Sentences with phrase «review section»

The phrase "review section" refers to a part or section of a website, magazine, or newspaper where people share their opinions and evaluations about a product, service, or experience. Full definition
At a time when the book review sections of newspapers and magazines are shrinking — or being eliminated — online peer reviews play an increasingly important role in our decisions about what to read.
There's a rating in review section if you look for that.
For more information about selected books, check out the featured books below and our book review section for reviews.
The editorial reviews section is your chance to really highlight some great reviews from notable readers.
Please review the section on hit - and - run claims.
PhD academic experts will study your sources and make up dissertation literature review section for you.
Review the sections below to understand more about how to use your driver's record report.
In your dissertation literature review section, they'll state the connection between your topic and your cited sources.
For those who may not know, you can find those words in blue right just under the reviewer's moniker in the customer reviews section of their book pages.
Please review all sections pertinent to the services and / or products you need.
Check out our product reviews section where we celebrate and share what tastes good.
And be sure to check out our dating site reviews section for an impartial opinion on a number of online dating sites.
For example, industry magazines require self - published authors to pay to be reviewed in separate review sections from traditionally - published authors.
If you would like to review these sections click on the appropriate links shown at the left.
We are working on a cloth diaper reviews section that will help you find quality products.
Visit our consumer reviews section to read over 100,000 dating site and app reviews posted by other consumers.
Our course is divided into nine chapters each with their own review sections and chapter quizzes that focus on the most important parts of being a safe driver.
If you want to see more ticket dismissal courses and defensive driving classes I've reviewed, check out my online traffic school reviews section of the site.
To assess the options lets first review Section 1031 and Section 121.
Start by reading the descriptions of the products and by visiting our car seat stroller combo reviews section to see what other parents have thought about these products.
Another helpful resource on our site is our baby jumper review section.
The equipment review section is designed to get specific questions answered or to comment on your experiences with this specific piece of equipment.
We will now review this section that seems to be quite popular among catholic people.
Some of you may be wondering why I didn't mention the HD screen as a pro in the quick review section at the top of page.
While editing a paper, divide in into sections and review each section separately.
One of the most effective ways to find out if the provider is genuine or not, is by noting the samples and the essay writing service reviews section.
Check out the trainers review section on this website for more info on how effective our methods are.
There always are a few odds and ends that don't warrant a full review section but need mentioned regardless.
This is a relatively short review section but it's well worth touching on before continuing.
The most unique benefit this website offers is the resume review section.
There are a variety of different review sections that provides information about services that are available across the web.
Research of the Title report should be included in the document review section of due diligence — no doubt.
The book review section has disappeared from many publications; the lifestyle section is very competitive.
Review the section on measured moves if you have forgotten how they are identified and how they work.
Free online revisions let our customers feel confident about the writing quality and content of their dissertation literature review section.
She researched the genres that members specialized in and interviewed those who agreed to review a section of her manuscript for free.
For more information about fees, please review Section 7 of the Program Description and Participation Agreement.
You can check my online traffic school reviews by state section to get more choices and even more reviews and I have even more listed in my online traffic school reviews section.
In the Sunday Review section of today's edition of The New York Times, Adam Liptak has a news analysis that begins, «Supreme Court advocacy is not usually a spectator sport, so it may have surprised Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. when the reviews of his defense of President Obama's health care law started to roll in.»
As you can see, there's quite a bit of trolling taking place on the user reviews section for Breath of the Wild.
To answer these questions, UCS invited several of the world's leading experts on water resources, biodiversity, and climate change to carefully review the sections in Lomborg's book that address their areas of expertise.
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