Sentences with phrase «review panel»

A "review panel" refers to a group of individuals that come together to examine and evaluate something, such as a project, proposal, or performance. They provide feedback, discuss their thoughts, and make recommendations based on their analysis. Full definition
Review panels of respected professionals in the field were selected based on their perspectives and experiences working with artists of diverse practices and cultural backgrounds.
Applications will be evaluated by a Scientific Review Panel for their merit, innovation, and potential impact on the management of lung cancer.
Applications for these grants are reviewed by external peer review panels composed of inclusive groups of artists, arts professionals and community volunteers selected for their expertise and objectivity.
Had they been forced to consider climate change, the result of the joint review panel could well have a rejection of the pipeline proposal.
The medical review panel process will waste at least two years in completing.
Nor did the federal review panel have direct oversight over the selection of individual programs, since few states discussed specific core programs in their state applications, and none identified Direct Instruction.
A peer review panel reviews the data for scientific validity and currency.
In our submissions to the federal environmental assessment review panel we have made detailed recommendations about how this could be done.
All work using animals is reviewed by local ethical review panels.
Scientists will be free to nominate their own peers as initial reviewers and those chosen will form a «college» from which final review panels will be drawn.
If you missed an application review panel, you can see the preliminary panel scores below.
There's plenty of advice on the way from committees reviewing the panel's practices.
And then there is our carefully chosen reviews panel.
The evidence came only from believers that wanted it to be so, not an independent review panel.
Applications will be judged by an independent peer review panel.
A medical review panel is comprised of an attorney chairman and three physician members who review the patient's medical records and decide whether the case has merit.
A full list of the expert review panel is available below.
Would such a proposal pass an ethical review panel?
Farajidavar secured priceless advice about grant funding practices from his PI, who had served on review panels for several national agencies.
Northern Gateway received approval from a joint review panel in December, though it must meet 209 conditions, including $ 950 million in liability coverage.
Over the course of his career, he has served on grant review panels of multiple funding agencies, actively participated in the development of national and international nutrition policy, authored over 300 research papers, has been awarded more than seventy grant - years of peer - reviewed research funding and given hundreds of lectures around the world.
He is a fellow of the AHA and the American College of Sports Medicine, sits on the editorial boards of several physiological journals, and participates on grant review panels at the NIH, NASA, and AHA.
The risk with these competitions when carried out by the Office of the Secretary is that they become politicized, that they are judged by review panels without methodological competence, and that they are overseen, once awarded, by career staff in program offices that do not have the background to monitor what is, at root, a program evaluation grant.
In their contingency plan, L.A. Unified officials propose two ways to cancel out the three - year $ 72.2 million deficit if no solution presents itself by 2017 - 18: zero out the planned $ 101.3 million contribution to a trust fund that pays retiree health benefits, or implement $ 102.8 million worth of the cuts an independent financial review panel recommended in November.
[The Plaintiff's] proffered evidence merely speculates through Dr. McLaughlin's expected testimony that every doctor in Indiana — all of whom are required by law to participate in the Patient's Compensation Fund and to serve as review panel members - have such an interest in limiting their financial exposure by limiting payouts from the Patient's Compensation Fund that they would render opinions based on such interest.
What will also be an issue, potentially for legal appeal, is what the Joint Review Panel didn't consider: the impacts of oil sands development.
Any plan to deal with the revenue problem will likely come after the government receives a much anticipated report from the royalty review panel chaired by ATB President and CEO Dave Mowat.
Recall that the Telecom Policy Review panel called for a fresh look every 5 years.
Source: Alberta Royalty Review Panel Saying that «Future generations of Albertans will receive a fair share from the development of their resources,» Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach last week unveiled the... Read more →
VICTORIA — The National Energy Board is shutting out important voices by limiting the scope and depth of participation in the Joint Review Panel hearings on the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion, say the New Democrats.
Last fall an Independent Financial Review Panel recommended a reduction of about 10,000 staff members, including administrators, classified and certificated personnel, for a savings of half a billion dollars a year for the district that faces a dire budget crisis.
In a letter dated April 17, the U.S. Education Department informed the state Department of Public Instruction that a peer review panel found several deficiencies in its application for a waiver from No Child Left Behind.
The fact that more than 4,300 people signed up to make submissions to the Joint Review Panel considering the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, two giant pipelines to carry petroleum from Alberta's oil sands through the British Columbia mountains to a port in Kitimat, BC., for shipment by tanker to Asia.
Alberta's Royalty Review panel stopped in Edmonton on Oct. 6, 2015 for the fourth and final scheduled community consultation meeting.
The Committee and its Expert Review Panels meet twice a year and assess all applications on the basis of their scientific quality, taking into consideration comments collected from expert peer reviewers.
While noting that it's difficult to comment without knowing details of Pruitt's plans, Carney said that the association «would question policies that would exclude qualified experts from review panels based on criteria that are extraneous.»
She has also served as a panelist on several grant review panels including Miami - Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, Southern Arts Federation, Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County, Ohio Arts Council and Miami Light Project's Here & Now Festival.
After reviewing the panel hearings, the court concluded that they «afforded fundamental due process» and that the decisions were «rational.»
(The fact that there are no players from Native groups on any of the peer review panels also doesn't help the administration, which needs all the help it can get from them for President Obama's re-election effort.)
He has served on many science review panels for the National Science Foundation, NASA and others, and has supervised many Ph.D. students, in addition to pre and postdoctoral fellows.
The Property Assessment Review Panel produces a guide to assist those who wish to appeal.
The SFI Progress Report also reflects the critical role played by an arms - length external review panel comprised of independent experts from conservation, professional, academic and public organizations.
The Competition Policy Review Panel last week delivered its long - awaited report on Canada's foreign investment practices, recommending changes to the country's ownership rules and stressing the need for Canadian companies to be more competitive abroad.
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