Sentences with phrase «score gains»

I do see problems with judging teachers solely on test score gains in reading and math, but we've got to start somewhere.
After four years at the charter school, eighth - graders showed average test score gains in math equal to an additional year and a half of school, compared with district students.
Our data set enabled us to examine the test - score gains of individual students from grade to grade across three school years.
Given enough time, school choice programs create small, positive test score gains for participating students.
The validity of score gains on high - stakes tests.
To identify the effect of treatment, we calculate the difference between average annual test - score gains made by students at treated and comparison schools before and after the intervention began.
When students display limited score gains from an intervention, consider changing to a different intervention.
On some tests, low - achieving students can easily make comparatively large score gains simply because the test has a large number of easy items.
Many tests cover sufficiently different content from one grade to the next that score gains do not have the same meaning across grades.
But the estimated future adult earnings gains based on percentile test score gains at kindergarten entrance are also large.
The effects of minimum - competency exams on achievement in 8th grade and test score gains during high school were small and often not statistically significant.
Then you give a high score to teachers who have students who post test - score gains above the average.
Overall score gains may mask wider achievement gaps between high - scoring and low - scoring students, with percentages of students scoring in the lower ranges stuck or increasing.
If this were true, one would expect the patterns of test - score gains across items to differ for low - versus high - performing students and schools.
The four - point scale score gain in fourth grade science is not statistically significant.
But the study does suggest that classrooms that produce test score gains also produce valuable long - term outcomes.
In four studies, charter school programs that produce impressive test score gains appear to yield no or little improvement in educational attainment.
There is ample reason to believe that the test - score gains generated by these schools are meaningful, despite the lack of corresponding improvement in fluid cognition.
Focusing only on charters making the biggest achievement score gains would miss those charters with more modest achievement results but truly impressive attainment outcomes.
All schools with at least 30 students in grades 3 — 10 in two or more consecutive years will have standardized test score gains analyzed by state researchers.
More precisely, when schools offer students programs in social and emotional learning, their achievement scores gain around 11 percentile points.
Teaching to the test causes score gains that may not represent actual improvements in learning.
Most of the capabilities or «Skills» (third - party apps) are now accessible via the Fire TV, with the likes of weather and sports scores gaining a visual element.
While these schools succeed in generating test - score gains for students of all cognitive abilities, it is still the case that students with strong fluid cognitive skills learn more.
In many years, there will be a small number of stocks that score gains of 200 %, 300 % or more.
However, schools that posted test score gains in one period were very likely to show climate and violence improvements in future periods.
But some worry that demanding rapid test - score gains from foundation - backed reforms could lead to the abandonment of promising practices before they have a chance to prove themselves.
Teachers also appear to generate higher test - score gains during the year they are being evaluated, though these estimates, while consistently positive, are smaller.
The authors did find that test score gains for lower - scoring students in lower - performing schools resulted in higher earnings for those students.
Of the five schools winning Edgerly awards in 1999, only one elementary school (Riverside School, Danvers, testing 53 students in 1998 and 66 students in 1999) continued to show MCAS score gains in 2000 (when 61 students were tested).
We can not dismiss this possibility, inasmuch as we were able to control only for changes in certain demographic and policy variables, not for changes in other state policies that might explain the difference in test - score gains among states.
In addition, much of this new spending went toward compensatory programs for minority and disadvantaged students, for whom there have been substantial score gains over time.
Moreover, the rates of DC score gains under Rhee were typically no better than the rates achieved under Vance and Janey.
Rothman explained that you can have a big jump in proficiency with only a small test score gain if there are lot of students close to the proficiency cut point.
Furthermore, the reason that removing the national average NAEP score gain works to Rhee's favor is that during Rhee's tenure NAEP gains were substantially lower than during the earlier 2000 - 07 period.
The concept has gotten flak recently after the Atlanta cheating scandal, in which an investigation concluded that a pressurized environment that stressed score gains as components of a pay scale led teachers and principals to change students» test answers from wrong to right.
They simply gauge student test score gains relative to what we would expect.
What is clear is that DC score gains for all public school students have been impressive over the whole 2000 - 09 period.
In fact, the test score gains achieved by Detroit charters exceed those in heavily regulated Denver and only slightly lag those in New Orleans.
Three elementary schools in Dubuque, Iowa, showed significant test score gains after incorporating the Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound (ELOB) program.
Test score gains tell us something useful.
But we should remember that 42 % of that control group are in the types of charter schools that other research has shown can produce giant test score gains without yielding much in later life outcomes.
This is a fairly stringent test of gaming behavior, because prior research has found evidence of «fade - out» of test - score gains even when there are no strong incentives to boost test scores artificially.
States should report how a school's test scores and test - score gains compare with the scores and gains of demographically similar schools across the state and locally.
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