Sentences with phrase «sector spending»

Further austerity measures agreed at the cabinet meeting include new consumer tax increases and fresh public sector spending cuts.
They believe it is partly due to the public sector spending cuts designed to cut the budget deficit.
What the government has promised to do is cut the nation's structural deficit - the public sector spending deficit that exists even when the economy is operating at its full potential.
As the number of academies has increased and cuts in public sector spending have taken hold local authorities have struggled to maintain central services.
We've been doing audits for years now, and the assumption that private sector spending is more efficient is now being demonstrated as false.
From tax increases, to public sector spending cuts, to an increase in VAT, this is a budget that will be felt by all: rich and poor, individuals and businesses.
Even stretched across the entire period from birth to age five, it would work out to about $ 8,000 per child per year, without touching the separate federal child - care dollars, leveraging the Head Start appropriation, or tapping into other current public - sector spending on needy children (including the additional «stimulus» dollars that may or may not prove permanent).
Even if he digs into specific stocks and sectors he spends most time on the macro level.
Manufacturing firms account for 85 percent of R&D private sector spending in South Korea, Japan and Germany, and that feeds into a country's broader economic expansion.
The Information Technology sector spent $ 35.9 billion on share buybacks in Q2, which was more than all other groups.
The Justice system accounts for about 5 % of total public sector spending by the Government of Ontario, making it the fourth biggest sector after health, education, and social services.
The Asian giant's manufacturing sector spent a majority of 2015 in contraction mode, managing to rise above the key 50.0 level only once last year, in February.
Americans for Financial Reform reported that the financial sector spent $ 2 billion on political activity in the 2016 election cycle, including $ 1.1 billion in campaign donations and the rest for lobbying.
Under the Barnett formula Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have always benefited from public sector spending allocations, at the cost of the English.
With so many targets to be met, energy prices rising and public sector spending under constant pressure, it is vital that schools particularly are made as efficient as possible to cut expenditure on energy bills.
In 2010 alone, the provincial public sector spent C$ 18.2 million annually to offset 730,000 tonnes of greenhouse emissions.
The deficit was unavoidable if we were to avoid financial meltdown, and his Budget proposals were entirely wrong — wrong because they would, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, have two and a half times the adverse effect on the poorest as on the richest in our society, and wrong because he is seeking to cut public spending before there is any momentum for private sector spending in our economy.»
Conservatives will accuse them at the next general election of having refused to back cuts in the number of politicians while supporting the coalition's broad range of public sector spending cuts.
According to the Commerce Department, spending was down 1.7 percent, way down by a drop in private sector spending.
It's a significant investment in a relatively small area, but it's one that is essential in providing a better quality of school in a region hit by public sector spending cuts in 2010.
The British government disputes this, pointing out that Scotland has higher per capita public - sector spending than England and so is more indebted.
«Public - sector spending — a strong, steady contributor to the economy over the past decade — is now being curtailed as federal and provincial governments try to bring deficits under control,» the Conference Board of Canada noted in a recent forecast.
However, business investment continues to be weighed down by cuts in resource - sector spending.
1) Lower economic strength in light of the diminished medium - term growth outlook, constrained by foreign currency shortages, high inflation, lower public sector spending and a weak banking system.
Earlier comments by international lenders that Greece must shrink its public sector spending to avoid running out of money within weeks did not dampen the sudden enthusiasm for stocks over here.
Since climbing to an all - time high, the sector spent most of February and March trickling lower.
Overall, the latest report found healthy growth in nonresidential fixed investment and service - sector spending, with inventory spending and net exports rebounding in the first quarter after being notable drags in the prior release.
Service - sector spending, on the other hand, rose modestly, up 2.1 percent, adding 0.97 percentage points to headline growth.
Public sector spending on violence containment spending accounts for 10.8 % of GDP while private sector spending is 4.2 % of GDP.
The IMF facility makes it mandatory for Ghana to restrain and prioritise public sector spending, increase tax collection and strengthen the effectiveness of the Bank of Ghana's monetary policy role.
«Public sector spending cuts are now beginning to bite and with the exception of a steady recovery in the private housing market, where starts are forecast to increase by 5 % this year and 11 % next, the private sector is pretty subdued.
Then, unemployment and inflation were rising, and our public sector spending was out of control.
«If we do not implement these changes it will be impossible to rally people behind public sector spending cuts and any serious attempt to cut the deficit will fail.»
If the tax cuts are financed by cuts to public sector spending, their net economic effect might be less than if that spending was continued.
That claim was reinforced by polling from YouGov released this morning, which showed 52 % of respondents claiming they backed the aim of the march against public sector spending cuts.
These are serious times that require radical thinking, so it is staggering that the government have chosen to turn a blind eye to the huge amounts of wasteful and unnecessary public sector spending.
Power Africa, by contrast, is delivering more targeted energy projects across a more diverse group of countries while quietly leveraging more than $ 20 billion in private - sector spending, according to Adi Raval, chief spokesman for the initiative at the U.S. Agency for International Development, which is coordinating the program on behalf of a dozen federal agencies and offices.
The extent of both government and private - sector spending will also depend on how much of Puerto Rico can be rebuilt, and whether some areas — such as the capital, San Juan — should be given priority while more rural areas are left to be rebuilt using local resources.
This Tory party are unapologetic with their ambition to reduce public sector spending in order to reduce government debt.
Hi Kritesh You said that u spent more than 3 years in this sector right can you please tell me what you did in the entire 3 year period in detail Is there any course for this sector
A search on Pierre Desrochers shows that he believes that DDT was «banned by those who felt they had the right to take a fundamental economic decision away from parents» and that «Invented crises justifying massive public - sector spending are deceptions which disadvantage ordinary people everywhere.»
Recently the scope of legal aid funding has shrunk substantially in line with reductions in public sector spending.
Birmingham City Council is shedding 2,000 jobs this year and with the purge on public sector spending and the impact on supporting businesses, redundant senior managers or those at risk, have got something to cheer about at last.
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