Sentences with phrase «short supply»

"Short supply" means there is not enough of something available or that it is limited in quantity or availability. Full definition
With being in short supply of such a device I figured I could create the same effect using a yoga ball.
Basic necessities like clean water or plumbing are also in short supply at mining camps.
And it doesn't help that patience is also in such short supply for many preschoolers.
Construction material is in just as short supply as food, clean water and medical supplies — so when a building becomes damaged or destroyed, it remains that way.
Many people with disabilities think resources are in short supply when in fact we aren't using our creativity to use what's around us to the fullest.
Until then this will make 3DS owners happy that RPGs are not in short supply on the system.
But especially for smart, successful people, such wisdom is in increasingly short supply.
But in order to do that, you first need a credential in short supply here: a sense of class.
Thank you so much for your time to answer... I realize it is probably in short supply with all the questions you receive.
«Me» time is in pretty short supply since I went back to work.
The fields in shortest supply today include math, physical sciences, computers, and high - tech vocational skills.
Both good ideas, but both require patience, which is in short supply among aging baby boomers.
The Moto 360 is expected to launch this summer, although there are some rumors that the device may be in short supply due to manufacturing issues.
It's fun to watch him do anything on the field, and those players are in relatively short supply.
Use formula if breastmilk is in short supply because this might end up all over you and baby (or if you are me, all over the floor).
Analysts believe housing will again be marked by short supply this year.
They were, however, only trying to encourage the eating of carrots as it was one of the few foods that were not in short supply during the war.
However, rational behaviour in humans is in pretty short supply — even among scientists.
We all know that money is in short supply so how do you get best value from your school improvement plans?
And I'm glad to share your good news b / c it's in short supply right now!
However, it appears the devices are getting in short supply elsewhere.
As an additional consequence of this deal, it's expected smartphone - sized OLED panels will be in short supply throughout 2017.
The war for talent will continue with high - demand skills in areas like robotics, biotechnology, machine learning, artificial intelligence, design thinking, and such being in constant short supply.
Teachers of minority background are in especially short supply.
This amount would be reduced with shorter supply lines.
For most of us both of these are in short supply outside the family.
As a result, in boxing anyway, there is fear that young talent must soon be in critically short supply.
If you're in digital marketing, you're in a field where talent is in far shorter supply than demand.
And patience is in very short supply amongst investors in today's markets.
As a mother, you know that time can be in short supply more often than you'd like it to be.
It will be in similarly short supply; the world will have to make do with just 2,000 examples.
Meanwhile, media reports indicate that eReader may be in short supply overall this holiday season.
Land is expensive, in growing short supply and people want a balance of having land and being close to city or town centers where they can access services, entertainment and employment.
To go the distance, you'll develop a skill set that you'll never stop adapting — skills that are in short supply yet great demand.
All about long - term thinking, something in short supply lately.
OLED panels might still be in short supply then, which could impact the design of the 2018 iPhones.
As such, more employers are video - interviewing skilled workers who plan to move overseas while also searching internationally for skills in short supply domestically.
The increase in dollar volume comes as no surprise as competition and short supply push prices higher.
Demand for e-commerce fulfillment centers and new manufacturing facilities has shifted industrial space requirements from large properties to mid-sized buildings, already in short supply following the recession.
Factors like short supply, high demand and increasing prices are all good things for a seller.
Affordable housing advocates in the city have criticized the company for absorbing a growing proportion of an already short supply of housing.
A recent report claimed the new iPhones could be in short supply at launch.
Perhaps timber and cement will come into short supply as well.
Do you realize that as short as one generation ago, breastfeeding was in VERY short supply!

Phrases with «short supply»

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