires collision reports and annual disengagement reports,» the spokesperson said.
On the other hand, if you're still paying off your vehicle both comprehensive and collision coverage are likely required by your lender, and the lender may also set a maximum deductible on your coverage or have other requirements in place.
Of the exchanges, the NYSE has the most stringent set of requirements in place for the companies whose stocks it lists, and even meeting these requirements is not a guarantee that the NYSE will list the company.
Interestingly, Biden would scrap the fleet average requirements in place now with targets that are specific to a vehicle's weight and other attributes.
Currently with minimum age requirements in place there are situations where residents are forced to move out from residences with...
The Company has substantial holding requirements in place which create an incentive for our executive team to manage the Company prudently while avoiding excessive risks.
Though there are many official requirements in place for surrogacy in California, there are other factors to consider before embarking on this journey.
Some local governments, including Westchester and Rockland counties, have similar requirements in place already.
Congressman Chris Collins, along with Iowa lawmaker Dave Loebsack, wrote a letter to U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, asking her to support keeping current pilot training requirements in place.
Lake Washington is among a handful of school districts that already have a culminating graduation requirement in place.
If Republicans are worried about the feds having too heavy of a hand, they could push a lot of this money down to states (while keeping evidence requirements in place).
To help retain that focus, the VA has occupancy requirements in place that borrowers need to satisfy in order to close... Full Article
BofA has already have the direct deposit / minimum balance requirement in place for its MyAccess Checking Account.
Secondly, there are minimum income requirements in place with Nationwide, although the income amount is not readily available.
Delta and United have had spend requirements in place for a few years already, so with American now joining the party, all the legacy airlines are counting your dollars along with your miles.
Even without an emissions reduction requirement in place, API modeling projects natural gas will continue to drive emissions reductions in the power sector, due to fuel switching.
The only exception to this is that covered entities can choose to treat subcontractors the same as employees provided they have appropriate controls and contractual requirements in place.
Once you have your Tampa renters insurance coverage requirements in place and you begin to get quotes back reflecting those requirements, weed out suitors according to price until you are left with only a few offering the best deals.
To show that you're a serious buyer, it's a good idea (and a legal requirement in some places) to include a deposit with your offer.
Strawberry Ridge, managed by Albany Management, does not have a renters insurance requirement in place from what we were able to determine.
In February of this year, the Council initiated the creation of an Independent Advisory Group to review the conduct requirements in place for BC's licensed real estate professionals, and to examine whether those requirements are adequate and effectively enforced.
Oregon does not have any education requirements in place for starting to practice as a veterinary assistant.
Or does Lending Club have underwriting requirements in place that can serve as a great alternative in unfavorable market conditions?
Strawberry Ridge, managed by Albany Management, does not have a renters insurance requirement in place from what we were able to determine.
Like most states, Arkansas has strict requirements in place for car insurance.
Led by the Superintendent of Real Estate, the group brought together experts from across a range of public and private organizations to review the conduct requirements in place for real estate licensees in BC, and to make recommendations to enhance protections for real estate consumers.
From my experience, different banks and lenders may have different restrictions and requirements in place.
So even with the «whole grain - rich» requirement in place, cafeterias could still be serving bread, rice and pasta that contain just 50 % whole grains.
Most states have such a requirement in place only for schools receiving federal Title I money for disadvantaged students.
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