Sentences with phrase «short end»

On short ends of the second - story space, double - height windows offer a pleasant backdrop to the living area.
To form loaf, stretch dough into a rough rectangle, then fold in short ends until dough is approximately the length of the pan.
I recently did a table and long story short I ended up dry brushing several colors in layers just because I wasn't happy with the step I had just taken.
Use a prop: To find inward thigh rotation, place a block skinny - ways midway between your knees and pelvic floor, short end sticking out.
Using a 1/4 ″ seam allowance, sew leaving one short end open.
The travel shorts I ended up with are pretty similar to shorts I would normally buy, just with some added pockets, so I'm very happy with them.
The municipal and environmental attorney feels the region has gotten the «short end of the stick» for far too long.
The View From Up North: Female In - House Counsel Get Short End Of Stick Compared To Male Counterparts
Starting on short end, roll up parchment to about 1 1/4 - inch diameter tube.
Roll up chicken, starting with short end and tucking ends under.
Roll from short end around dough log and seal well.
4) Right sides facing and matching raw edges, fold the skirt piece in half by bringing the two short ends together to form a ring.
Long ends are the lean, thin bones of spareribs, while short ends are the shorter, fatter, meatier hind sections.
Then flip the untopped dough at both short ends over the filling, and start alternating strips starting at one end and folding over the filling, first from one side, then from the other, stretching a bit if needed to cover the filling.
Roll from short end around dough log and seal well.
Hem one edge of the fabric all the way down then sew together -LCB- right sides in -RCB- one short end so you have a loop.
The RBA uses the operating technique which has come universal in countries with deregulated financial markets: the Bank can influence liquidity in the payments clearing system, and is allows us to shift interest rates at the very short end of the yield curve.
Using pasta cutter or pizza cutter, trim long side of dough farthest from you about 1/2» from mounds, then trim short ends to create tidy edges all around.
Roll from the upper, shorter end down to the bottom (as picture shown).
BROADWAY WORLD — Netflix Announces Films, Documentaries and Doc Shorts at SFFILM 2018: Feature Films Kodachrome, Alex Strangelove and Manhunt; Original Documentary Features Mercury 13 and Shirkers; Original Documentary Short End Game.
I kept adding more flour as I kneaded it to compensate for my mistake, so I'm not sure how short the end result was in flour.
19 BILLY PIERCE, PITCHER: A poised left - hander with speed and superb control, he led the league last year in ERA (1.97), with any luck should improve on 15 - 10 record which included short end of four 1 - 0 decisions.
Republicans did not field any candidates for the 2017 elections in Woodstock, being on the extreme short end of the demographic rope.
The wand length on these are perfect too — I'm quite critical when it comes to liquid lipstick wands, too long and they're difficult to control and get a precise line — which when it comes to bold colours like these is even more important, and too short you end up blocking your view in how you hold the wand in your hand.
Shot in Cinemascope on discarded short ends, it showed a painterly view of a lazy, wasted life in America — and the hopes that can still flourish in such a land.
Hamilton created a cell - like interior for T03980 at the Fruitmarket Gallery, with the painting hung on one short end wall and the viewer permitted to look at it through a cordoned - off gap in the other end wall.
Then suddenly it opens out into a space that has the feel and scale of a chapel, the far short end gently curving outwards like an apse.
Current Microsoft president Steve Ballmer and former Apple CEO John Scully also get short ends of the stick, coming across as an oaf and a traitor, respectively.
The increases on the very short end of the curve led shorter maturity muni rates to underperform and, remarkably, the very front end of the curve in municipals inverted, with one - year maturity muni averages lower than the SIFMA Index.
Long story short I ended up with 2 pairs of jeans, a white and a super light wash one (wearing the later in this look) for a fraction of what I used to pay for denim (a girl got ta love that!).
Side Table Pallets and crates can also be used to make narrower, shorter end tables.
The skinnier men get the short end of the financial stick, and the fallout is considerable.
Lawyers get the short end of the stick.
And, while in some cases, there's nothing wrong with a two - way street, when that's the only way you build your network, it's a sure thing that one day you'll wake up at the short end of the stick.
«A 1986 - style approach that promises upfront rate cuts to the wealthy is almost guaranteed to give middle - income earners the short end of the stick,» said Schumer, the third most senior Democrat in the Senate.
With usage limits low and woeful upload speeds, both individual Canadians and businesses are looking like they're going to once again get the short end of the stick when it comes to migrating to the cloud.
They seem to be left holding the short end of the stick — and deservedly so.
«For the first time in a long time, investors can get a real return in the short end
Here's a news flash for them: You always had the short end of the stick.
The important thing to recognize about interest rates is that the Fed only really controls the short end.
There was a flurry of interest recently in a lawsuit launched by some Facebook shareholders, who apparently believe that they got the short end of the stick in the company's recent share restructuring.
«Merchants are at the short end of the stick,» says Gartner analyst Avivah Litan.
If you don't have a clue about who's in the game or the pool and what they're doing, the patsy at the party is most likely you (or it will be soon enough) and that's an unhappy and ultimately untenable situation that never ends well for the ones who end up with the short end of the stick.
Insurance companies, gasoline suppliers and car dealerships will get the short end of the stick.

Phrases with «short end»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z