Sentences with phrase «resistance mechanisms»

"Resistance mechanisms" refers to the various strategies or abilities that help organisms or systems defend against and overcome challenges or threats. Full definition
The overall distribution of resistance mechanisms was consistent with previous research.
«We can find new resistance mechanisms,» he says.
Canadian researchers have generated both novel and existing antibiotic resistance mechanisms on experimental farmland, by exposing the soil to specific antibiotics.
It also offers you a direct drive resistance mechanism that leads to a powerful, yet smooth performance.
How can the benchmark stay relevant when new resistance mechanisms are regularly characterized?
A team of Italian investigators has discovered a new variant of an emerging antibiotic resistance mechanism.
Adult drug resistant cancer cells may contribute to this problem, and the authors discuss these and other cancer drug resistance mechanisms in their recent publication in the September issue of the journal Cancers.
Thus, there are probably other resistance mechanisms that block the antitumor immune response in pancreatic cancer — mechanisms that, when they are better understood, could be targeted with future drugs to allow anti-tumor immunity to work against this deadly form of cancer.
Breeding for resistance requires knowledge on resistance mechanisms, genetics, and epidemiology to deploy efficient resistances that reduce crop losses (in yield and quality).
Soil - dwelling bacteria have been exposed to natural antibiotics — compounds frequently produced by competing microbes — for millions of years, often developing resistance mechanisms as they coevolved.
It shows that new drugs which are introduced to circumvent known resistance mechanisms, as methicillin was in 1959, can be rendered ineffective by unrecognized, pre-existing adaptations in the bacterial population.
In the search for new approaches to treat ERBB2 (also known as HER2) positive breast cancers that have become drug - resistant, Dartmouth's Norris Cotton Cancer Center investigator Manabu Kurokawa, PhD, led a team in discovery of a novel cancer resistance mechanism with findings published in Cell Cycle.
«Brain microenvironment makes HER2 - positive breast cancer metastases resistant to treatment: Study identifies novel resistance mechanism, potential treatment strategy.»
Identifying resistance mechanisms and creating non-invasive tests to aid in the selection and monitoring of patients during clinical trials.
My studies of cancer genomes have led to characterization of multiple pediatric and adult tumor types, to development of methods that identify and characterize changes in genomic heterogeneity, to defining acquired resistance mechanisms to targeted therapies and to designing novel, personalized vaccines for individual patients.
In fact, when he and evolutionary biologist Martin Nowak at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, modelled the strategy, they found that two targeted medicines for which no common resistance mechanism exists would be enough to control metastatic cancer.
KPC34 is an orally active, small molecule orphan disease therapeutic for the treatment of hematological cancers that overcomes resistance mechanisms common in leukemia.
«It is very surprising that the «inactivation» of a map kinase is used to turn on a plant resistance mechanism,» says plant biochemist Dierk Scheel of the Institute of Plant Biochemistry in Halle, Germany.
Evidence for a tumoral immune resistance mechanism based on tryptophan degradation by indoleamine 2,3 - dioxygenase.
A high quality seat should be multi-layers and cushioned with proper safety and impact resistance mechanism.
The Weider bench features the Ultimate Body Works, a unique resistance mechanism that uses your own body weight coupled with resistance bands to provide an extra 50 lbs of resistance.
«In the same way that humans have developed immune responses against human disease pathogens, crops can be bred for resistance against disease pathogens, but we need to improve our understanding of effective resistance mechanisms within plants.
Nearly one in five (19 %) of these 221 biopsies demonstrated more than one resistance mechanism simultaneously.
For half of these patients (49 %), resistance mechanisms varied between biopsies, including both «gain» and «loss» of the T790M mutation (20 % and 11 % of two - biopsy patients, respectively).
Now, in a new study, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania have illuminated one of this cancer's major resistance mechanisms: a form of inflammation that is triggered by the tumor in response to treatment and helps keep tumor cells alive.
The other glyphosate - resistance mechanism involves the same gene.
«Plants with one type of glyphosate - resistance mechanism make multiple copies of the target site for glyphosate, a gene called EPSPS.
«There are likely resistance mechanisms that are site - specific,» added Anders, who is co-director of the Breast Cancer Tumor Donation Program at UNC Lineberger at UNC Lineberger and associate professor in the UNC School of Medicine Division of Hematology / Oncology.
«Isolation of Stb6 is a major breakthrough that will allow deeper understanding of disease resistance mechanisms operating in wheat against this important pathogen,» says Kanyuka.
Reporting of extensively drug - resistant A. baumannii infection is not required by most public health jurisdictions in the United States, and clinical laboratories generally do not test for an organism's underlying genetic resistance mechanisms.
The authors conclude «in summary, the development of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with current trypanocidal drugs coated by a specific nanobody against trypanosomes can reduce the minimal curative dose of these drugs, enhancing their efficacy, minimizing the toxicity and circumventing resistance mechanisms caused by mutations in surface transporters.»
Some coded for multi-drug efflux pumps, which are multi-drug resistance mechanisms embedded in the bacterial membrane that pump specific antibiotics out of the bacteria.
«Parsing the molecular details of tumor subtypes and resistance mechanism allows us to better define the therapeutic landscape as we pursue translational research,» said Resnick.
The three analogs not only bound the ribosome tightly, but they were more successful at avoiding a TB resistance mechanism called efflux.
The second report, identifies the immunotherapy resistance mechanism in melanoma cells, is from a group led by Kai Wucherpfennig, MD, PhD, director of Dana - Farber's Center for Cancer Immunotherapy Research, and Shirley Liu, PhD, of Dana - Farber.
At this stage, there are several hypotheses as to the nature of the mechanism, but it is very likely that Busseola fusca has developed an unconventional resistance mechanism yet to be identified.
A new study of how goldfish survive frozen winters without oxygen by producing alcohol may shed light on alcohol resistance mechanisms.
Genotypic evolution of azole resistance mechanisms in sequential Candida albicans isolates.
However, other plant factors or resistance mechanisms appear to modulate plant expression of EPSPS sensitivity to glyphosate.
SMOOTH MAGNETIC RESISTANCE SYSTEM - Designed for fitness enthusiasts of all skill - levels and comes with a magnetic resistance mechanism with 8 levels of difficulty.
The wind resistance mechanism effectively targets to tone your arms, legs, abs, and buttocks.
RESULTS: Researchers identify a chemotherapy resistance mechanism in hemangiosarcoma tumor cells Hemangiosarcoma is a common and deadly tumor of dogs.
In still other patients, the cancer cells progressed, but the AZD9291 appeared to have eliminated the T790 - M resistance mutation, suggesting some other resistance mechanism had taken control.
And it remains to be seen how quickly pests will develop resistance mechanisms to the RNAi insecticides.

Phrases with «resistance mechanisms»

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