Sentences with phrase «short fiction»

"Short fiction" refers to stories that are brief in length, often only a few pages or less. They are complete narratives with a beginning, middle, and end, but are condensed and focused on a particular theme or concept. Short fiction allows authors to tell captivating tales in a concise format, making it a perfect read when you have limited time or prefer a compact storytelling experience. Full definition
She has also been nominated for just about every award there is in short fiction in both science fiction, fantasy, and mystery and won a bunch of them.
A couple of my students have gone all - in writing shorter fiction.
Self - publishers are finding success with shorter fiction on all retail sites.
I'm working on short fiction just now, and boy, is it difficult!
The competition is for very short fiction pieces of up to a maximum of 100 words.
Finally, it's not exactly a book, but my bed - side reading each night is the latest issue of American Short Fiction, which — full disclosure!
That's why in 2014 we started doing an annual short fiction contest.
Check them out for some of the best short fiction available.
A sale to a good market also helps you advertise your other work and most short fiction markets return rights within a year.
One bit of conventional wisdom that I accepted early on in my author business was that it's tough or maybe even impossible to make money selling short fiction.
I write short fiction stories that are inspired by video games.
I come home with a rough outline for a new short fiction story, plus something else: excitement.
The judges are seeking unpublished short fiction under 10,000 words.
The median number of short fiction sales was 1, meaning half of the authors sold more than this many, and half sold fewer.
I'm not really into short fiction but can see the value in writing them and cutting those words down.
I would suggest you need an editor in your genre, and I'm sure there are many that do short fiction.
Basically, short fiction authors can still get paid just fine.
What I would love is some easy way to get quality short fiction onto it.
Note: I have no problem at all with publishing with traditional short fiction magazines.
Which is why I'm delighted to see blogs like Short Fiction Spotlight giving shorts a chance to be seen.
Consider that you can write a short story in a few hours, so short fiction is an excellent way to boost your sales.
We are looking for contemporary short fiction with a literary bent.
From the photos to extremely short fiction to your help with inspiration, this was much enjoyed and appreciated.
I haven't tried extra short fiction before but I've cut and honed these words to meet my own restrictions and produced my best for the moment.
This method was never a path to making a living writing fiction, but now it is possible if you really, really, really love short fiction.
You don't have to come up with extra short fiction; you can write poetry, prose, non-fiction or fantasy.
Flash fiction is really short fiction, sometimes 1, 000 words and under, though usually 500 words and less.
The post with a piece of short fiction attached to the product earned bids that were 64 percent higher.
By whatever name you might prefer, flash or short - short fiction covers a large range of forms and styles.
Additional short fiction pieces are collected and reproduced in their entirety at Tiny Points of Life.
This award seeks to recognize outstanding short fiction (short stories and flash fiction) published in 2014 in print or online magazines.
If those tasks describe your needs better, please visit my pages on developing nonfiction, developing long fiction, or developing short fiction and nonfiction.
A short story can be distributed as easily and at roughly the same cost as a novel, so suddenly there was a market for short fiction again.
I was, however, pleased to note that you can purchase short stories separately for about $ 1 to $ 2 each, something that those of us who enjoy short fiction appreciate.
How long or short your fiction happens to be doesn't matter in today's world.
Writing short fiction often is like exercise for your writing muscles.
Okay, so there are some really good reasons to write short fiction even if you are primarily interested in longer writing projects.
* Short fiction teaches you how to write fiction — fast.
We have curated amazing short fiction, flash fiction, poetry, essays, and art.
We've talked about why you might want to add short fiction to your author's bag of tricks.
An awful lot could be done to help short fiction, starting with coming up with an effective way to let authors sell individual stories, possibly by the word.
After that I have two collections of short fiction scheduled for listing.
She is currently working on a collection of experimental short fiction.
Also, finding places where you can publish short fiction is still a very good idea.
Do you need an editor who specializes in short fiction?
American Short Fiction accepts unsolicited submissions year round and there are no fixed guidelines as to content or length.
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