Sentences with phrase «sector projects»

He has extensive experience in contract drafting and negotiations, including in relation to strategic procurement, software licensing and services, public - private partnerships, and energy sector projects.
What he's not interested in is chasing after low - margin jobs or huge public - sector projects where he has to compete on price with huge global players.
Going forward, the biggest hurdle is likely to be regulatory, much like for other finance sector projects trying to deploy blockchain tech.
Some funding for such work is available from the European Commission's Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS) fund, set up to provide aid for nuclear safety, distribution and public sector projects in the former Soviet Union.
In addition to working for a reform of multilateral and bilateral aid, Urgewald has also begun to monitor subsidies that the German Government provides for private sector projects in Southern countries.
«We have long - standing experience in designing and building schools, as well as an enduring commitment to public sector projects in the UK.
Elizabeth Murphy, a private - sector project manager and former property development officer with the City of Vancouver's Housing and Properties Department and for BC Housing, believes that the city's rezoning and building plans are anything but transparent.
The Performance Standards have become the global benchmark for environmental and social risk management for private sector project financing through the Equator Principles agreement, which now applies to a very substantial amount of global project financing.
Private finance initiative (PFI) / public - private partnership (PPP) The private finance initiative (PFI) is a way of getting private sector involved in financing public sector projects like schools, hospitals and prisons.
President Goodluck Jonathan Wednesday directed that a template for public sector projects valuation be set up to drive down the cost of contracts in the country which he said was higher than what obtains in other parts of the world.
He will, no doubt, be mindful of previous mishaps when public sector projects of a similar nature were launched.
He took on a couple of small auto sector projects in Argentina, but found the corruption to be oppressive.
A letter released today by the president of the B.C. School Trustee's Association, Michael McEvoy, confirms that school districts want the Liberal government to take immediate action to end the policy of funding private sector projects using money earmarked for classrooms.
On development and construction, the group opposes the expansion of any prevailing - wage mandate to private projects, which it said already inflates public - sector project costs by 20 percent.
«Altogether 10 projects for rural electrification will be developed in the pilot states together with private sector project developers.
«The Facility will not be restricted to least developed countries... it targets mostly private sector project owners or aggregators rather than governments,» said Quesnel.
Immersed in this new continental sector, they can observe the muskoxen from above from in their new high - tech aircraft and master the biggest sector project to solve the mystery of the forgotten ECO sanctuaries.
Bank of America may name carbon dioxide (CO2)-- a major contributor to global warming — a potential liability when it considers financing utility sector projects.
The construction team has advised clients extensively on Building Information Modelling (BIM) and incorporation of BIM protocols and obligations into construction contracts, appointments and supply chain contracts following the Government's statement requiring fully collaborative 3D BIM for public sector projects as a minimum by 2016.
In Manchester, PFI and PPP specialist Jackie Heeds handles a range of housing, education, street lighting, accommodation, health, defence and leisure sector projects.
In the area of highways, roads, rail and bridges that form basic transport infrastructure, we have designed and participated in many government - sponsored financings, and are involved in privately financed public sector projects throughout the world.
, a private - sector project manager and former property development officer with the City of Vancouver's Housing and Properties Department and for BC Housing, believes that the city's rezoning and building plans are anything but transparent.
Many of these enormous firms employ thousands of people and are set up to handle the formidable complexities of erecting towering high - rises or public - sector projects like schools, hospitals and utilities.
President Goodluck Jonathan Wednesday directed that a template for public sector projects valuation be set up to drive down the cost of contracts in the country...
CMS handles PPP projects both for public sector clients, mostly from the infrastructure, services and construction areas, and private companies; prominent areas are fund structurings and energy sector projects.
I got to work on the largest private sector project financing in Jamaica, for the largest power plant there, which is in Old Harbour Bay.
Representing the Inter-American Development Bank in a number of private - sector project finance transactions in various Latin American jurisdictions, including the $ 500 million Ecovias Dos Imigrantes toll road project in the state of Sao Paulo, the largest transportation project financing in Latin America.
The IFC is the largest multilateral source of loan and equity financing for private sector projects in the developing world.
Ford offered the city of Dearborn help with public sector projects.
While the company took on all sorts of public - sector projects, Vanbots» highest - profile job was as the lead construction firm on the Royal Ontario Museum's crystalline addition in the early 2000s.
With billionaires including Jeff Bezos, Paul Allen and Peter Thiel now backing small - scale private - sector projects, expect a major step toward commercially viable fusion in 2016.
While the BOJ has no imminent intention to debut an official digital currency, the bank is reportedly supporting a private sector project to develop J - Coin, a cryptocurrency that aims to wean Japan off of physical cash and which would be pegged in value to the yen.
«The Liberals need to immediately scrap their policy of funneling scarce healthcare and education dollars into private sector projects and start using the Pacific Carbon Trust to lower the carbon footprint of schools and hospitals,» said Dix.
Last year the Liberals forced the public sector to send more than $ 18.2 million to the Pacific Carbon Trust, which then used those resources to fund private sector projects.
In other words, the government is not going to get involved in how long term infrastructure contracts (LTICs) for public sector projects are drafted.
Of the four problem contracts in Carillion's balance sheet, three were public sector projects.
Arcara noted that had this been a private sector project, it probably would have been completed much sooner.
The spotlight shined on Metropolitan Transportation Authority projects» cost overruns and the inability of the New York City Housing Authority to make repairs has started a call to end the exclusive use of union workers on public - sector projects.
Hence, to avoid further corruption, Cuomo's award on Dec. 10 of about $ 50 million in capital grants and state tax credits to Nassau County for government and private - sector projects must be postponed until Mangano's recommendations — like the $ 3 million for county - owned Nassau Hub infrastructure improvements and Grumman studios run by a Mangano donor — are vetted to ensure they weren't driven by cronyism or campaign contributions.
«The new Civil Engineering Training Centre will have a major impact on improving the essential skills required to underpin all kinds of construction and infrastructure development, including housing, commercial, industrial, transport, public sector projects and the # 244m worth of capital investment the Solent LEP is making across the area.
All public sector projects are required to achieve BREEAM ratings of Excellent or Very Good.
This public - private sector project has come up with a solution based on five components: installing photovoltaic solar systems to provide electricity; offering internet and IT equipment to schools; training teachers; community development; and training community members who use the equipment to ensure future sustainability of the program.
Ford offered the city of Dearborn help with public sector projects.
S20.0 million under U.S. Caribbean Basin Initiative to assist in private and public sector projects.
How does one stimulate and subsidise the market whilst maintaining the drives for efficiency and cost effectiveness that characterise private sector projects?
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