Sentences with phrase «sector wages»

"Sector wages" refers to the average or typical pay levels within a specific industry or field of work. It tells us how much workers in that sector generally earn for their jobs. Full definition
Small businesses account for 43 percent of private sector employment and 35 percent of private sector wages in the State.
This paper analysis the link between political strength and public sector wages using a unique matched individual - employer data set for Norwegian local governments during the period 1990 - 1998.
While private sector wages grew by 6 percent each year from 2004 - 08, they dropped by 1.5 percent from 2008 - 10.
The paper references a report showing a 2.7 % decrease in early childhood sector wages between 1998 and 2012 after adjusting for inflation.
«It's high time the cap on public sector wages was lifted so teachers were given the pay rise they deserve,» he said.
Where local private sector wages are high, recruitment is much more difficult and large numbers of expensive agency staff are needed to fill the gaps.
Wall Street accounted for fewer than 5 percent of local jobs but 20 percent of private sector wages in New York City, the report says.
The figure represents 22 percent of all private - sector wages paid in New York City in 2012, even though only 5 percent of the private - sector jobs, throughout the whole city, are on Wall Street.
To meet the eurozone criteria it cut public sector wages by 30 per cent, driving down overall wage levels and consumption to match its low labour productivity.
When Latvia's government imposed neoliberal austerity policies in 2009 - 10, wage levels plunged by 30 percent in the public sector, and private - sector wages followed the decline (Sommers et al 2010).
The idea is to slash government employment, lowering public - sector salaries to lead private sector wages downward, while cutting back social services.
Spain will keep public sector wages frozen for a fourth straight year, while pensions will grow by a meager 0.25 % next year.
In Latvia, I spoke to the lead central banker, who explained that wages in the public sector had fallen by 30 percent, helping push down private - sector wages nearly as far.
The Coalition's idea of making public sector pay relative to private sector wages within each region is one with which I agree.
[US labour force participation's at near - 40 year lows, U6 unemployment's still up around the worst we saw in the 1990s / 2000s, new jobs pay crap service sector wages, real incomes (for males) haven't improved since the 1970s, corporate revenue / earnings growth remains pretty anemic, but at least corporate cash is at all - time highs — this has been debated as a question of confidence, but right now corporates actually have zero need for additional capacity].
Wall Street accounted for fewer than 5 percent of local jobs but 20 percent of private sector wages in New York City, the report says.
Latvia set a record in 2008 - 09 by obeying EU Economics and Currency Commissioner Joaquin Almunia's dictate and slashing its GDP by over 25 % and public - sector wages by 30 %.
We haven't been able to compete with private law firms as regards around the clock service — we have had to abide by public sector contracts and pay public sector wages, and so most of our lawyers work 9 to 5.
Wall Street accounted for less than 5 percent of local jobs but 20 percent of private sector wages in the city, the report said.
Having won election on an anti-austerity ticket, Centeno has repeatedly stated that austerity in Portugal has run its course, and he has reversed further cuts to pensions and public - sector wages.
Austerity measures, including a 5 % reduction in public sector wages and an increased value - added tax (VAT), have been imposed.
NDP radicals — remember, this is a party that has actually discussed capping private - sector wages in B.C. — have been silenced.
Wall Street accounted for less than 5 percent of local jobs but 20 percent of private sector wages in the city, the report said.
But one way to increase incomes and also provide another lure for Ph.D. s would be for private firms and other organizations to hire them to work in labs, at private - sector wages, during summers and, if appropriate, perhaps also on weekends and vacations during the school year.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics ECEC data indicate that teacher nonwage benefits (health, pensions, and payroll taxes) amount to 34.6 percent of wages, 4.6 percentage points higher than private - sector wages.
Private sector wages are averages for all private sector workers who reported earnings of at least $ 10,000 and usually worked at least 35 hours per week.
6) West Virginia: Writing in the Charleston Gazette, Kenny Perdue, president of the West Virginia AFL - CIO, denounces the state legislature for following the American Legislative Exchange Council's playbook on public sector wages.
This includes the year - to - year improvement in private sector wages and salaries, as measured by the Employment Cost Index (ECI), which grew to 2.6 % as of the first quarter.
This includes the year - to - year increase in private sector wages and salaries, as measured by the Employment Cost Index (ECI), which grew to 2.6 percent as of the first quarter.
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