Sentences with phrase «room deals»

I have never and will never abandon my values to cut back room deals with corrupt party leaders, but my opponent has.
Check every now and then for new room deals.
They engaged in back room deals, gossip, half - truths and outright lies.
Considering Time Warner was a large donor to Cuomo, was this a back room deal in the snow for him to be interviewed?
Labour's shadow Scottish Secretary Lesley Laird, said there should be «no back room deals done with RBS».
Answer that and then maybe answer how «insider» Schneiderman hired the ultimate sleazy fixer Stanley Schlein to do some back room dealing at the convention.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of back room deal where BA and AA share some of the «fuel surcharge» revenue in exchange for pushing all award availability to BA.
With both the governor and Assembly Democrats pressing for $ 15 as part of the fiscal 2017 state budget due for adoption by April 1, Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan apparently hopes for a back - room deal on something less, although he has no visible strategy for accomplishing it.
I would hazard an educated guess that if Moody's has determined that Chicago is regarded as below investment grade, the stark reality is that Chicago is likely on the verge of collapse barring some likely smoke - filled back room deals cut between Obama and his former puppet - master, Rahm Emanuel (Mayor of Chicago).
And How old is Stanley Schein, the Real Estate Lobbyist, back room deal maker who got her the BRONX endorsement.
It is too important for its future to be determined in a back room deal which would then be bounced on MPs with precious little scope for proper debate let alone public consultation.
Political arm - twisting and back - room dealing lead to plenty of intrigue in Steven Spielberg's film about the 16th president's efforts to pass the 13th Amendment.
Napoleon on Kent is a favourite of corporate and executive visitors seeking a last minute hotel room deal near to their corporate headquarters in near to the Circular Quay end of Sydney's CBD.
Sadly, game companies seem to be of the mindset that no one plays the old arcade titles anymore, or the younger crowd feels that those games are just crappy flash games and no challenge that you can find anywhere on the internet, just look at how the Game Room deal went on the 360's XBLA.
Some historical protagonists are gathered (William N. Copley, Jean - Frédéric Schnyder, Dorothy Iannone), while several rooms deal with the critical question - ing of the image (Walter Robinson, Aldo Walker, Christian Lindow, Rosemarie Trockel), expressiveness (John Miller, Jutta Koether, Sue Williams, Mai - Thu Perret, Josh Smith, Rachel Harrison) and style (Jana Euler, Laura Owens, David Hominal).
«The CPUC is not the right forum to decide on this important matter,» the group of scientists and environmentalists said, «nor is a back - room deal dictated by special interests an appropriate framework for that decision.
If you've been given a traffic citation in Indian River County, Florida, you want to act quickly to ensure you don't end up with points on your license or in a court room dealing with the ticket.
Decades ago, the games industry was far more shifty and back room deals for positive coverage may have happened.
... They went from progressive ideals to back - room deals in record time.»
Turns out, the dirty tricks and back room deals didn't stop while Gekko was incarcerated.
Although some Council members see the departure of Police Commissioner Bill Bratton as a chance to push forward a package of police reform bills known as the Right to Know Act, the incoming commissioner said he's sticking with the back - room deal made between Bratton and Council Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — The criminal case brought Thursday by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara provided a peek into some of the back - room deals at the heart of Gov. Andrew Cuomo's effort to revive Upstate cities like Syracuse with major economic development projects.
He barely managed to cling to another short term of mayoral control of the city schools that was due solely to a back - room deal where he agreed to stop denying unused city school space to charter schools.
While this move, the result of back room dealing between the GOP and Big Oil, has alarmed farmers, environmentalists and concerned citizens who have spent the last six months publicly organizing and peacefully fighting against the proposed project, there's reason to believe it could be a blessing in disguise.
The negotiating and back - room dealing will continue.
The Public Accounts Committee and National Audit Office raised serious concerns about the legality of the health department contract, describing it as a «back room deal» which had been «handed to Dr Foster on a plate».
By contrast, conservative American evangelicalism seems to have replaced it with ecumenism by stealth or default — fronted by celebrities, driven by branding, and governed not by honest and open theological discussion but by back - room deals and the needs of maintaining market share.
Thats one of many of many problems with our political system we get the choice of the party, (made in back room deals), for the candidate not the choice of the people.
She can find a space where they can rest while the mothers are in the room dealing with the beautiful odyssey of giving birth.
Ironically the only way Pellegrino holds this seat in a general election with generic turn out is if she gets a pass in terms of an opponent because of a back room deal.
«They are fed up with the back room deals and pay - to - play mentality that has become standard operating procedure in halls of Congress.
It may take a convention floor fight — or back room deal — to sort this mess out.
That said, the GOP convention is still several days away (the vote on the governor's race won't be held until next Wednesday), which leaves plenty of room for jockeying and back room dealing.
NYC Public Advocate Letitia James emerged as the early front - runner to replace Schneiderman as interim Attorney General, but blowback against a perceived Albany back - room deal has now slowed the race.
Boss Cox is throwing a «REAL» Convention with «REAL» candidates and «REAL» wheeling and dealing, parties, back room deals.
Jacobs addresses the confusion and reports of back - room deals made in the race for attorney general, and why that race was open to all candidates while others were not.
No stranger to capturing media attention with gimmicks and protest, Avella seems to have gotten this one right when he stated, «The culture in Albany of «What happens in Albany stays in Albany» has to stop... Assembly Member Silver... is now seen as the classic example of the dysfunction and back room deals that has plagued Albany for decades.
But one of Faso's half dozen rivals for the Republican nomination cried foul: Heaney knocked the endorsement as essentially a back room deal.
You see a lot more drama, back - room deals and blockades in the 150 - strong Belgian chamber than among the 600 members of the French Assemblée nationale or the German Bundestag.
Schlag was active in leading the opposition to the Haddam Land Swap, a scheme to trade public conservation land to developers in exchange for other land in a back room deal.
City Council members introduced such a bill today at a press conference that featured some of them blasting what they deemed a «back - room deal» between City Council Speaker Melissa Mark - Viverito and the NYPD over the Right to Know Act, with one advocate even asking for her to step down.
«This N.Y.P.D. bill being advanced by Torres is neither the Right to Know Act nor a compromise, but political back - room dealing and a surrender of legislative independence to the N.Y.P.D. and the mayor,» Monifa Bandele, a spokeswoman for Communities United for Police Reform, said in a statement.
Deborah Glick has totally lost my support FIRST after she pulled her back - room deals with the Hudson River Park Act earlier this year and now her ridiculous statement.

Phrases with «room deals»

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