Sentences with phrase «sector investment»

"Sector investment" refers to the act of putting money into a specific industry or field, rather than investing broadly across various areas. It involves investing in companies or assets within a particular sector, such as technology, healthcare, or energy. This focused approach allows investors to capitalize on the growth and potential of a specific industry they believe will perform well. Full definition
This report examines the evidence base on efforts to support private sector investment in climate adaptation.
A core characteristic shared by green banks is that they use limited public funds to drive greater private sector investment in clean energy projects.
These leaders are tasked with explaining the economic benefits of early learning to policymakers and other business leaders and advocating for public sector investment in quality early learning.
• He said the government would use capital spending to get more private sector investment into the economy.
Around US$ 3.5 trillion in energy sector investments would be required on average each year between 2016 and 2050, compared to US$ 1.8 trillion in 2015.
In the ensuing months, little has changed about the outlook for resources sector investment.
For the lower values, the average yearly investments are smaller than the renewable power sector investments reported for 2009.
Investment - grade climate change and clean energy policy is required to shift private sector investment from high - carbon to low - carbon assets.
Private - sector investment intentions are only 1.3 % higher this year, a far cry from the growth of after - tax corporate profits.
All told, the province claims it has attracted $ 16 billion in private - sector investment directed toward clean energy.
If significant new private sector investment emerges in the next year or two, this would be great, but you should be prudent and not plan on the happening.
British officials insist that because the Chinese economy is still controlled state officials must still be consulted before private sector investment goes ahead.
Why primary sector investment is defined for the banks and their role for the development of rural areas.
Insurance companies invest their capital in public sector investment instrument.
Public sector investment in transport, water and utilities is forging ahead, creating opportunities for legal advisers.
On all the available information, resources sector investment will probably rise by another 2 percentage points or more of annual GDP over the next couple of years.
Fifty bids by companies and partnerships who demonstrated how they would create jobs were successful, opening up over # 2.5 billion of private sector investment to help the economic recovery.
Because of their narrow focus, sector investments tend to be more volatile than investments that diversify across many sectors and companies.
Such a program would also have a multiplier effect on private sector investment as well.
«Early tea leaf reading suggests that this administration would like to find a way to allow for more creative use of private sector investment dollars in real estate and on the infrastructure side,» she says.
Pricing transportation emissions will accelerate EV adoption while raising funds for rebates, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, transit, and other transportation sector investments.
Additionally, Cuomo says his budget has a $ 25 billion economic development agenda, funded largely by leveraging billions in private sector investment rather than by taxpayer dollars.
It states: «For the government to deliver its overall climate objectives, a retrofit programme for all housing will need to be implemented, with public and private sector investment totalling somewhere between # 3.5 billion and # 6.5 billion per year every year until 2050.»
Al Fulaij: Banks in Kuwait are highly liquid and ready to finance growth, but need more private - sector investment opportunities, including privatization projects and PPP initiatives.
Economic growth, strengthened in the second quarter, after a dismal first quarter, but private sector investment remained in the doldrums.
The former uses high wages to create the market that makes private sector investment profitable and to incentivize innovation.
Introduced just a year ago, «green» masala bonds — offshore rupee - denominated bonds to fund private - sector investment addressing climate change — are hot.
Deal values, however, rose even more for a 29 % increase and a total of US$ 6.11 in education sector investments YTD June 2015.
FrontFundr empowers regular people to act as ancillary «dragons» in the private - sector investment den
According to this theory, if governments were to adopt policies to quickly eliminate the temporary stimulus deficits, this would «crowd in» private sector investment activity and lead to stronger economic growth.
In my constituency of Easington, a former coal mining area with some of the highest deprivation in the UK, there is a rare opportunity to secure significant private sector investment with a proposed new film studio and Centre of Creative Excellence to be built on the East Durham Heritage Coast at Seaham.
«We have an interest therefore to ensure the improved implementation of the SDGs, as we take forward the agenda of promoting Africa's sustainable development,» he underlined, adding that if the African is to develop faster, constraints, such as inadequate infrastructure, price volatility, limited investment in research and development and low private sector investment needed to be addressed.
It sounds good — until you find out that these DROP accounts have been set up to earn more than double the earnings of private - sector investment accounts, such as the typical 401 (k)!
Collectively the three projects represent nearly $ 23 million in private sector investment while bringing 84 more apartments into the market.
Instead of competing with the Tories over cuts, Labour should be demanding a major public sector investment programme of job creation in infrastructure, housing, and service provision funded, not by any increas in public borrowing, but by taxing the 0.1 % super-rich on their # 190bn gains since the crash 4 years ago.
Leaders of the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus traveled to the nation's capital to lay the groundwork for involving Buffalo natives who live here now in a private - sector investment effort to raise at least $ 10 million.
Cuomo, with his proposed $ 1.5 billion competitive program to help Upstate areas, is looking for the promise of private sector investment first.
In the presentation, Capital Region REDC Co-Chairman Robert Jones focused on pros and cons of the area's economy, including private sector investment running parallel to a stark income inequality.
The British High Commissioner to Ghana, Ian Walker, is hoping to ensure more private sector investment during his tenure in Ghana.
Nicky Morgan, who chairs the Treasury committee, said: «The OBR expects a fall in private sector investment due to Brexit - related uncertainty.
Mr Khan added: «Private sector investment hinges on the public sector, but the government seems to be putting up barriers.
Solar sector investment is expected to rise by $ 40 billion between 2016 and 2020, according to SEIA, and after 2020 should draw an average of $ 30 billion a year.
By calculating the amount spent on researching respiratory infections and their mortality rates, the study authors were able to assess UK public and charitable sector investment against the global burden of the diseases.
Although federally - funded R&D yields hard - to - quantify benefits such as students educated, degrees conferred, companies started, patents and copyrights granted, developmental partnerships formed, and private sector investment inflows, there are many indicators of the impact of this investment.
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