Sentences with phrase «retirement announcement»

This is the second major retirement announcement in one week.
And with that ending, chances are, will come player retirement announcements.
With the recent retirement announcement of Senator Slossberg, the longtime Chair of the General Assembly Education Committee, the possibility of new leadership becomes a key factor.
WAMC's Hudson Valley Bureau Chief Allison Dunne caught up with Harvey at Republican New York state Senator Bill Larkin's retirement announcement last week in Newburgh.
Stavisky's four - union sweep comes the same day Lancman and Meng rolled out deuling Democratic leader endorsements — retiring Rep. Gary Ackerman for her, (a slight to Lancman, who once served as the congressman's intern, and said he was caught off guard by Ackerman's abrupt retirement announcement just hours after a sit - down with the assemblyman), and former NYC Public Advocate Mark Green for him.
This development was devastating for the Denver Broncos following Peyton Manning's retirement announcement earlier this week.
Former Rye City Councilwoman Julie Killian's defeat last week in a state Senate special election unleashed a flood of retirement announcements from longtime GOP senators.
If Daniel Day - Lewis is genuinely going to make good on his recent retirement announcement, he couldn't have picked a better swansong than Phantom Thread.
Rosberg's retirement announcement just days after achieving his childhood dream and winning the F1 title caught many of us off - guard.
The 73 - year - old representative, who recently completed treatment for colon cancer, will make an official retirement announcement Thursday in Kingston, his office said Wednesday.
Though Mr. Rangel has backed away from retirement announcements before, most political observers in the upper Manhattan and Bronx - based 13th Congressional District anticipate that Mr. Rangel, who was first elected in 1970, will step aside.
A Senate GOP source cautioned against reading too much into the phenomenon of candidates deciding not to take a shot at running this fall, insisting that it isn't a chain reaction caused by the spate of bad news to hit the conference as of late — starting with the indictment of the chamber's No. 2 Republican, Sen. Tom Libous, and gathering steam with the abrupt retirement announcement by Maziarz, whose campaign spending is under investigation by the US attorney's office.
The Allen retirement announcement comes on top of significant TVA coal retirements over the past year, marking a continued move away from coal - fired power in the Tennessee Valley.
Victor Dodig will take over September 15, a transition time of just six weeks, after a search process that played out for three months following McCaughey's April retirement announcement.
The U.S. Supreme Court broke for its summer recess without an anticipated retirement announcement from the 80 - year - old Justice Anthony Kennedy.
The attorney, who stood next to Panepinto during his impromptu political retirement announcement in March, lost his battle with cancer three months later.
Ryan's retirement announcement blindsided many House Republican candidates and their campaign leaders who were counting on him to lead them to victory in the November midterm elections, and could make it easier for Democrats to retake control.
Before he made his surprise retirement announcement, Israel raised $ 1.4 million and spent $ 1.2 million in the last quarter of 2015, leaving him with $ 933,449 in the bank, according to this campaign finance filing.
Two - term Rep. Tim Griffin's unexpected retirement announcement will likely spur a crowded GOP primary for a competitive seat that Democrats hope to pick up in 2014.
State Sen. John Bonacic's retirement announcement reminded me of one of our first encounters, back around 1997, when he was part of that political gulag known as the Republican Assembly minority.
Senate Minority Leader Harry M. Reid's retirement announcement rocked Nevada's political scene, creating the GOP's only chance to capture a Democratic seat on the Senate battleground.
Entertainers seldom stick to their self - imposed retirement announcements.
Doing so provides important context for recent coal plant retirement announcements, particularly given that some companies have attributed retirements to EPA rules that are still years away from going into force.
Western U.S. retirement announcements came shortly after as utilities started to contemplate Regional Haze Rule findings and started to realize that retrofit decisions weren't so straightforward.
Bonacic's retirement announcement last week did not come as a huge surprise to those who follow these things.
U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer «s retirement announcement earlier this month kicks off a major demographic shift in California's congressional delegation — as aging Democratic women move closer to retirement.
The Queens Democrats voted last Friday to nominate candidates in all of the borough's other districts, but Ackerman's abrupt retirement announcement Thursday night caused party leaders to delay the decision on NY - 6 until tomorrow.
On a practical level, today's retirement announcement by Ways and Means Chairman Bill Thomas (R) has little effect on the fight for the majority this November.
While bloggers and forums across the Web savagely debate Lutz's worth as the «car czar» of GM in the wake of his recent retirement announcement, I have a more personal tale to tell.
Ryan's retirement announcement was preceded by a string of tweets from Trump, who touched on subjects including special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of Russian election meddling and the response to a suspected chemical attack in Syria on Wednesday.
The surge in prices was caused by a simultaneous decrease in ticket inventory and increase in demand as brokers raced to pull down speculative online ticket quotes — what they had believed to be good offer prices for tickets prior to Jeter's retirement announcement — before fast - clicking fans could take them up on old quotes, said Matcovich.
Microsoft's market value decreased from $ 604 billion when Ballmer became CEO to $ 269 billion just prior to his retirement announcement.
His retirement announcement takes place before a review of MLA salaries and benefits, led by retired Justice John Major, can take place.
This basically turns his announcement last year into a retirement announcement with the Isles able to get up to the cap floor.
From exciting on - track battles, to team - mate collisions, the odd dull race and retirement announcements.
He's not saying yet, and he certainly had no intention of raining on Perez's parade Sunday with a retirement announcement of his own.
The irony is that when Sandy finally did make his retirement announcement, he did it in such a way as to give Collier a scoop but also to force Collier into an error, not a big error, but the kind of petty thing that irks a good newspaperman.
With nothing to lose and with his retirement announcement this week, it would be very fitting for Friedel to cap off an amazing career with a final home appearance.
Before Hinchey's retirement announcement, it looked like two freshmen Central New York Republicans — Ann Marie Buerkle and Richard Hanna — would likely end up in a primary battle when state lawmakers finished redrawing the House lines and removing two seats — a move made necessary by New York's slow population growth as compared to other states.
«We don't expect this to be the last of the retirement announcements,» said Sen. Mike Gianaris, the Queens Democrat who leads the conference's fundraising efforts.
GOP gubernatorial candidate really got two bites out of the Helen Thomas scandal, first using it to curry favor with Jewish voters and now, in the wake of her retirement announcement, suggesting his Democratic target, AG Andrew Cuomo, was AWOL on the issue.
One national Republican operative told Roll Call Tuesday that in their party, state Sen. Jack Martins had been looking at a congressional campaign even before Israel's retirement announcement.
Photo at NYS Senator Larkin's retirement announcement.
The retirement announcement of Intelligence Chairman Mike J. Rogers Friday morning leaves a big hole for the House — and the Sunday talk show circuit — to fill.
The group's chairman, Eric Beach, is also a strategist for former Republican state Sen. Kelli Ward, who launched a primary challenge against Flake before his retirement announcement.
Farley is retiring after a 40 - year Senate career, and had endorsed Tedisco almost immediately after his retirement announcement.
The retirement announcement also comes after reports that members of Maziarz's office staff had quit in recent days.
Sen. George Maziarz insists a federal investigation into his campaign spending has nothing to do with his abrupt retirement announcement, saying: «I'm just tired.

Phrases with «retirement announcement»

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