Sentences with phrase «school vouchers»

"School vouchers" are coupons or certificates that allow parents to choose and pay for their children's education at a school of their choice, instead of being limited to attending the public school assigned to them based on where they live. Full definition
The measure was attached to a contentious education bill that includes a new private school voucher program for bullied students.
This grant includes a 10 percent set - aside to support private school voucher programs, which has generated strong opposition on both sides of the aisle.
He also praised the expansion of school vouchers in the state over the last few years.
The budget also significantly expands the number of taxpayer - funded private school vouchers in the state, and kept school funding mostly flat.
She has been a fierce advocate for school vouchers.
He also supports using scarce state resources to fund school vouchers.
When asked outright, 40 percent of the public support school vouchers; 34 percent do not; and 27 percent are undecided.
Key research guides education policy makers by analyzing the impact of school accountability practices such as school voucher programs and charter schools.
In other states with school vouchers, minimal financial and academic oversight has resulted in fraud and abuse.
He supported teacher evaluations, merit pay and one of the most expansive school vouchers laws in the country.
More and more students using school vouchers are not from failing schools.
I generally support proposals to expand school vouchers, tuition tax credits, and charter schools.
It distinguishes this radical governance overhaul from school vouchers for parents.
Private school vouchers do not lead to improvements in public schools.
All of this is to say that when it comes to educating kids, what we know about school vouchers depends on what we ask.
The panel recommended a number of policy changes, including school vouchers and facilities assistance.
Although the term «choice» is often associated with privately governed charter schools or private school voucher proposals, the vast majority of schools of choice are operated by public school districts.
Lawmakers this year also passed a law creating what will likely become the nation's most expansive private school voucher plan.
Policies like school vouchers and education tax credits are intended to ensure that access.
This targeted school voucher program provides funding for low - income, mostly minority students in the lowest - graded public schools to enroll in participating private schools.
The state's voters have twice voted down private school voucher initiatives, in 1993 and 2000.
Options include traditional school vouchers, scholarship tax credits, and personal tax credits and deductions.
This demonstrates that despite a highly - conservative political environment in many rural states, there is no local push to create school voucher programs in many places given the fiscal and logistical challenges.
The people complaining the most about lack of «diversity» are the same ones that fight against school vouchers tooth & nail, which would actually lead to more diversity.
As with many public programs, policymakers turn to researchers to help determine how well school vouchers work.
Approximately $ 73 million is slated for expanding school choice by bringing school vouchers to districts with failing schools.
While school voucher programs theoretically expand choices for parents and students, any federally funded voucher program for students with disabilities would undermine the ability for these children to receive a free appropriate education.
The program may have modestly increased academic performance in public schools, consistent with the theory behind school vouchers that they create competition between public and private schools.
The scarcity of experimental studies of long - term outcomes is especially true when it comes to school voucher research.
Our paper is the first to examine what happens when school vouchers are combined with school accountability.
Private school vouchers violate the fundamental principle of religious freedom because they pay for religious education with taxpayer funds.
The proposed expansion of public school vouchers is evidence of further assault on our public education system.
If school vouchers allow this to happen, the by all means, please admit one.
Do school vouchers save the taxpayer money, or do they add to taxpayer burdens?
It is likewise telling that conservatives continue to support private school vouchers even in the face of clear evidence that they do not yield better outcomes.
Studies show that school vouchers lead to lower math and reading scores.
Most research on the impact of school vouchers looks at short - term outcomes like test scores.
And to promote socioeconomic diversity nationwide, he suggests offering children in the worst urban schools vouchers to «buy themselves a seat» in a better, suburban school.
But the less favorable results should cause us to pause and consider ways to strengthen school voucher policy.
Finally, defenders of the public school establishment could martial hard evidence in their drive to halt school voucher programs.
Is it a reasonable hypothesis that school vouchers sending low - income kids to private schools could cut crime?
Though the reasons for the negative results remain an open question, they should prompt discussion on ways to strengthen school voucher policy.
The research on American school voucher programs indicates they promote integration in schools and tend to foster greater tolerance among students.
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