Sentences with phrase «science writer»

A science writer is someone who writes about scientific topics in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. They explain complex scientific ideas in simple language, making it easier for people to learn about science. Full definition
«We are probably moving in the direction of training the next generation of science writers, not science journalists,» he says.
The work I did this summer got me started in science writing, and I now write press tips as a freelance science writer.
Not to mention, in this day and age you can get everything from the internet by reading free articles by expert science writers who know what they are talking about.
In every discussion she had with science writers, she was struck by how much writing experience they'd had before getting their first job.
What do you think of the suggestion to seek advice from science writers and graphic designers, for example, to make them a little bit more accessible?
These awards, which were established in 1989, are intended to encourage young science writers by recognizing outstanding reporting and writing in any science field.
And many of the same arguments apply to the lack of diversity among science writers.
There are however good jobs doing similar work for universities and research institutions, as staff science writers, public information officers, and so on.
So for the effective science writer, a little bit of ignorance and a little bit of knowledge, side by side, go a long way.
Your professional computer science writer knows how to use the right approach in writing your computer science paper.
More surprisingly, the magazine also won two awards competing in an open field — not just against other science writers and science magazines.
I'm a freelance journalist and editor and a part - time Senior Science Writer for the Krell Institute.
KAREN HOPKIN is a freelance science writer in Somerville, MA.
Prior to joining Climate Central, he was a senior science writer at Time magazine, where he covered science and the environment for more than 20 years.
Daniel Stolte is the senior science writer for the office.
There are nonprofits that offer subsidized workspaces for writers (such as the Writers Room on Astor Place, where I was a member for several years) and many groups for journalists (such as Science Writers in New York, which I also belonged to for a while), but writing fiction in NYC can often feel like a lonely, dog - eat - dog struggle.
Christopher Crockett is a freelance science writer based in Montgomery, Alabama.
Hannah Devlin's reporting wins Association of British Science Writers award for best investigative journalism
The columnist accused Sullivan, the New York Times science writer who is in many ways the pioneer of our craft, of being «a megaphone for the alarmed» for his coverage of climate in a May 1975 article:
With so little understood, it doesn't sound like this is the end of science, as science writer John Horgan proposed in his landmark book.
Ed Yong is an award - winning science writer on the staff of The Atlantic.
In 1984, UCS sent popular science writer Carl Sagan on a 15 - city tour to bolster Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale and his opposition to President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative.
Susan, as Senior Science Writer on the National Climate Assessment (NCA), spoke on «Integrating Communication Best Practices in the Third National Climate Assessment».
Carrie Arnold is a freelance science writer living in Virginia.
A popular science writer who has written a book about science - themed tattoos reveals some of the surprises he encountered along the way
Penned by science writer David Whitehouse, it was guaranteed to get a big response: the article claimed that global warming has «stopped».
ASBMB Today science writer Rajendrani Mukhopadhyay talks with the new Journal of Biological Chemistry associate editor about her career path and new duties at the journal.
Now, in his new book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, co-written with science writer Robert Pool, Ericsson reveals the answer.If you've heard of Ericsson, it's probably because his research and ideas have been featured in many articles and books, notably Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers and Geoff Colvin's Talent Is Overrated.
Science Advisors Jennifer Francis and Kevin Trenberth were featured on February 27th's Inquiring Minds podcast — a weekly science podcast from The Climate Desk hosted by science writer Chris Mooney and scientist Indre Viskontas.
The evening will include a shorts screening, panel & reception introducing us to the theme of «time» through the program Exploration in the 4th Dimension followed by a panel moderated by science writer Carl Zimmer.
The paper's changed status was noted today by Ivan Oransky, one of the two science writers behind the invaluable Retraction Watch blog.
She avoids the A.J. Jacobs - style schtick of taking on massive self - experiments or lapsing, as many science writers do, into dry, jargon - laden territory.
Freelance science writer Michael Price talks with Sarah Crespi about recently revealed deliberations for a coveted mathematics prize: the Fields Medal.
Behavioral sciences writer Bruce Bower covers a study in bonobos that might offer insights into the evolution of human cooperation.
Over at Crooked Timber, Daniel Davies demolishes the latest effort by junk science writer Steve Milloy (on diet and diabetes), and admonishes Todd Zywicki of the Volokh Conspiracy for giving uncritical credence to Milloy, who has a track record of bogus work going back at least a decade, to his work for the tobacco companies, trying to cast doubt on the link between smoking and lung cancer.
He is a member of the Canadian Association of Physicists, Canadian Science Writers Association, American Physical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Materials Research Society, and Phi Beta Kappa.
ASBMB Today science writer Rajendrani Mukhopadhyay interviewed Roger Colbran, who became an associate editor for The Journal of Biological Chemistry in September.
Focus's audience also includes science writers as well as physics graduate students and researchers in various subdisciplines.
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