Sentences with phrase «resistance problem»

Since I was always very active when I was young there was no problem but as I have gotten older it shows and this seems to be a classic insulin resistance problem.
«We've had resistance problems for more than 50 years,» she says.
Because thyroid problems often end up going hand in hand with insulin resistance problems.
Biofilms are involved in 80 percent of human infections and are one of the strongest contributors to the pressing antibiotic resistance problem.
Epidemiology Professor Marc Lipsitch explains in How Can Vaccines Contribute to Solving the Antimicrobial Resistance Problem?
ORIC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a small molecule oncology company focused on combating the growing resistance problem to current molecularly targeted drugs.
«What you need to do is use a variety of different pesticides in different years to minimize the insect resistance problem.
Read is skeptical of claims that lugdunin may not trigger resistance, because every antibiotic developed so far has run into resistance problems.
«You can't use antibiotics to eliminate a carrier,» or germs that lay dormant in the body, explains Fischetti, «otherwise you run into a lot more serious resistance problems
We've had [herbicide] resistance problems for more than 50 years.
This way of treating people is what helps create the drug resistance problem
Nesme and Simonet say the new findings should come as a plea for a broader ecological perspective on the antibiotic resistance problem.
However, if we look at Alzheimer's Disease as a «type 3» diabetes and an insulin resistance problem, coconut oil makes a lot of sense, as does a ketogenic high - fat diet.
Last year the United Nations General Assembly asked its member states to take measures to tackle the antimicrobial resistance problem.
ORIC is a small molecule oncology company focused on combating the growing resistance problem to current molecularly targeted drugs.
«This is the first demonstration that I know of that removal of visceral fat fixes the resistance problem,» says endocrinologist Michael Schwartz of the University of Washington, Seattle.
«The observed bridge between clinical and agricultural antibiotic resistance means we are not going to solve the resistance problem just by reducing the number of antibiotics we prescribe in our GP clinics.
Vaccinating rabbits to stop them breeding could be the answer to the resistance problem, said Tony Robinson, head of a team at the Cooperatve Research Centre for Biological Control of Vertebrate Pests.
The new study, published on 6 April in PloS Biology, offers a «completely new way of thinking» about the resistance problem, says entomologist Bart Knols of Wageningen University in the Netherlands.
«By singling out the offending bacteria at the point - of - care, we can immediately improve a doctor's ability to prescribe the right antibiotic, help minimize the drug - resistance problem that we face today and save lives,» Etchebarne said.
The resistance problem may be reversible, but only if society begins to consider how the drugs affect good bacteria as well as bad
If researchers could figure out how to block Nrf1, they might be able to address the resistance problem.
During IF, the intermittent nature of the intervention helps to prevent the insulin resistance problem.
I have PCOS, but have never been overweight or had insulin resistance problems.
It is hard for veterinarians to get a good feel for the extent of the resistance problem because we do not have good tests to gauge resistance.
They have found no resistance problems, but report that most product failure is usually due to improper application or lack of concurrent environmental control.

Phrases with «resistance problem»

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