Sentences with phrase «risk situations»

This is one of the most high risk situations for your baby.
Yet, if a doctor orders that she undergo a c - section due to a high risk situation for her and her baby, she will not have a choice.
These are value markets which appeal primarily to investors with a longer - term outlook and a penchant for lower risk situations.
Choosing to stay out of risk situations always involves some «cost» (some are more costly than others).
«It's a high - risk situation with no significant margins, at least initially,» he said of owning an airline.
To say, it is a preparedness course that will expose the person to the accident - risk situations on the road.
His shark suits protect people from the immediate danger of shark bites when in high - risk situations like shark feeding and research.
The main aim is to reduce high - risk situations involving inexperienced drivers.
Furthermore, while the frequency of vaccinations is recommended to be spaced 2 - 4 weeks apart, some veterinarians advocate giving vaccines once a week in perceived or legitimate high exposure risk situations.
This is a high risk situation if the dog is in shock, and may require removal of part of the stomach if a section of stomach dies due to lack of blood supply.
However, there are some very high risk situations where a 24 month waiting period can not be avoided.
One way that drivers can get high risk auto insurance after a DUI or related incident is through an assigned risk situation.
I am capable of negotiating contracts and can handle risk situations in the company quite well.
I have always assured the company's profit and implemented many set of actions to overcome any set of risk situations.
Learn more about many Veterans have been able to rebound their financial situations with new mortgage programs that consider lending to people in high risk situations because of negative equity, past bankruptcies, foreclosures and poor fico scores.
Booster shots are recommended every 3 years for house cats and every year for cats that are in high risk situations such as outdoor cats.
We tailor our vaccine recommendations to risk situations specific to each pet; we realize that each pet is different, and we determine your animal's vaccine requirements on an individual basis.
According to ACOG, 20 percent of all previously uncomplicated pregnancies present high - risk situations during labor.
However, a risk - adverse bettor could set up a low - risk situation by placing a bet that runs in direct contrast with their original bet.
We will not hesitate to transfer care to a hospital or OB appropriately in the event that a high - risk situation occurs.
Improving the behavior of the parent or caregiver of children in high - risk situations actually changes their physical chemistry, according to the studies Tough cites, leading to fewer behavior problems and greater success in school, as well as measurably better health outcomes as years pass.
High Risk Situations Pregnancy Complications Those on Bedrest Teen Pregnancies A pregnancy... Read More
Take a similar risk situation with a 2 year old child, and parents could possibly get DCFS involved for child endangerment.
Officials had not negotiated with Tehran and nor did they confront the Iranian government and risk the situation escalating, he said.
Health care in the US is broken because of bad laws, a bad business environment, and a bad risk situation on many levels, throughout the industry.
An extensive range of equipment is available to help drivers anticipate risk situations:
Crashes went down more in the high - risk situations specifically addressed by graduated licensing.
This was a POLITICAL risk situation, but one that was not unwarranted.
Because of this, we do not recommend this vaccination unless a cat is in a high risk situation living with FIP positive cats, or in a shelter or cattery that has had FIP positive cats recently.
k9 connection provides a motivating and caring learning environment for teens in high - risk situations through bonding with and training shelter dogs in preparation for the dogs» adoption into permanent, loving homes.
Policy Bachat offers national resources, plus the stability, creativity, and expertise to deal with even the most challenging risk situations.
As police swept through the building looking for Cruz, medics with special training for high - risk situations followed behind, tending to the wounded.
Assessed the needs of clients, developed solutions to complex risk situations and offered clients appropriate risk management products.
Family resilience relative to stepfamilies, military marriages, parenting, at - risk youth, and high - risk situations also is discussed
Drifting has such negative outcomes that sometimes children are left in high - risk situations simply to avoid yet another change in their lives (Clare, 2002).
Target Population: Families and referred children who are at - risk as a result of family conflict, lack of parenting skills, child abuse, childhood emotional issues, disruptive behavioral problems including criminal misconduct and other at - risk situations children, parents, and families face.
Supervised visitation / Monitored Visits allow parents in high conflict or high risk situations access to their children in a safe and supervised environment.
This is all good and fine for the low risk situations in the parking lot but as Ron Burgundy said, «Boy, that escalated quickly.»
However, this is a very high - risk situation because most of the other body systems problems have their origin in a lymphatic deficiency.
Accurately labelled and checked patient samples, which prevented high risk situations like patient sample mix ups and wrong diagnosis.
The challenge is being able to find them quickly, and at the same time remove high - risk situations such as an earnings release before expiration, or super high P / E ratio stocks.
Also, this has the potential to be a no - risk situation for Meng, thanks to the Senate GOP, which is refusing to go along with the Assembly Democrats» desire to move the Sept. 11 state legislative primaries up to correspond with the court - ordered June 26 House and US Senate primaries.
Think about times you managed high - risk situations on your own or persuaded a difficult customer.
Experts have argued that dog bites are preventable if owners are properly educated on how to read canine behaviour and identify high risk situations.
We can create opportunities and competitions for young people (like the McDonald's All - American All - Star Games) that allow entrepreneurs to try — and fail or succeed — in low - risk situations, when their entire families» life savings aren't on the line.

Phrases with «risk situations»

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