Sentences with phrase «routine part»

Make this home workout routine part of a daily habit and strong abs will be part of regular life, too.
Infant massage is a crucial and routine part of infant care around the world and has the ability to create great benefits for both parents and the newborn.
Life is gruelling, and with the UK working longer and longer hours transforming the more routine parts of life into luxurious treats is a great way to claw back some «me - time».
Kickboxing Workout Routine: Part 2 This Kickboxing Workout Routine Part 2 focuses mostly on punches.
The Lord of the Rings series brought Serkis huge attention for his work as the actor behind Gollum, and in the years since he first dominated the screen in The Two Towers we've seen performance capture become a frequent, even routine part of the filmmaking process.
As the nation's divisive politics has seeped into schools, the chilling effect Mcalister describes has extended beyond the discussion of politics in the classroom, with some educators saying formerly routine parts of their jobs have become politically charged.
Indeed, it was a routine part of the Bloomberg Way.
Braga had worked in the aerospace industry at Cape Canaveral for 21 years, where wearing identification badges was a routine part of his wardrobe.
It has become a routine part of many manufacturing processes, and, as signaled by Six Sigma, the goals are becoming ever - more ambitious.
Patent trolls now threaten a variety of targets: city governments, hotels, banks and many other entities that happen to use software as a routine part of their business.
As already noted, in many places across Canada — usually in precisely those disadvantaged places that the partisans of a mandatory long - form census cite as justifying such detailed data collection — local temporary StatsCan contract employees have direct access to their neighbours» responses as a normal and routine part of data collection.
And here's a staggering statistic: active disengagement is a routine part of the office workday for about 70 percent of employees, costing the U.S. as much as $ 550 billion a year!
He says these sorts of price experiments have become a routine part of finding that right price — and refinding it, because the right price can change by the day or even by the hour.
Storm Surge Warnings, which are now issued as a routine part of NHC guidance, indicate where life - threatening inundation from rising water moving inland is possible within the next 36 hours.
I suggest that we consider habitual care for the poor as another important discipline, that we make it a routine part of our Christian life and practice.
Now they're a treat and not a routine part of our weekly eating.
It is hoped the use of weir pool manipulation to achieve ecological outcomes will become a routine part of weir pool operations in the future.
Last week, forms filed at Companies House in London appeared to show the termination of Schaafsma's directorship of the UK arm of the business, however the spokesman confirmed this was a routine part of the ongoing transition as he prepares to step down.
Batch testing is a routine part of our daily business and the levels of heavy metals have always been some of the lowest in the industry.
According to Martin, these types of taunts were a routine part of his life with the Dolphins.
Clutch performances are becoming a routine part of Luck's rookie year.
For a hearing golfer, the thud of an eight - iron hit fat, the clang of a topped long iron, the thump of a good sand shot and the rattle of a ball falling into the cup are routine parts of the game.
It's the routine part that should make people cause.
Having a surgical birth can make breastfeeding more difficult in many ways, since intravenous fluids, anesthetics, pain - relieving medications and antibiotics are all routine parts of a C - section.
The ultrasounds are considered a routine part of antenatal care in many other countries.
Start with these six tips to help your child understand that a dental checkup is a routine part of healthy habits.
You never know when those gas molecules are going to inflate your little babe's stomach, so make it a routine part of your day to burp your baby in between mealtimes, too.
Once a routine part of childbirth, an episiotomy is now recommended only in certain cases.
Although an episiotomy was once a routine part of childbirth, that's no longer the case.
Fetal heart rate monitoring to detect fetal distress can be a routine part of the VBAC procedure.
Many parents feel that these inspections should be a routine part of parent education and realize that after many years, they had been doing it wrong all alone.
A new state regulation now requires that people ages 13 to 64, and other ages as indicated, be offered voluntary HIV testing as a routine part of health care at hospitals and in primary care settings.
OFFERING a test for Down's syndrome is a routine part of maternity care in much of the world.
To determine when fire became a routine part of the lives of the cave dwellers, the team looked at flints from about 100 layers of sediments in the lowermost 16 meters of the cave deposits.
«We found that when boosters were administered and documented automatically, as a routine part of care, this dramatically changed and improved preventive care services.
Like many people, salt is a routine part of my diet.
In the past, some doctors asserted that women exaggerated their symptoms, and even today, women with hyperemesis report that medical staff brush off the severity of their symptoms as a routine part of pregnancy.
The new biopsy method, pioneered by a multi-disciplinary team on the Westwood campus, is now a routine part of the UCLA active surveillance program.
Blood tests for CRP are already a routine part of monitoring and treating inflammation - related diseases, such as heart disease and arthritis, and Miller predicts that the same will one day be true for depression.
For example, Reach Out to Read, which encourages parents to read books aloud to their children, can be promoted at primary care centers by doctors as a routine part of medical checkups.
«It sets a terrible precedent,» says Bedient, adding that flood - risk analysis is a routine part of the construction process.
«Researchers already go to great lengths to identify drug resistance as a routine part of drug development,» said Read.
Professor John Mattick, Executive Director of Garvan, adds, «Once individual genome sequences become a routine part of medical records, this genetic risk information will be readily available and be used to optimise the management of health in older people.»
New Berkeley Lab technology could soon make detecting the process of plaque buildup in vessels a routine part of a visit to the doctor and, perhaps, home healthcare settings.
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