Sentences with phrase «sector providers»

This has included the leading cases concerning closure of services, the human rights obligations binding private sector providers and the use of the «personal budget» in community care.
Public sector providers will still have the chance to compete against firms and voluntary groups for contracts if they are «good enough».
The authors ask which combinations of governance structures, service sector providers, and user choice give the best results for active citizenship.
Over the last decade we have seen a steady, if relatively small, stream of private and charitable sector providers emerge and operate alongside the still - dominant public sector universities.
Private sector providers were most successful at winning contracts awarded via competitive tender — 80 (41 %), compared to 59 (30 %) won by NHS providers.
To test the theory, the researchers worked with charity the Workers» Educational Association (WEA), the UK's largest voluntary sector provider of adult education.
We have supported a number of independent sector providers with NHS Pension access applications particularly in the context of TUPE transfers where COSOP or Fair Deal may apply.
Federal Web Contractors Need Not Worry While some agencies have contracts with private sector providers for Web services,...
Shifting the assessment of Jobcentre Plus towards measures of sustained employment and the earnings of their client groups, as private and third sector providers are currently assessed in the Work Programme, would be a good start.
Jenny Edwards, Chief Executive of Homeless Link also said, «We are particularly pleased that the research has close links with voluntary sector providers so that findings can be more easily disseminated to policy, practice and academic audiences.
Interestingly, Seddon is equally scathing about the large - scale private sector providers now earning vast sums from government contracts — PFI schemes, outsourced services, large call centres, back offices etc..
That means it will be financially ruinous to get private sector providers out of the NHS or education services.
Of course, it's precisely that sort of public interest which panicked Downing Street, as the sense of concern over plans to open up the NHS to private sector providers angered people up and down the country.
PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said: «While we have sought to persuade the employer to abandon these plans it is clear that the tendering process is continuing and contracts will be awarded to private sector providers in mid-November.
The countdown has started to NGfL winding down at the end of July, when broadband procurement, safety, safeguarding and digital literacy services will no longer be available to around 450 local schools and dozens of other sector providers.
Started in 2013, MESMA software ensures education sector providers are prepared for Ofsted inspections, which can take place at short notice, and can better manage quality issues around things such as apprenticeship delivery.
Private - sector providers received $ 400 million in federal money for what are called supplemental educational services in 2005 - 06, according to a new report on K - 12 tutoring by Eduventures, a Boston - based market - research firm.
He said LAG had been «working behind the scenes» to try to secure a joint review between sector providers and the government on welfare law and alternative means of funding, but the government had not yet agreed.
Bevan Brittan provides expert support for independent sector providers across the health and social care sector.
We support NHS Trusts and private healthcare sector providers by placing expert and compliant...
And I will take a hard line, too, against any attempts to replicate the mistake of skewing the market against public sector providers, effectively bribing private companies by offering them more money to do exactly the same job as you.
The High Court has held today (22 July 2016) that the decision by West Berkshire Council to reduce funding to voluntary sector providers of short breaks to disabled children was unlawful.
That the IPCC's jurisdiction should be expanded to cover private sector providers of police services, along with Home Office bodies like the UK Border Agency.
This guidance document focuses on private sector providers of capital as well as the intermediaries such as banks and asset managers.
In its submission to the government's open public services white paper, the union identifies major problems with Mr Duncan Smith's work programme, where 33 of the 34 contracts went to large private sector providers.
Each stage of the outsourcing of asylum housing contracts to three private sector providers was typified by incompetence and indifference.
I categorically do not believe that private providers are inherently better than public sector providers, and I would not support an approach to reform that implied that they were.
More than 21,000 Revenue and Customs workers could take action over HMRC plans to use private sector providers to answer phone calls from taxpayers.
The Government said it has left open the possibility of either supplier playing a supporting role, working with smaller businesses or voluntary sector providers.
«Private sector companies and voluntary sector providers are providing NHS patients with access to high quality and faster treatment - as well as offering patients unprecedented choice about when and where they are treated.»
The assessments part of the Work Programme introduced by Mr Duncan Smith, a scheme costing up to # 5 billion under which private - sector providers are paid to help the long - term unemployed find work.
A total of 1,149 contracts (33 %) were awarded to private sector providers, 335 contracts (10 %) were awarded to voluntary and social enterprise sector providers, while 100 contracts (2 %) were awarded to other providers, such as joint ventures or local authorities.
Of these, NHS providers were awarded # 8.5 bn (85 %), voluntary and social enterprise providers were awarded # 690m (7 %), private sector providers were awarded # 490m (5 %), while other providers were awarded # 330m (3 %).
RAMS — short for Regional Atmospheric Modeling System — was developed by the Poquoson office of Weatherflow Inc., a private - sector provider of weather data.
Six North Carolina municipalities (Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, Winston - Salem, Cary, and Carrboro) and four leading research universities (Duke, NC State, UNC Chapel Hill, and Wake Forest / Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center) are working with businesses and the local Chambers of Commerce in the Research Triangle and Piedmont regions to encourage private sector providers to deliver ultra-fast bandwidth at highly affordable prices.
Private sector providers can also offer this flexibility.
The code also stipulated that private sector providers of outsourced services had to employ transferring employees on their existing terms and conditions (including protection in relation to pension benefits) and that new personnel who were required to work on a local authority contract alongside staff transferred from the local authority should be employed on terms «overall no less favourable» than those enjoyed by the transferred staff.
It will have freedom to correct market distortions, for example by allowing independent providers to charge a higher price if they are unable to access public sector pension schemes which may otherwise provide a hidden subsidy to public sector providers.
Working with direct providers of travel services, including aggregators, facilitators and suppliers of transport and technology, our team has developed a unique specialist knowledge of the sector
Having customer base over 70 million, it is India's leading private sector provider of telecommunications services.
Kooth will work in partnership with a number of providers, including children and young people's mental health services (Solar), adult mental health services, social care and voluntary sector providers.
He is CEO of The Real Estate Training Institute of Ontario (RETI), the sole private sector provider of the ABR program in Canada and the only Canadian RealtyU affiliate.
I was the only Canadian in attendance, because my real estate school is the only private sector provider of NAR and REBAC education in Canada.
The Real Estate Training Institute of Ontario (RETI) is the sole private sector provider of the ABR program in Canada and the only Canadian RealtyU affiliate.

Phrases with «sector providers»

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