Sentences with phrase «retirement dollars»

I had no idea you could invest retirement dollars in anything else.
Most of them did not know that real estate could be purchased with retirement dollars for investment purposes.
This time retirement dollars for couples are being taken.
Some of these people are in their 80's and using retirement dollars, like a deal I saw not too long ago.
Since the crash of the stock market, investors are trying to secure their hard - earned retirement dollars with more tangible assets like real estate.
It can be a great tool for the right person, but as more options become available, it just means there are more candidates vying for Canadian retirement dollars.
The fiduciary rule extends a best - interest standard of care to anyone investing or doing financial planning with retirement dollars.
It's critical to ensure your hard - earned retirement dollar is going to the right type of fund, with the right fund manager, in the right asset allocation.
It's your next pot of retirement dollars.
Yes, it's a long way to fly, but once there, Fraser finds that his hard - won retirement dollars go much, much further.
While the TSP is a great vehicle for pre-tax retirement dollars (and they now offer a Roth option!)
The main thrust of the rule — that anyone working with retirement dollars adhere to a fiduciary standard — is scheduled to take effect June 9.
Simply put, the financial industry must find new ways to much more broadly deliver a combination of needed advice and low cost products which leave more retirement dollars in the pockets of their customers.
When it comes to retirement, a capital transfer strategy lets you transfer retirement dollars from one of your current accounts1 to a more tax - efficient asset like a life insurance policy — which provides an income tax - free death benefit.
Whether it's your employer 401K, Traditional IRA, SEP IRA, or Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), the majority of Americans have invested these qualified retirement dollars because they have been told that is the -LSB-...]
You may be tempted to use retirement dollars toward financial assistance for your child, but don't derail your own financial plans.
Come June 9, agents and advisors must fulfill three main criteria when selling products using retirement dollars: act as a fiduciary, accept only reasonable compensation, and make no «materially misleading statements.»
According to a recent report by the Social Security Administration (SSA), housing expenses make the top of the list of the largest household costs for retirees by 35 percent, followed by transportation (14 percent), and out - of - pocket health care (13.2 percent).1 For this reason, many people getting ready to retire (and even those who are already there) are looking for options to help them control household expenses and keep more of their hard - earned retirement dollars.
• The fiduciary rule: This will go into effect June 9 and requires anyone working with retirement dollars to act in the best interest of the client at all times, and be able to prove it, or face possibility of a lawsuit.
If you build your nest egg only in tax - deferred accounts like a 401 (k) or IRA, you're going to pay a lot of taxes in retirement when you access these funds — meaning your retirement dollars may not go as far as you'd hoped.
It can also be a good idea to spend down your retirement dollars.
Once you take a pretax retirement account, such as a traditional IRA, and convert that account to a Roth IRA, you are subjecting your retirement dollars to both federal and state income taxes today in return for the promise of tax - free income during retirement.
If you are 30 years old today, that means your retirement dollars can be put to use for decades to build the kind of world you want to live in.
Yes, there's a housing bubble; however, if you follow the retirement dollars, look for the good deals and diversify your areas, you may do better than your friends that are only buying houses in one area.
What's terrific about putting your retirement dollars in a Roth IRA (as you have been doing), is that the money will grow tax - free and generally can be taken out tax - free six months after your 59th birthday.
I am a reformed product junkie and have thrown out some of my retirement dollars in the trash, because I was too lazy or the products expired.
If you're looking to stretch your retirement dollars, converting to cash can help, even in small areas of your budget, whether it be groceries or entertainment or clothing.
If you are 30 years old today, that means your retirement dollars can be put to use for decades to build the kind of world you want to live in.
If more people understood they might be throwing away a million dollars in retirement dollars but making the wrong choice, they would make a different choice.
Jonathan Chevreau: The difference between picking the right time and the wrong time to optimize your CPP could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars to your retirement
You need to understand the tax rules and rely on some assumptions if you want to get the most out of your retirement dollar.
With so many options fighting for your retirement dollar, the choice is not easy.
Safer investments net lower rewards, but will safeguard the retirement dollars you have, especially if needed in the short term.
Your debt reduction plan is your ticket to becoming debt free and it will also increase your retirement dollars.
Relatively minor adjustments can help resuscitate your portfolio and squeeze more from your retirement dollars.
In particular, if your company will match what you save, not contributing means you are throwing away retirement dollars.
If you're investing for retirement, you'll want to open either a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA, which will reduce your taxes and stretch your retirement dollars even further.
While the shift is loosening private equity's grip on mom and pop's retirement dollar, the growing use of target - date funds may offer private equity a chance to get back in.
Cost - of - living adjustments help make sure that your retirement dollars keep the same buying power year after year.
Shifting your retirement dollars as your need, risk profile and income changes, and knowing when to shift before you are adversely impacted, is critical.
This means less of your retirement dollars going to medical bills, freeing up cash for what you choose to do with it.
Having attended an International Living convention in Vegas, I latched on to the concept of stretching your retirement dollars by living in Central America.
It's a fact of life that economic downturns, increased life expectancies, reduced benefits, and rising health care costs mean your retirement dollars need to stretch even further.
If you wonder what you'll be spending your retirement dollars on, look no further than the kitchen sink.
I just don't like the idea of giving control of my retirement dollars that I work very hard for to institutions to manage.
However, recently I became aware of an 83 year old woman, in my area, who used her retirement dollars to invest in one of these deals, and she may lose a good portion of her money.
I am always sharing important information on this topic with agents, including this particular key insight: your clients do not need to have the full cash amount in order to invest in real estate with retirement dollars.

Phrases with «retirement dollars»

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