Sentences with phrase «score card»

A "score card" is a tool or a document that keeps track of points, achievements, or results in a game, competition, or activity. Full definition
My favorite type of dates include people watching and holding up score cards for them to enjoy.
It is hard to say exactly how much a hard inquiry can reduce scores since each credit profile may be assigned a different score card based on the risk category it falls under.
If you plan on keeping a balance on your credit card, the interest rates on bad credit score cards will be a problem.
Built working partnerships with suppliers to ensure product quality and improved score card performance.
Created and implemented a performance score card that management utilized to make sound personnel decisions.
It includes score cards highlighting what needs to be done.
The current editors thought they'd review this clinical score card to see how far we've come.
What's actually happening, on the other hand, adds up to a pretty impressive score card.
So this custom assignment support services are the beneficial writing services for the student in not only completing their assignment but also led to high grades in their academic score card.
If they have passed the written test in school they should receive a blue score card.
Medical loss ratio reports, provider score cards, pay for performance, risk analysis of members for intervention, government reporting requirements for the healthcare industry.
Responsible for and measured service delivery and account performance through client score card metrics.
We will update the MFO Fund House Score Card in next month's commentary, and it will be updated monthly on the MFO Premium site.
It has the most unblemished score card of all the contenders, including nine BAFTA nods, an ensemble nomination from the Screen Actors Guild (which hands out its awards Sunday), top award nods from the directors and producers guilds, and the often predictive Toronto Film Festival audience award.
This year the LCAP Task Force is working to align the engagement process with the district - wide budget process, specifically with the development of the site - based Balanced Score Card.
Analyze your favorite leaders before you vote with the High - Conflict Politician Score Card included in the book and decide for yourself if they would be a good leader or not.
So, I created the Mindfully Investing Score Card shown below.
New Jersey ranks 8th overall in the annual score card produced by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
A few days ago I teased about this recipe when I posted those fun Chili Cook Off Score Card Printables and as promised, this comes together in no time and is simply delish!
The group on Tuesday released its legislative score cards for the 213 members of the Legislature on Tuesday, using three measurements: Their vote on the 2013 SAFE Act, the unsuccessful effort in 2015 to repeal it in the Senate and whether the lawmaker is a sponsor of a safe - storage bill, known as Nicholas's Law.
Consider some of the major tenants of mindful investing, which I previously summarized in the Mindfully Investing Score Card:
The game is easy enough to do a Devil - May - Cry hack & slash run, but rewards you for timing your dodges and varied attacks by giving you a literal score card at the end of each fight.
We will find a way to call attention to these funds too on the future «Fund Family Score Card
You do know that Byrd has turned in shit MMA score cards, right?
'' now that little twink feller beat the snot outta that meskin amigo and it wadnt even close or was scoring cards drama even needed cause usa need new york given back to inglan i do nt care tho cause my copd gonna get me».......
And for that the Baseball Issue will be, in fact and effect, a season - long score card and companion.
IBFAN's World Breastfeeding Trends initiative, a participatory action led by IBFAN, has generated score cards on progress for a growing number of countries (51 in the latest report), facilitating further action by governments and public - interest actors, to enable mothers to feed their babies optimally: exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months followed by nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of age or beyond.
Click here to download the WBTi score card to show to candidates and ask them to pledge to take the necessary action to improve the scores.
• Pass the Pigs is a game of skill for 2 - 6 players, it comes with a handy carry case, 2 pencils, 2 pigs and a pocket - sized score card.
The ideal time for a proper Lib Dem flap would have been late 2014, when a new leader could have limited some of the damage and turned an eight - seat score card into a 20 - seat one.
The Freedom Foundation also issued its 2012 Informed Voter Guide for Washington State voters, including a legislative score card documenting how Washington State legislators voted upon bills the Foundation deemed important legislation.
Last week's presentation of his eight years score card also threw up the same topic as the coordinating minister of the economy, Dr Ngozi Okonjo Iweala told Governor Obi's wife pointedly that if she was making plans to go on a long holiday with her husband, she should drop the thought.
Students understand what they're getting wrong with the explanations provided, they have a valid score card to track their progress, and they can compare to local and national leaderboards, making the experience much more engaging.
These 2 PPP and score cards aimed at showing KS4 students how they can achieve a C to A * grade in their CA piece on School by including detailed descriptions and using a wide range of tenses.
A new «equity score card» would provide school - level information to parents on a school's climate; educational opportunity offerings (such as AP, full - day kindergarten, or gifted programming); the number of assessments required; and the school's funding by source (state, local, and federal).
Learn more about how a balance transfer credit card could affect your score
You can also get BCS score cards from your veterinarian to learn where your pet currently is and where they need to go in terms of weight.
A clear score card is shown on the bellow of the screen and these are the attractive in this installment fielding map is also shown on the upper right corner of the screen.
These points not only serve as the end of the level score card for judging one's overall performance but also feed into Gunslinger's RPG - like; Skill Tree leveling up system.
A series of oval - shaped canvases (1986) allude to the plagues of Egypt, while Score Card (1984) establishes an imaginary scoring system for real sexual acts, contrasting snippets of lewd language with images of high fashion models.
It had been abandoned by its previous players, whose score card was still on the screen: «Climate change turned out worse than you planned for.

Phrases with «score card»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z