Sentences with phrase «review comments»

"Review comments" refers to the feedback or opinions given by someone after examining or assessing something, typically a document, a piece of work, or a product. These comments are aimed at discussing its strengths, weaknesses, suggestions for improvement, or overall evaluation. Full definition
Review after review comment on the reverse seat and the beautiful bassinet.
For instance, create a hashtag for the event that enables online learners to post and review comments in one location.
Author teams have to react to the second round of review comments as well and prepare the final draft, taking into account all the comments received.
I can confirm that all substantive expert and government review comments have been afforded appropriate consideration by the writing team in accordance with IPCC procedures.
Please review comments on the page linked above which might not be very positive.
She says the ministry is still reviewing the comments received in response to the posting.
These services all have little differences, so take five minutes and review my comments about each before you settle on one.
My plan will now involve spending up to a week reviewing comments made by the editor and making changes where necessary.
Officials are now reviewing the comments, and modifications could be made.
To help us process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method.
There are other reviews commenting on the solid story, the heartbreaking conflict between family, and the relationships your team builds with each other as you progress.
Many IPCC reviewers seem to have felt frustrated that the chapter authors were unfairly dismissing or ignoring their long and detailed review comments.
We have compiled extensive review comments and field research on this industrial - scale offshore project.
Perhaps it should be a requirement of a PhD that the candidate has published a peer - reviewed comment paper?
You can also review some comments on the Internet or the experienced moms for the best advice.
Our trustees review all comments and provide detailed answers to help our readers.
No one should claim certainty over such topic, you may review comment No. 79 and see what's behind.
While we have moved closer to having a finalized rule, additional changes could still be made after the agencies review comments and feedback.
This is sent to the reviewers, for a second round of review comments.
Although the guest should not have censorship rights, he or she should have a chance to review comments before they are posted in order to prepare a response.
There are three stages of review involving more than 2,500 expert reviewers who collectively submitted 90,000 review comments on the drafts.
For me I found this article of interest, it led me to review all comments made & the case it's self.
This may take a few days although we hope to review comments more quickly.
CareerAlley Career advice, job search advice and job search site reviews Comments By Email Posts Jobs powered by Simply Hired «Job Hunting — It's a Jungle Out There Restarting Your Job Search When All Else Fails — Vol 2» You have submitted your CV / Resume, now what?
CareerAlley Career advice, job search advice and job search site reviews Comments By Email Posts Jobs powered by Simply Hired «Job Hunting Help: Tapping Into the Hidden Job Market On the Road Again — Job Search — Vol 1» Auditioning for Your Next Job «Every time you have to speak, you are auditioning for leadership.»
I haven't studied the Notes giving the responses to Annan's AR4 review comments in detail, but I do note that without his intervention the IPCC would have totally excluded the Forster / Gregory 06 study from Figure 9.20!
The FDA hasn't established a formal definition of the term (it is currently reviewing comments from the public).
• The Publishers Weekly review comments, «This original and frightening ecological response to human activity dances tantalizingly on the edge of believability.
But a more serious question then arises: did the authors let their strong interest in the issue cause them to throw caution to the wind and press forward a statement based on weak evidence with a pedigree (i.e., not peer reviewed) that called for further exploration of the matter, and did they ignore critical review comments in the process?
Automatic application review, which provides review comments in the familiar format of Microsoft Word.

Phrases with «review comments»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z