Sentences with phrase «review scores»

"Review scores" are ratings or numbers given to rate or evaluate something, such as a product, movie, or game, based on opinions and assessments by experts or consumers. It helps people decide if something is good or bad before they try or buy it. Full definition
Not one of the main games has ever aggregated an average review score of less than 70 %, with more than half receiving above a 90 % throughout its lifespan.
I do nt trust average review scores for the most part especially user reviews and especially for exclusive games.
The result was an epic adventure that was met with a phenomenal reception, boasting the highest review scores in franchise history.
However, even if you just reviewed your score on a yearly basis it will keep improving your credit score at the front of your mind.
You know there's something wrong with review scores in modern reviews when someone says 10 and 9 are so high, but 8 is not.
As if you needed any more reasons to pick up this collection, it currently has an average review score of 91, out of 35 reviews.
Unfortunately, the game has experienced a rather rocky release, with review scores varying wildly.
A quality launch with good review scores is important.
It was weird seeing all this negative press and low review scores for the game, because I found myself really enjoying the battle system and the story.
The Football Manager franchise has had a strong history with each edition doing well in review scores from both critics and fans, however, this time, the tables have turned.
But it brings up the true importance of game review scores.
Websites even aggregate review scores, combining both critics and user scores.
The newer title has also pulled in more perfect review scores than its predecessor.
Back to the article, I don't see why there is so much scrutiny over review scores.
Yes, in the real world pure chance is a factor in review scores as so much can contribute to them, but not this badly.
The PS4 version got off lightest, with an average user review score of 3.5.
Now, to be fair, that game didn't get very positive review scores either.
While we are happy with the overall review score of the game, it indeed has flaws that need to be improved.
When I review any game I try to be as fair as I can, but when it comes to this list it's purely personal and so review scores don't count.
The game has been getting pretty great review scores; I myself gave it an 8.5 / 10 on PC.
You'll also see review scores — if available — and you can often call businesses or visit the website directly from the info panel.
Let us know if YOU think review scores need to move on.
You can check out all the early review scores for the game here.
Then the mediocre review scores started rolling in and I didn't feel as bad anymore.
The final review score is derived from all the individual scores, giving users an overview of the property's service quality.
Some readers might be aware of the subjective quality of review scores while others might not.
You can put down your $ 5, then wait until review scores come in.
Sales were good, bolstered by outstanding review scores.
So many review scores drop so significantly based on story, despite saying the game itself is a lot of fun.
When reading the reviews for a store or product, watch for a sharp contrast between review scores.
Much like review scores, people put a ton of weight in something so small.
I think that's kind of how game review scores work, too.
Back when 3DS first launched I remember this game getting some pretty crappy review scores, so I made sure to cross it off my list of titles to buy at launch.
But this is another game that initial review scores can't be considered appropriate now.
Usually, that in and of itself is a sign of a publisher's lack of confidence in a title, believing negative review scores ahead of a game's release will damage sales.
Local solar companies tend to be very knowledgeable, do high quality installations and have high quality consumer reviews scores compared to the large solar leasing companies.
If you received an outstanding performance review score at your last facility, note it as well.
The first chart reveals a game's user review history over time, while the chart beside it depicts the game's most recent review scores.
I suppose review scores will play a large role as well.
These negative points don't take away from the game itself but really do stop it from getting a higher fun factor and review score sadly.
Now, to be fair, that game didn't get very positive review scores either.
But we STILL wouldn't know (not without reviewing each and every review individually) whether the reasons for the difference in review scores matches with your thesis.
This food which contains fresh lamb is definitely doing well as it has a wonderful review score of 4.4 from around 800 reviews already.
The subjective review score is added to the academic score, creating a new overall score.
We display the insurers using a «weighted average» calculation so that insurers with a more statistically valid review score appear ahead of those with only a few reviews.
Then, you'll see a list of dog foods with the highest review score according to your dog's needs.
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