Sentences with phrase «science adviser»

A science adviser is a person who helps provide guidance and advice based on scientific knowledge to individuals or organizations. They help with making informed decisions, solving problems, and understanding scientific concepts in order to achieve specific goals or outcomes. Full definition
We haven't had a really active science adviser for years now.
The report also said the new science adviser should view his or her role broadly.
But it has picked a level that the agency's own science advisers have said might not fully protect health and the environment.
Setting up an informal network of European science advisers, now representing 16 nations, to improve best practices and build consensus.
The agency's science advisers recommended setting a separate secondary standard prior to the release of the 2008 rule.
Now she has all three, adding dance company science adviser to her list of titles and honors.
The importance of strong links between industry and academia was stressed by two leading science advisers to the British government last week.
Hours before the stories appeared on 13 and 14 May, White House science adviser John Holdren told an audience in Washington, D.C., that «you can't make direct flow measurements» of the gusher but failed to mention the satellite or video techniques.
The first chief science adviser for the European Commission's president speaks her mind and some call her «inspiring,» but can she influence policy?
The first of nine episodes of the resulting series, «Years of Living Dangerously,» will run on Showtime Sunday night but can be seen on YouTube now (noted via Joe Romm, who is one of two chief science advisers on the production, the other being Heidi Cullen):
Particularly notable is this statement by Sir David King, a former chief government science adviser in England who now directs the Smith School for Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford:
«It's a family that's fighting, and Holger is in the middle of it, because he holds the crown jewels,» says Mark McCaughrean, an ESA senior science adviser at ESTEC.
The office of science adviser to the president is downgraded — the adviser no longer attends cabinet meetings — and the Office of Technology Assessment that provided insightful leadership to generations of executive and legislative leaders was abolished in 1995.
He has personally briefed President Bush's top science adviser on climate change and is very popular with senior GOP lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
Anna Lowit, a senior science adviser in EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs who testified yesterday, also defended her agency's draft risk assessment on glyphosate, which found that the common weedkiller doesn't cause cancer (Greenwire, 19 December, 2017).
Chief government science adviser tapped to head incipient umbrella agency for research funding
The incoming president should tap the next science adviser soon after the election, Lane said, adding that the person holding the post should be given the title assistant to the president for science and technology, a position that reports directly to the president, and be nominated to be director of the OSTP — a position that requires Senate confirmation.
Nearly 180 organizations representing the interdependent arenas of science, academia and business are urging the next president to appoint a White House science adviser by Inauguration Day and give the position cabinet - level rank.
«Very important progress was achieved in Scotland» under her tenure as science adviser since 2006, he said.
Text of remarks by Obama science adviser John Holdren to the National Climate Adaptation Summit
One of those annoyed by the new rule is chemist C.N.R. Rao, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's current science adviser and a frequent visitor to the United States since 1954.
With those hopes dashed by political realities, however, the president's science advisers last week proposed some potentially more doable climate actions that Obama could take during his second term to address the causes and consequences of global warming.
The organization also joined 28 other top scientific and higher - education organizations in urging the then president - elect Trump to tap a senior - level science adviser as assistant to the president for science and technology — to ensure scientific knowledge informs and assists the development of policy solutions.
Beneath the ornate chandeliers of the hearing room, committee members were deferential to President Obama's choice as science adviser until chairman John Rockefeller called on Republican Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana.
«You have to ask yourself how you can get into food security,» U.K. science adviser Beddington notes.
With a fellowship from the Portuguese Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Cruz spent 3 months at POST helping physical sciences, biology, and health science advisers do background research and gather data.
«When we destroy coastal wetlands, for coastal development or aquaculture, we turn these impressive natural carbon sinks into additional, significant human - caused greenhouse gas sources,» said Sutton - Grier, who is also an ecosystem science adviser for the National Ocean Service at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Naming a White House science adviser soon after the election would give the next president an adviser as he or she works to fill cabinet, sub-cabinet and senior agency positions related to science and technology, said the report.
The labs «provide essential capabilities for university and industrial researchers» and have made important contributions to America's economic and military might, Moniz reminded a room packed with science policy heavyweights, including 15 lab directors, National Cancer Institute chief Harold Varmus, former White House science adviser Neal Lane, and lawmakers and staffers who serve on key committees overseeing federal research agencies.
Also, working closely with John Holdren [Dr. Holdren is the new science adviser] on interagency policies to insure that we're taking advantage of the best possible science and ensuring that this is a welcoming place for scientists.
Regina Rochefort, a National Park Service science adviser at Mount Rainier, said the meadows surrounding the famous peak have been shrinking because of less snowfall and shorter periods of snow cover.
The paper was authored by Jonathan Samet, previously chair of the EPA Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee; Thomas Burke, former EPA science adviser and former head of the EPA's Office of Research and Development under the Obama administration; and Bernard Goldstein, EPA assistant administrator for research and development during the Reagan administration.
«I'm extremely pleased,» adds Jean Jacquinot, former head of the Cadarache fusion lab and now science adviser to France's High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, «not because it is Cadarache but because the whole community can now get together and build something.»
Creating networks among science advisers to various E.U. agencies as well as staff involved in «horizon scanning» activities.
EPA's science advisers presented «a review and synthesis of more than 1,000 pieces of scientific literature,» according to their statement.
Woodside robotics and cognitive science adviser Alison Barnes demonstrates a universal robot with an avatar looking on in the background.
Indeed, in 1945, presidential science adviser Vannevar Bush wrote in «Science, The Endless Frontier» — the report that outlined the organizational structure that still governs federally supported academic research — that the first of five «fundamental» principles must be «stability of funds over a period of years,» a goal that Congress has never met.
«The soft - spoken science adviser to Cuba's powerful Council of State and vice president of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba» discusses his scientific training and his nanotechnology ambitions.
So he tapped Gary Machlis, a human ecologist and science policy expert, to serve as the first - ever science adviser to the NPS director.
I entered the political arena with a 1 - year appointment as Utah's state science adviser.
«The quality that is hardest to find in the science policy world is the ability to write clearly and quickly,» says John Marburger, Washington, D.C. - based science adviser to President George W. Bush.
The McCain campaign did not have a dedicated science adviser.
Sir Peter Gluckman, who convened an international conference for governmental science advisers and now chairs the International Network for Science Advice to Governments that emerged from the conference, has been chosen by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to receive...
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