Sentences with phrase «science professor»

A "science professor" is someone who teaches and conducts research in the field of science at a college or university. Full definition
Actually the article does not mention one person or group who is advocating eliminating fusion, although the article does quote one political science professor who hints that would be a good idea.
The editors and advisory board members are pharmaceutical science professors at universities around the world.
Now, however, the computer science professor wants to take a longer test drive on the current prototype.
The political science professor in the room next to mine at the community college.
Founded by a food science professor, the Swedish oat milk company spent decades as a niche player in the plant - based beverage industry.
A Catholic science professor I know was recently hired by a leading Catholic liberal arts college.
Back in college, one of my political science professors wanted to make a point to a lecture hall full of know - it - all freshman.
Women science professors, for instance, are biased against women trainees, as reflected in how they perceive a prospective trainee's competence and the recommendation letters they write.
I recently attended the wedding of a male science professor at a prominent university and one of his female Ph.D. graduates.
For example, if you are applying for the job of a computer science professor, your sports achievements would have no meaning here.
But political science professors say it's hard for any movement to sustain such levels of participation.
«Capture technology is probably sufficient to provide CO2 for an increased number of large - scale pilot projects, but is many years from providing gigatons of CO2, and thus having a significant impact on mitigating emissions,» Peter Kelemen, earth and environmental sciences professor at Columbia University's Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y., said.
Dr. Kelly Swanson, an animal sciences professor at the University of Illinois who lectures on nutrition to students at the College of Veterinary Medicine, has some...
(In a related development, Lawrence Cathles, an earth and atmospheric sciences professor at Cornell University, sent me a fresh rebuttal to the Op - Ed article on the contribution of natural gas leaks to global warming by his colleague, Anthony Ingraffea (earlier critiques are here).
Nisbet (Earth Science professor at University of London) says the world puts too much faith in government estimates of carbon dioxide, methane and other heat - trapping gases blamed for climate change.
In today's Congressional Corner, Union College political science professor Brad Hays wraps up his conversation with WAMC's Alan Chartock.
Sebastian Thrun, a Stanford University computer science professor who co-founded Udacity, said that Brown e-mailed and called him in June to kick off discussions about a partnership with public universities in the state.
He added a second major in biology — with a concentration in cell and molecular biology — to his academic plate to aid in his research in life sciences professor Martin Schiller's lab.
«However, from a scientific perspective, it's important to remember that we're talking about the first law of thermodynamics,» says Suveen Mathaudhu, a program manager in the materials science division of the U.S. Army Research Office, adjunct materials science professor at NC State University and hardcore comics fan.
In November 1998, he testified as one of three technical expert witnesses, along with computer science professors from Princeton and MIT, in the landmark U.S. vs. Microsoft antitrust trial, on issues of corporate computing practices and Web browser integration.
Between 1991 and 1995 studies at the University of Wisconsin - Madison by political science professor John Witte, failed to find achievement advantage for students attending voucher schools.
«I don't think he'll have any serious opposition in the Democratic primary,» said Kenneth Sherrill, Hunter College political science professor emeritus.
A study by Simon Fraser University health sciences professor Dr. Julian Somers reveals that a growing number of those experiencing longstanding homelessness and mental disorders in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES) have migrated from elsewhere.
In a study published in PLOS One, exercise science professor James LeCheminant and neuroscientist Michael Larson report their findings after putting treadmill desks to the test.
«If you have a machine collecting and recording votes with an electronic ballot box there's no way to go back after the fact and see if the machine made a mistake, whether through malice or simple software error,» says Stanford University computer science professor David Dill and founder of Verified Voting Foundation, a nonpartisan election watchdog.
The study led by health sciences professor Pablo Nepomnaschy and postdoctoral researcher Cindy Barha found that women who give birth to more surviving children exhibited longer telomeres.
«We suspect bacteria quickly colonize the waterborne debris, and mosquito larvae feed on the bacteria,» said Illinois entomology professor Brian Allan, a co-author on the study with Mackay, Illinois Natural History Survey entomologist Ephantus Muturi and U. of I. natural resources and environmental sciences professor Michael Ward.
«It's not the media going after him, it's members of his own party,» said Baruch College political science professor Doug Muzzio.
UNLV life sciences professor Martin Schiller's contribution to the fight against HIV involves taking the smallest particles of genomes and DNA and putting them under a microscope to etch out results that pack a global punch.
Rob Jackson, an earth systems science professor at Stanford University, said it's difficult to see how flat or declining energy - related emissions can continue globally, even with U.S. energy - related emissions showing little growth.
«The overall significance is that although we already know that reducing methane emissions can bring great societal benefits via decreased near - term warming and improved air quality, and that many of the sources can be controlled at low or even negative cost, we still need better data on emissions from particular sources,» Duke University climate sciences professor Drew Shindell said.
But according to physicist - turned - social science professor Brian Martin, the real key is persistence.
Graham Hatfull, a biological sciences professor at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania who developed an introductory research course that has been widely adopted, has such a partnership with David Hanauer, an English professor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
University of Illinois speech and hearing science professor Fatima Husain, who led the study, said previous studies showed that tinnitus is associated with increased stress, anxiety, irritability and depression, all of which are affiliated with the brain's emotional processing systems.
The lab finding is «part of a growing body of evidence that ocean acidification alone and combined with other stressors will have effects beyond shell mineralization,» said Terrie Klinger, a University of Washington marine sciences professor studying the impacts of acidification.
«Our goal is to use computer vision and artificial intelligence to create a digital field guide that will help people learn to recognize birds,» says Computer Science Professor Peter Belhumeur, who launched Leafsnap, a similar electronic field guide for trees, with colleagues two years ago.
I happened upon an article by Hawaii information science professor Peter Jasco, «As We May Search» [pdf][Current Science 89 (9), 2005, p. 1537] in which he compares aspects of Google Scholar, Scopus and the Web of Science, as citation - based and - enhanced databases.
In a study published Wednesday in PLOS One, exercise science professor James LeCheminant and neuroscientist Michael Larson report their findings after putting treadmill desks to the test.
As a young reporter, I took a course on «scientific polling» from political science professor Gerald Benjamin at SUNY New Paltz.
Retired faculty are filling in as science professors at state universities as budgets continue to whither.
The project is co-directed by physical sciences Professor Scott Mandia of Suffolk County Community College and Joshua Wolfe, co-author of «Climate Change: Picturing the Science.»
Growing up in Alloway, New Jersey, along the shores of the Delaware Bay, Purdue University earth sciences professor Ken Ridgway spent a lot of time outdoors observing the natural world.
«So, in essence one branch of the federal government is funding unemployed ITers to «retrain» for something well beneath their qualifications, while another federal agency is approving work permits for foreign students [for jobs] that unemployed Americans could easily do,» writes the man to whom I owe my knowledge of this piquant contrast, computer science professor Norman Matloff of the University of California, Davis.
Also presenting at the meeting was life sciences professor Brian Hedlund, who made the basic science presentation, focusing on the effects of drugs and diet.
Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri), a flowering plant native to the Sonoran desert and southwest United States, has a laundry list of traits that make it a fierce competitor on the farm, said Aaron Hager, a University of Illinois crop sciences professor.
Co-authors are biomedical sciences professor Gordon Kirby, former research associate Monica Antenos, and Prof. Jim Squires of U of G's Department of Animal and Poultry Science.
The research «provides a strong indication, and the first good documentation from the fossil record, that sexual dimorphism tends to increase extinction risk,» said Jonathan Payne, a geological sciences professor at Stanford University.
Physical science professor Scott Mandia wrote two posts at his blog describing exactly how this works.
UF fisheries and aquatic sciences Professor Micheal Allen and his colleagues at UF / IFAS and in South Africa used existing fish - catch data from bass tournaments in southern Africa, where largemouth bass are non-native and invasive.
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