Sentences with phrase «sector pensions»

"Sector pensions" refer to retirement plans or funds specifically designed for employees working in a certain industry or sector, such as government workers, teachers, or healthcare professionals. These pensions are provided to individuals based on their employment in that particular sector, and they provide income support after retirement. Full definition
The government have also put in place a ban on members of public sector pension schemes from taking a transfer from their pension scheme.
It is not involved with public sector pension schemes.
The switch has also been applied to many private sector pensions, wiping an estimated # 75 billion off their value.
The three largest public sector pension plans have already increased their equity allocation by more than 5 percent since last spring.
Thousands of union members will take part in a series of protests today against controversial plans to reform public sector pension reforms.
This is not only right, but would be very popular, and would enable the future Government to consider other public sector pensions with «clean hands».
The comptroller keeps a close eye on the securities industry because public sector pension funds run by his office invest in securities.
It is expected that the speech will include a parliamentary bill forcing through public sector pension changes.
«We can't continue to fund new public sector pensions at the current levels of subsidy,» he said.
Private - sector pension benefits also enjoy substantial protections, but to a lesser degree than public - sector benefits.
This would reduce the growth of public sector pension liabilities by hundreds of millions of pounds over the next decade.
We believe that this publicity generally gives an entirely wrong impression of both the value and costs of public sector pension provision.
Even the savings made on public sector pensions provide only a false economy.
On a side note, the proposals would also apply to lawmakers because they are in the state public sector pension system.
You are supposed to suspend the collection of public sector pension once you take another public office.
Public sector pensions work for central government departments, local government pensions, not - for - profit organisations and contractors who participate in public sector schemes.
• Private - sector profits from public - sector pension modifications: billions in potential fees.
And we're reforming public sector pensions so they are generous to public servants and also fair to taxpayers.
However, they can also be relevant if you have one of those public sector pensions where responsibility for the shortfall is split between the employer and employees who are still working.
Public sector pensions usually pay 2 % of your peak earnings multiplied by your number of years of service.
With most private sector pensions, employers are solely responsible for making up the difference.
So he wonders if life annuities would allow him to match his wife's public - sector pension plan.
Most public sector pension schemes impose a nomination form requirement for unmarried couples.
Public sector pension liabilities are now estimated to be upwards of # 1 trillion - around # 40,000 for every household in the country.
For years people said you'll never reform public sector pensions, the trade unions won't stand for it.
The PCS union said ministers had fixed the terms of negotiation over public sector pensions in a way which would seriously undermine the possibility of an agreement being reached.
I don't think the argument has yet been got across on public sector pensions as to some of the injustices contained in what the government is doing.
This announcement in the budget directly implements more of the SLF's policy on private sector pensions which became party policy a year ago at the Lib Dem spring conference.
At a press conference this morning, David Cameron's official spokesman has expressed confidence from within Downing Street for reaching a deal with the unions over public sector pensions by the end of the year.
Today signals further disappointment for the Labour leader with a poll on LabourList blaming Miliband's handling of public sector pensions strikes on 30th November for a steep decline in popularity.
But today Mr Johnson said he would honour the public sector pensions deal because it was «very good, very fair, very reasonable and very sane», noting that all new workers would be required to work until they were 65.
I an idea from his comment (another referee actually made that comment as well) And so, I've been talking to Marty about writing a paper together about how the staffing surge has exacerbated the public sector pension crisis in each state.
Several issues call attention to the retirement security of this sizeable population, including a shift in private - sector pension coverage from defined benefit plans to defined contribution plans, longer life expectancies, and uncertainty about Social Security's long - term financial condition.
PCS says the government's announcement this morning about public sector pension contributions makes a mockery of the ongoing negotiations and proves that the government is determined to make people pay more and work longer in return for smaller pensions.
Wednesday's strikes look increasingly likely after further defiance from union chiefs over their public sector pensions clash with the coalition this weekend.
Perhaps this is why Webb is ever so slightly critical of the Treasury's approach to handling the public sector pensions negotiations.
To his credit, Prime Minister David Cameron and his ministers have been robust in defending the reforms, saying that the changes are designed to make public sector pensions affordable for the long term and failure to reform will bankrupt the whole system, a point even many on the Labour benches recognise.
It called on Conservative leader David Cameron and Nick Clegg, leader of Liberal Democrats, to ditch plans for a review of public sector pension costs in favour of cuts to the # 10bn subsidy for workers who are paid more than # 150,000 a year.
Gail Cartmail, Unite assistant general secretary, slams treasury minister for «bombing talks» with media intervention in the public sector pensions dispute.
We advise public sector employers, service providers and Third Sector employers on public sector pension issues, with particular experience advising on the transfer of staff from the public sector, the Fair Deal on Staff Transfers policy and the associated allocation of risk.
Although the judgment is clear that doing so is unlawful, it could potentially, given the recentness of the decision, be stressful for the survivor cohabitee to jump through various hoops to give effect to his / her public sector pension rights citing Brewster as judicial precedent.
Public sector pensions just don't work in the way Andrew understands them.
«It is low - paid private sector workers working beyond retirement age... who are subsidising public sector pensions while receiving none of the benefits.
Opponents such as Fiscal Policy Institute and New Yorkers Against Corruption, fear it could set the stage for rolling back protections and rights such as public - sector pension guarantees and legal protections for immigrants and the poor.
Electricity sector pension plans are relatively generous to employees and costly to employers; these costs are ultimately reflected in prices charged to ratepayers.
Our Institutional Portfolio Management team is responsible for managing corporate, foundation and endowment, First Nation, multi-employer union, private and public sector pension portfolios.
The gulf between union bosses and ministers has widened further as Danny Alexander announced the public sector pension retirement age will rise to 66.
Will Miliband take up the public sector pensions baton at PMQs?
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