Sentences with phrase «retail level»

This contravenes both the World Health Organisation (WHO) Code and the Code of Advertising Practice, which [sic] practices used to induce sales directly to the consumer at retail level» [Presumably it should read «prohibits practices»].
Sponsored by Westchester County Parks, this program offers year - round indoor health walking at The Westchester on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. To join, sign up at the horse fountain plaza near Crate & Barrel on Retail Level Two, on Tuesday and Friday mornings during the program.
According to leaked sources from design firm NBBJ, the new Amazon store will be on the ground retail level in one of the towers the are constructing.
14.3 % of American households found it difficult to put food on the table at some time in 2013, yet 31 % of food at the consumer and retail level goes uneaten (USDA ERS).
Tracys comments of self - publishing eliminating success on the physical retail level are quite telling.
Well, according to Ana M. Colon, LVT, Pet Dealer Program Manager, NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of Animal Industry, explains,  «Our licenses pertain to retail level sellers.
Integral role in the successful transition of Nike retail level 2 network support.
Nestlé and Unilever have rubbished allegations that they violated Brazilian competition law by preventing the exposure of rival ice cream products at retail level.
While operators have adhered to the wholesale price limit, which is currently 50 cents per megabyte, they continue to charge consumers a multiple of that rate at the retail level.
At the retail level, UPS will feature 3 - D printing from Stratasys as part of a test program for entrepreneurs, architects and other customers.
The truth is that customer experience at the retail level is so dissatisfying that people are using brick - and - mortar to shop and the internet to purchase.
Jean - Pierre pioneered selling restaurant brands at the retail level.
Coinbase currently offers only bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin on the retail level, but Armstrong's blog post says Coinbase Custody will support «a wide range of digital assets and currencies.»
The new law calls for nearly 20 different types of licenses, including permits for farmers; delivery services that will take pot to a buyer's front door; testing labs; distributors; and dispensary operators at the retail level.
At the retail level, a gram of cocaine can sell for about $ 59, according to the UNODC, though the price can vary considerably based on factors like purity and location.
This can be difficult if you have a nationwide network of stores on a retail level or operate as a national enterprise.
The category of shopper marketing, or marketing at the retail level, is one specialty dedicated to collecting data that goes beyond how we feel about a particular brand to what actually causes us to grab it off the shelf.
Samsung's hard - fought campaign for hearts and minds in its marketing is also affecting the battle in the trenches at the retail level where emotion translates into dollars and cents.
It's best if your product is novel enough that there's little competition for it on the retail level.
«Now that you have marijuana sold at the retail level, you see that increase in the potency, too.»
At the retail level, the average price for retail gasoline prices could fall below $ 2 a gallon, analysts said.
And that brings us to the retail level.
Shell has reportedly also curtailed fuel supplies at the retail level.
So debt crowdfunding at a retail level is here already.
In addition, food prices have been running below expectations in recent months, due in part to enhanced competition at the retail level, something we will continue to monitor.
In practice, any significant increase in competition at the retail level is more likely to come through a different route, such as the acquisition of an existing retail operation by a large foreign bank or the amalgamation of existing retail banks.
EPHE trades decently at the retail level, though it's still worth keeping an eye on the spreads and using limit orders.
At the retail level, prices of imported consumer goods fell in the year to the March quarter by just over 1 per cent; domestically produced goods prices are also rising more slowly than a year ago, but the slowing is less pronounced and, in the year to March, domestic goods prices rose by about 3 per cent.
As discussed below, the recent currency depreciation can be expected in time to give a significant boost to import prices at the retail level, but the main impact has yet to flow through.
After two years of almost continuous declines, import prices at the retail level showed little net movement over the March and June quarters, although they remain below their level of a year earlier.
A lack of visibility and oversight at the retail level makes it possible for malicious actors to acquire chemicals that could be used to make improvised explosive devices, this report finds.
Not only that, his job doesn't include benefits, and so he's been stuck with paying some big hospital bills at the retail level.
In arguing that moral philosophy should not be used to place in the Constitution what is not already there, I have been careful to say that I did not «mean that moral philosophy is alien to law and must be shunned in adjudication, but I do mean that it is valuable only at the retail level and disastrous at the wholesale.
And that is a task for several generations, which must begin now, at the retail level.
«We back up what we produce by making investments at the retail level, and that has brought us expanded shelf space and the ability to expand product lines,» Braun says.
«We are watching trends and with City of Saints, for example, we are able to get a better view of coffee trends at the retail level,» Seidenberg says.
Right now, brand visibility is the goal, which Drost points out is something rarely seen in the fresh seafood industry, especially at the retail level.
«The thing that really differentiates us from other coffee concepts at the retail level is we're gourmet coffee for the «average Joe,»» McFall says.
Based on that, we started working on this about three years ago, and we're going to be introducing the product this fall on a retail level.
«I bring a lot to the table for both mass market and in the independent natural and specialty trade at the retail level
These criminals desired to control all aspects of the industry, and gain favorable treatment for their brands at the retail level.
We're setting the pace for the industry in really trying to establish standards that we can share beyond ourselves and make an impact across the industry at the manufacturing and retail level
Of the eight quality grades only three — Prime, Choice and Select — are usually found at the retail level.
This also helped reduce product shrinkage at the retail level.
Owner and Founder Mark Tarner says South Bend Chocolate Company is unusual in that it both manufactures its product in an 80,000 - square - foot plant and sells it at the retail level.
If consumers were able to buy fresh seafood with the same confidence they have when buying fresh chicken, it would drastically increase seafood purchases on the retail level.
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