Sentences with phrase «retirement check»

According to the child, he received a monthly retirement check which they had stretched by shopping carefully.
In such a system, the employer has an obligation to provide a regular retirement check to employees upon their retirement.
The bare - bones retirement check just won't spread that far.
The bare - bones retirement check just won't spread that far.
The last obstacle was reached when retirement checks and court awards poured in together a lot!
Considering the average monthly Social Security retirement check in Georgia is $ 1,304.44, you'll have plenty of cash leftover after bills.
On average, the top 100 CEO nest eggs are large enough to generate for each of these executives a $ 253,088 monthly retirement check for the rest of their lives.
It more than doubles the average monthly full retirement check from Social Security — a $ 2,639 check versus $ 6,351 in debt.
The report identified 18 state lawmakers who receive retirement checks totaling $ 782,000 a year in addition to their legislative salaries.
If your decree states that a QDRO or a COAP will be written and one has not been written, OPM will wait to receive that order before dividing your retirement with a former spouse and this will slow down your retirement processing and receipt of a full retirement check.
Our society has reduced success to a list of boxes to be checked: graduate from school, partner up, have kids, settle into a well - defined career path, and hang on until retirement checks can be collected.
First, nearly all teachers are covered by traditional defined benefit (DB) pension plans, in which employees receive a regular retirement check based on a legislatively determined formula.
Even though staying beyond the set retirement year oftentimes means a bigger retirement check, because pensions are guaranteed over a lifetime, working when you could be retired means less checks to collect over a lifetime.
In New York State, it is not uncommon for cops and firefighters to pull in six - figure retirement checks.
So what is a couple who lives Social Security Disability, each one of us, + one has an extra retirement check from the State of Wa, this is all tax free $ $.
And, the typical Social Security retirement check here is above the national average, at $ 1,343.51.
If the increase in the CPI is 5 %, FERS retirement checks will increase by 4 %.
A retirement fund of $ 14.5 million, combined with Social Security, would generate a monthly retirement check for these CEOs of $ 88,576.
One downside for retirees: The average Social Security retirement check received by folks living in Albuquerque is $ 1,227.11.
The employer has an obligation to provide a regular retirement check to employees upon their retirement, based on a legislatively determined formula (see sidebar).
What we do know is that the average monthly retirement check was only $ 1,369 in June 2017, according to the Social Security Administration — and that's not much.
Even if you die after receiving just one Social Security retirement check — far less than you've paid in — you can't designate an additional amount to be paid to heirs of your choosing at your death.
Every month for the rest of his life, he'll receive a retirement check for about $ 17,142 — not bad for a guy with at least a few black hairs remaining on his head.
Voters gave judges the authority in 2017 to strip government employees of their retirement checks if they're nailed on felonies.
My retirement check has been getting smaller every year for the past 8 years.
Additionally, I recently saw that a significant number of State retirees recieve their retirement checks in places like Florida, Arizona, etc. thus taking any residual impact to local economies out of state along with those retirement, untaxed dollars paid by NYS taxpayers.
The career ladder has been climbed, the retirement check has been cashed, but you are not yet ready for a life of rocking chairs and bingo.
Red is an insult to our memories and to our intelligence, an unfunny farce whose veteran cast is cashing a retirement check.
Retired and trying to scrape by on his retirement check, Joe Harding (Michael Caine) is about to hit an unexpected brick wall.
It would be possible to design DB plans for educators in which retirement checks would reflect career average earnings.
However, unlike the typical teacher pension, your Social Security retirement check is based on 35 years of earnings, not the highest two or three years.
In an FAS plan, your retirement check is based not on your career average salary, but rather, on the average of several years of your highest salary (typically earned in your final years).
The result of all of these postretirement options is that the decision to «retire» (i.e., collect a retirement check) is not necessarily the same as a decision to quit teaching.
Until then, it's a retirement check from the military and being a farmer — neither of which pays very well!
The best way to protect against this risk to periodically give yourself a retirement check - up.
We may offer preauthorized deposits (e.g., payroll checks, Social Security or retirement checks, or other government checks) or preauthorized transfers from other accounts.
Even if you die after receiving just one Social Security retirement check — far less than you've paid in — you can't designate an additional amount to be paid to heirs of your choosing at your death.
Your Social Security benefit amount is also adjusted based on when you start claiming your Social Security retirement checks; therefore, you will earn more from Social Security if you wait until your full retirement age.
If you receive a Social Security or retirement check, your premium will be taken from those funds.
So the next time you're doing a retirement check - up or just looking for ways to improve your retirement prospects, consider whether you can push yourself to save more (and, ideally, get to a 15 % - or - better rate as soon as you can).
So instead of dwelling on past mistakes — failing to get an earlier jump on saving, buying into a hot fund just before it hit the wall, whatever — celebrate the things you did right: signing up for your 401 (k), performing a retirement check - up, refinancing your mortgage to take advantage of lower interest rates.
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